General Category >> The Cafe >> Classic Quotes:

Message started by Dave on 11/29/16 at 04:39:11

Title: Classic Quotes:
Post by Dave on 11/29/16 at 04:39:11

This page will be used to list some of the excellent sarcasm and humor that members have posted on this forum.  New  members may not understand some of them.....some relate to personality quirks that a few of the members have frequently exposed on this forum.  This page will be locked and Moderators can add notable worthy quotes....if we miss one send us a PM to bring it to our attention.

Title: Re: Classic Quotes:
Post by Dave on 11/29/16 at 04:40:39

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
You Might win a race with it. Keep it a short race and don't tell the guy it's a race.

3B343F382C625A0 wrote:
its not a backfire,it's a belch of horsepower  8-)

6D7E3A0 wrote:
Girlfriend doesn't like riding bit*h on my wife's bike...  ;D

7E687F627A6F62790D0 wrote:
[quote author=626F627468656B657272000 link=1408392057/0#0 date=1408392056]What do you think?

You suck at PhotoShop... ;D...

Re: Dyna muffler removal how to?

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
Man,that's like asking for instructions on How to get out of a wet swimsuit.
Ya just go at it and keep at it till ya win..

7B646265787F4E7E4E76646823110 wrote:
Once you have been around a while you'll get comfortable and realize that nearly everything is interchangeable on these things.......these things are easy to buy stuff for. Not like a woman at all.

243720213E3335373C63520 wrote:
If you have a long enough probe, stick it in, if it stops, then you have found something.   :-?

212A2F2F7574430 wrote:
  S40 doesn't need a fuel gauge ,It automatically stops when its out of fuel.

5255484F464453210 wrote:
The other day  I set and talked with these riders in Astoria Oregon that had ridden across the state to spend the weekend at the beach. Everyone was over 75 and they still rode hard. I believe some people are old at 50 and ready to give up on their youth. You do not have to feel that way tho and if health allows you, then act like a kid til you die.

617265647B7670727926170 wrote:
[quote author=415344535557464B5E5740040702320 link=1417225070/0#2 date=1417874090]What do you mean by giving the fender a sharp rap?

you know, like you're gonna hit your sister, hard enough to rattle the brains, not hard enough to leave a bruise.[/quote]

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
Fat tires slow the Flickability,,

262C28222920242D737571410 wrote:
[quote author=7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 link=1422496976/0#5 date=1422505934]I've seen old gas act like that.

+1. However the new jets should be able to pass pancake syrup. [/quote]

192A3F2F242C1C222727222E4B0 wrote:

6371617B7461190 wrote:
I am in Chinese, I just had a savage 650,  :o

33717630696C6D75020 wrote:
I ran my bike for 2 years without that throttle cable clip. The bike would backfire when I shut it off.
I finally found the clip in a baggy of small parts, I put it back in where it belongs.....still backfires :-)

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
[quote author=6B4648484A5D2F0 link=1267767908/15#15 date=1268104020]I've not done it myself, but folks talk of cleaning really tiny jets (like pilot jets) using bits of copper wire culled from a stranded conductor.

It just seems Wrong to take advantage of a railroad worker who is already having a bad day. [/quote]

53585D5D0706310 wrote:
The brake fluid doesn't degrade I've seen it last 25 years and still be good.

7063270 wrote:
You can feel when a suspension bike is letting go, the rear end gets mushy. A rigid frame bike will wash out with little to no warning. However, once you are used to the feel of a rigid, you will never go back to a suspension frame...

66595F5845426A2C0 wrote:
If you're going to replace the screws with Allen then I would say be cautious when tightening them down.  You can't just jam them in like it's prom night or something.

6D565B4C5D514A4C575F524D3E0 wrote:
This is from another site...the Capt. Crash article "In praise of 35 HP".

"I know that it's not the size of the's the magic in the wizard that makes things happen."

516A6770616D76706B636E71020 wrote:
[quote author=04272F2D2E27272E394B0 link=1415103358/30#37 date=1435955420] And its not like your wife isn't plenty smart enough to figure out where this forum is on the Internet and dial into it to see what we are doing all the time while we're out doing it.

Don't tell my wife I am on this forum again.....I have her convinced that I am just looking at porn! ;)[/quote]

283429312C392E3F303332395C0 wrote:
[quote author=352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 link=1442124301/0#2 date=1442154213]Posted twice, otta delete one

darn tremmors[/quote]

51424447555252300 wrote:
I try to avoid idiot lights; every time I get near one, it lights up ;D

2A222B600 wrote:
yea the bullhorns are ugly as my sister on prom night.....their ugly.

686A7967797B636A62790B0 wrote:
I use baby oil mixed with KY jelly. Oh wait, "FORK" oil?  Never mind.

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
I'm also not particularly musically inclined, but, given a few minutes to warm up, I can play just about any radio.

496E776872517364726D6478010 wrote:
"Batteries are feminine.
Unpredictable, volatile, and can seriously let you down. "

They are generally overweight, costly, the 'dodgy' ones tend to come from Thailand, and after a couple of years you start looking out for a new replacement  ;D

576C6176676B70766D656877040 wrote:
Sometimes JOG speaks (types) in is kind of like Sudoku without numbers.

697A6D6C737E787A712E1F0 wrote:
That petcock is 15 years old, the rubber is 120 years old in human terms.

28232E2A3B252E3C29797F4B0 wrote:

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
First, I have No Idea how Harley Davidson petcocks work.
That they don't leak is attributable to only One Thing,
No oil passes through them.

5F64697E6F63787E656D607F0C0 wrote:
[quote author=496E6F6F77621B0 link=1466392164/15#25 date=1466513463]Don't forget the ENSURE, I like the chocolate one got hooked after a surgery , full of vitamins & proteins. CHEERS !

Ensure is not yet my favorite adult beverage! ;)[/quote]
2432253820353823570 wrote:
The good thing about ice is you only leave one skid mark...
The bad thing is it's not on the ice...

The following is a subtle hint that Springman's new bike with Vance and Hines mufflers is a bit noisy.

5E4147405D5A6B5B6B53414D06340 wrote:
. I could still hear the bike when I saw it,( YOud only been gone 15 minutes)
:)  ),

634445455D48310 wrote:
Remember find any excuse not to use the brakes , sooner or later it will become second nature , brakes just slow you down.  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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