General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> New Fancy Brake Rotor

Message started by Reelthing on 10/26/05 at 20:31:52

Title: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/26/05 at 20:31:52

Installed EBC #3017LS tonight - it's certainly a heaver wider rotor not much time on it yet to see if it makes any difference - I did fell some ragged edges where it
was drilled - light sanding took care of that - I can hear a little buzz as the pads pass over the holes - kinda cool.  

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by bentwheel on 10/26/05 at 21:36:44

Nice mod. Very nice in fact.

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Kropatchek on 10/27/05 at 02:39:04

Had this rotor installed. Forgot to deburr the holes.
Eat the brakepads within 100 km. But surely looks nice and the brake action was supper.
Kropatchek ;D

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by PerrydaSavage on 10/27/05 at 03:13:14

8)Nice rotor ... how much scratch did it cost? (If you don't mind me askin' ...)

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/27/05 at 06:26:35

About $150 give or a take a little

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/27/05 at 06:34:57

Kropatchek wrote:
Had this rotor installed. Forgot to deburr the holes.
Eat the brakepads within 100 km. But surely looks nice and the brake action was supper.
Kropatchek ;D

I remembered you had said the rotor showed up needing some finish work - that it did - saved me trouble - thanks

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by klx650sm2002 on 10/27/05 at 08:50:31

Should it be the other way round, on my EBC discs the holes go from inside to outside with rotation.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/27/05 at 09:29:11

could be - I'm seem to see them both ways - the only decision I used was where the part number was stamped and I put that inward.

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by klx650sm2002 on 10/27/05 at 09:40:55

Both My discs are asymmetric and would only go that way round.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/27/05 at 10:29:30

went to garage and had a look, the Kaw and gold wings are inside to outside sweep, the Honda intercepter drilled and groved outside to inside, most seem to have a V pattern and do not sweep at all.

This one will go either way - take about 10 mins to change - may flip it and hope I don't loose the cool buzz! - more pressure more buzz.  

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/27/05 at 14:14:24

klx650sm2002 wrote:
Should it be the other way round, on my EBC discs the holes go from inside to outside with rotation.

Clive W  :D

May change it over tonite - more important on the KLX so far as I can tell - the inside to outside sweep is ment to clean mud and junk off the pads and fling it away from the hub.  

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/27/05 at 19:26:49

and a flip that baby - glad I used meduim thread lock lastnite

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Kropatchek on 10/28/05 at 01:31:42

Reelthing wrote:

I remembered you had said the rotor showed up needing some finish work - that it did - saved me trouble - thanks

Thanks to memories .
Believe the numbers go on the outside.
Kropatchek ;D

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Greg_650 on 10/28/05 at 08:10:08

klx650sm2002 wrote:
Should it be the other way round, on my EBC discs the holes go from inside to outside with rotation.

Clive W  :D

That's an interesting question, Clive.

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 10/31/05 at 04:20:54

I asked this of the EBC tech folks,

Since this rotor will fit either way does it make any difference if the holes start on the inside And sweep to the outer edge of the rotor going forward - or the other way around - leading Hole at the outside and sweep toward the axle ? Thanks

The response was

You have it correct !

The first inner hole hitting the pad first, and sweeping out from there !

Although it really does not make the much difference, it is the way EBC intends for the disc's to run !

EBC Brakes US Tech & Racing
Phone (425) 485-7610
Fax (425) 486-3001
EBC Web Site -

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Savage_Rob on 06/24/07 at 14:06:45

Okay, I decided to do it too.  EBC rotor and SBS ceramic pads.  I took the advice above and used the deburring tool on the holes before installation.  Here's how she looks now.

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Reelthing on 06/24/07 at 15:30:27

make a cool buzzzzz? after a bit of break in to grind off the light galvn on the friction area I also used stainless pigment paint on all areas of the rotor that the pads do not touch - the salt air would light flash rust the low carbon steel fairly quick  

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by justin_o_guy on 06/24/07 at 22:52:15

I know I can sure appreciate not wanting to do anything that might cause the "Loss of a buzz"

Where does Stainless pigment paint come from? I guess things like that are common down there. I've never heard of such. All I have in my rust killing arsenal is phosphoric acid, to turn iron oxide into iron phosphate.Ospho, from Kelley Moore in a quart jug. I tried the paste once. No good.. I hope you are able to tell a difference when the pads are bedded. If so, Holler&, I will do it for the girl. Thanks.

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Savage_Rob on 06/25/07 at 05:34:31

Haven't really had a chance to ride her since.  It was on to other chores...  So the galvanizing doesn't help against rust, huh?  That's a shame.  Maybe the fact that I'm not at the coast will make mine a less likely offering to the rust gods.  We'll see.  If not, I guess I'll have to try some paint too.

I also had the afterthought that I should've rebalanced the whole affair after changing rotors.  I would think the rotor should be pretty consistent throughout but you never know.  What think you all?  Should I remove the wheel and rebalance it or is the rotor change unlikely to have any noticeable effect?

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by sluggo on 06/25/07 at 11:21:06

take it out for a spin, if it vibrates rebalance. if it doesn't vibrate dont rebalance

i believe it's called trial and error

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/05/07 at 08:55:01

sluggo wrote:
take it out for a spin, if it vibrates rebalance. if it doesn't vibrate dont rebalance

Yup, no noticeable vibration at all.  I didn't notice any buzzing either but then my MAC exhaust may not be quiet enough to pick it up.  Stops like a champ but I'm not sure how much of that is due to the rotor and how much is the ceramic pads.

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Kropatchek on 07/06/07 at 06:04:40

Talking about a fancy brakedisk. Look what our Finnish Savage Friends made!!

Try to reach someone of the Finnish forum who speaks another language besides Finnish who can give me pore details.

Also some pictures of a wrecked Savage engine:

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by toddlamp8 on 09/08/07 at 23:11:12

Same rotor i'm using.  So far I love it.  I changed out the pads at the same time and it's making for a very good combo!!

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by Tocsik on 02/06/16 at 19:24:49

Hey, I know it's an old post but better'n starting a new one just to axe a question.
What did you guys use to deburr the holes on the EBC rotor?
Manual tool, bit for a drill or something fancier y'all use in a lathe or something?

Title: Re: New Fancy Brake Rotor
Post by verslagen1 on 02/06/16 at 20:40:24

EBC rotors come drilled, I don't think anybody deburrs them after that. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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