First post in this series was 2007 and it is now September 2015.
8 years of testing, with three filter element changes (so I could delaminate them to see how far dirt got towards the inside) with this last element being in there for the last 5 years now.
What prompted this check was a Garmin led adventure on some black lines on this past Dragon trip that turned out to be mostly unpaved -- 30 miles of rough, bumpy dusty dirt roads and I was riding tail end charlie position with my engine eating all that cloud of red dust.
It was so bad Moderator Dave was kissing the pavement when we finally found some, and I was repeatedly beating on my pants legs to try to get the solid red layer of fine dust off my clothes. The bikes were a right mess, lemme tell ya.
I thought then, hey, it's time to check that air filter element when I get back home.
First pair of shots are how it looked "as removed" from the bike There is considerable red/brown dust caked on the front of the oiled element and some signs of penetration into the filter mass.

Obviously nothing much is getting through the filter, so lets check on that theory by doing the air box contamination check. This involves squares of toilet paper wiped on the pre-filter air box surfaces and another one wiped on the post filter air box surfaces.

OK, the square on the left is solid with red/brown dust and very very dark and gritty. The one on the right shows the standard oil coloration and was very light and smooth and felt like oil.
(you need to slide the slider over at the bottom of the post to see the right hand toilet paper square) The air box itself shows that nothing grit or red dust based is getting through the filter element.As we all know, oil is present inside the air box because the huff tube dumps oil mist laden blow by into the air box itself and the oil mist winds up pooled in the bottom of the air box and all over the interior air box surfaces.
I plan to keep on using this same filter, but I need to augment the oil in it some. I apply petroleum jelly to do this, on the upper quarter of the filter on the dirty side, forcing it into the matt some such that it will "open up" and pass some air. This particular area is subjected to the air blast from the seat area and it is the first area to go dry. Is is also the top of the matt as it sits in the air box, so gravity will move lube placed here downwards while the air motion through the filter moves it into the filter matt. Lube this area good and you have lubed the whole filter (over enough time of course).
By using petroleum jelly to re-lube this area I give it a maximum sticky and maximum "stick around some" lube that is compatible with the base oil load in the filter proper.
On the clean side, I apply two through sprayings of CRC Belt Conditioner -- this goes on thin and clear, "washes" the clean side all white and clean and then sets up into a very tacky, sticky, glue like film on all the washed fibers. It is compatible with the oil used originally and "sticks around" wonderfully (which is exactly what it does on your "V" belts too, now isn't it?).
The fine fiber dirt it washes free rejoins the oil pool on its slow slow trip to the huff tube pool -- so by "washing" the inside surface I essentially make the filter clean and new again, except where it is already perfectly justifiably "filthy dirty".
And I add greatly to the sticky factor while doing so.It is my theory now that eventually all heavy oils (and yes, petroleum jelly is just a thicker than normal oil based product) will move down through the matt and drip down into the oil pool from the huff tube, carrying the trapped dust with it.
However, this system has proven it will remove fine fine dust without clogging up as the fine dust is caught by the oil and migrates down to the huff tube pool and gets drained by the drain tube at oil change time.
I have also now shown you a way to maintenance this filter system without taking it apart and replacing the element all the time. BTW, this "clean and re-lube without replacing" system appealed to ol' Master Yoda quite a bit, it did. He actually returned my light saber to me again and he is actually giving me Force Lightning lessons now to show he thinks I am finally finally "getting it".
.... that force lightning stuff stings a bit, ya know --- 'ol Yoda, he jest keeps on tossing it at me and I try to catch as much as I can of it ....
..... but it stings, yes indeedy, it certainly does ..... yeeeeowie !!!
... hee hee .... stupid paduan, take that !!!! Electro-stimulation opens synapses, help pitiful brain grow quicker, it will .....