General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The biggest crime in the history of medicine

Message started by zevenenergie on 02/26/24 at 12:19:16

Title: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/26/24 at 12:19:16

A real doctor who was strongly against conspiracy stories surrounding Covid, read this scientific research.


According to estimates, you save two lives per 100,000 injections, but at the same time, 27 people die from serious side effects per 100,000 injections. The mRNA injections therefore caused almost 14 times more deaths,

And a lot more shocking findings.The real suff :o

How, who, where, when, why and how much:

The entire official scientific research study on PDF
(38 pages)

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by thumperclone on 02/26/24 at 12:28:26

i got some dry florida swamp land to sell you

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/26/24 at 12:33:54

Your broke.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 02/26/24 at 17:33:21

 The important thing here is to avoid actually looking at the 38 pages of evidence so the YouTube math can magically make sense.  One doctor figured this out but all other humans that read it are wrong, including the authors.

 This is no different than the graphene "proof" that was obviously not proof, or true.  

According to estimates, you save two lives per 100,000 injections, but at the same time, 27 people die from serious side effects per 100,000 injections. The mRNA injections therefore caused almost 14 times more deaths,

 But there isn't a 14 times more dead people.  Basic math should indicate even a 5% increase of dead out of Billions would have an astronomical effect of losing millions and millions per year.

 Where are the millions and millions of dead?  In my area alone if just 1% died from vaccines there would have been near 3000 dead humans  per month.  1% of 3.6 million = 36000, divided by 12 months = 3000.

 That's at 1%.  You mean to tell me it was really 14%, so 42,000 per month died?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/27/24 at 00:18:30

I don't reason myself, I read a scientific article written by renowned researchers.

I believe that you were also in favor of sensible and scientific research instead of skimming through a text and then showing your prejudgment with flawed calculations.

It's strange that when the truth comes out, people continue to stick to their conventions.

Who is a conspiracy theorist here?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by thumperclone on 02/27/24 at 02:44:17

"history is something to be created rather than learned"

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/27/24 at 03:06:23

You've been reading too much Reader's Digest.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by thumperclone on 02/27/24 at 03:41:18

haven't read RD decades
you read too much thought speak

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 02/27/24 at 05:21:32

293528302D382F3E313233385D0 wrote:
"history is something to be created
rather than learned"

Really ?

So, "...history is something to be created..."
Is like, 'no one drove off a bridge, drunk, and killed a girl.'
And not, "...rather than learned..."
One should learn 'not to drive drunk, drive off a bridge, and kill a girl ?'

OR, like,

'Biden is a great POTUS',
rather than
'Biden was the head of a Crime Family'

OK Got it !


Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by thumperclone on 02/27/24 at 07:36:03

I've been quoting  Orwell's 1984 in an attempt to point out fact less posts
so much for trying to educate deluded lemmings

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/24 at 08:14:04

2E3122313A313A3126333D31540 wrote:
I don't reason myself, I read a scientific article written by renowned researchers.

I believe that you were also in favor of sensible and scientific research instead of skimming through a text and then showing your prejudgment with flawed calculations.

It's strange that when the truth comes out, people continue to stick to their conventions.

Who is a conspiracy theorist here?

I suspect it will take years if not, decades, before we really know if the level of serious consequence from that vaccine was lesser or greater than other common vaccines. We may never know. I’m not worried about it.

What we know now is Covid vaccine mandates were Weaponized against political opponents. That’s a fact that we know today and don’t have to wait decades.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by thumperclone on 02/27/24 at 09:59:07

What we know now is Covid vaccine mandates were Weaponized against political opponents. That’s a fact that we know today and don’t have to wait decades.[/quote]

not factual just another conspiracy theory

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 02/27/24 at 11:00:33

Aside from age and prior health... political leaning was the strongest factor in Covid mortality.
Covid was literally politicized to death

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/24 at 16:15:41

Yea you’re going to have to prove that.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 02/27/24 at 20:08:33

I don't reason myself, I read a scientific article written by renowned researchers.

 It seems more like you watched someone else read it and tell you what it says.  The problem here is that the human in the video is basically claiming one set of data is the same as all other sets of data.

I believe that you were also in favor of sensible and scientific research instead of skimming through a text and then showing your prejudgment with flawed calculations.

 I've read through that in full more than once, including the references as it is over a month old and has some valid information even though it has been retracted.

 The point of the flawed calculations is to show how ridiculous it is to separate one section of an abstract and leave out how those numbers actually were achieved by using the RRR, not NRTT.

It's strange that when the truth comes out, people continue to stick to their conventions.

 I agree.  For instance when it is proven that graphene was only on the slide of an electron microscope and not ever in the vaccine, some people will deny that and claim the "proof" is elsewhere, not the circled document they literally said was "proof".  Then they will deflect the facts by attacking one of 5 different methods used to verify the data.


Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/28/24 at 02:48:40

I don't think that this scientific article written by renowned researchers has been retracted, I think we are dealing with censorship here.

The same thing happened with that Swiss study that showed the "Vaccine" could reach the cell nucleus, in which the hereditary information (DNA) is stored.

We all know the reputation when it comes to big pharma. And they have not only enriched themselves meganomally, but also entrenched themselves more deeply than ever in the politics that should supervise them.

It has become an organization that controls or even is the WHO.

In addition, they patented the vaccine long before the Covid epidemic. Of course it is good to remain factual. but if I had accepted the given "facts" as they were officially presented. then I would have deceived myself.
I say deceived because I knew from the very beginning that something was completely wrong.
There was so much fear that many people who thought so, also went along with the madness. But not me.

I just want to say, that there is a huge amount of misinformation coming from the official side and that I am not always dexterous  in trying to prove this.

But the further in time we have gone, the more I see that my intuition has not misled me.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 02/28/24 at 04:03:23

Nothing would surprise me regarding Covid. It was a unique vaccine developed rather quickly and certainly did not follow the same protocols as all of the vaccines because that would take years. But then again, there was the impression that this was an actual pandemic where tens of millions, hundreds of millions of otherwise perfectly healthy people could die. That was false.

The origin from a Chinese lab seemed the most logical, but because it created political problems, you were a racist, bigot if you said that. The pandemic was used to elect a president who otherwise never would’ve been elected. The pandemic was used to get school teachers basically year and a half off. The pandemic was used as an excuse for all kinds of things.

Maybe, just maybe, years from now, to learn all the truths about the pandemic, including the vaccine. Until then, I’m not taking any boosters. I’m not anti-vaccine, whatever that means. I get a flu shot some years, some years I don’t.

There’s a lot of things that pandemic taught us, one of them is it politics has invaded health organizations, it’s difficult to discern the truth.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/24 at 08:18:20

Of course... you will call all evidence, "fake news"  :-?

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
Yea you’re going to have to prove that.

Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says

March 2020 through December 2021, "excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults, but not before."
Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls
Untangling Disinformation
Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls

More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 02/28/24 at 09:38:27

“…things that pandemic taught us, one of them is it politics has invaded health organizations,…”

That always has been in play, just that the US government became more directive.

"... officers in Minnesota seize $900G in counterfeit bills from Chinese shipping container..."

This news article certainly has all the earmarks of the, government, telling the 'news' stations, what to, NOT, report.  It was VERY similar in the several dozen 'reports',  which included the extreme ends, FOX/CCN.
Then it just DISSIPATED.

No Questions were asked, or answered.
Why 1.00 bills ?
Were they laced/covered/etc with the virus ?
Were they even tested ?
How many more shipments were made that were not recovered ?
Because 1.00 bill is the most used bill in the US,  it wears out very fast, so today probably not many still around.

Yes Virginia, sounds just like a conspiracy theory.
And if you believe asking questions about something, and the questions are, not answered, ignored, shoveled off, etc.
OR, slide it off as a, "conspiracy theory", simply because, the questions can not be proven one way or the other.

The other VERY big experiment was how to control people on this spaceship.
Which has resulted in an extreme dividing of the inhabitants, (Human), of this Spaceship.

So many really, STUPID things were tried.
And so many, STUPID things were done.
(Can't put a motor on your boat, arresting someone looking at a sunset on a beach with no one around. Big box stores can be open, yet Mom & Pop ones can not. Literally 1000's of other REALLY STUPID Restrictions)

Even the 'Follow the Pied Piper' people, can now see.

It was a test of what the angle of the slippery sloop  should be.

EXPECT another, event, yet it will be more subtle,
Then one after that
Then one after that
Etc, etc, etc ......

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 02/28/24 at 09:42:24

An awful lot of assumptions were made and I would say the footnotes likely indicate the gap is much smaller than presented in the summary, but still seems to indicate that, all things being equal, conservatives died from Covid at a slightly higher rate than liberals.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 02/28/24 at 10:43:08

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:
"Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says..."


A ULTRA Liberal 'news' report that does what they are told to do.

Only 2 states were studied.

"...the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that ..."

"...The researchers estimated excess mortality based on how the overall rate of deaths during the pandemic compared to what would have been expected from historical, pre-pandemic trends...."
   (No consideration of other factors)

"...The researchers note that their study has several limitations, including the chance that political party affiliation "is a proxy for other risk factors," such as income, health insurance status and chronic medical conditions, along with race and ethnicity...."
   (Again, no consideration for other factors)

"...because data about the vaccination status of each of the 538,159 people who died in the two states wasn't available, researchers could only go as granular as the county level in assessing excess deaths and vaccination rates...."
  (Data not available - assessing deaths)

"...the researchers drilled into data in Florida and Ohio, they warn that their findings might not translate to other states...."

Ya-Know, sounds a lot like a,
    'Conspiracy Theory'

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/28/24 at 15:13:51

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened.[/i]

I think that had little to do with whether or not you took the vaccine. The vaccine did not stop the spread, as we now know. And it also did not protect you against covid.   I know many people who have been seriously ill from Covid and who were nevertheless vaccinated and got their booster.

It had to do with the fact that the virus was not taken seriously when it was still really harmful.
But I also doubt the reporting from that time. It was peppered with political motives.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 02/28/24 at 15:14:01

I think it’s entirely possible that slightly more conservatives died from Covid, and those deaths can be traced back to their lack of confidence in the vaccine. I believe that.

I also believe it’s likely there are actions that liberals take based on their beliefs and ideology that result in a higher death rate for them than conservatives. That seems like a logical assumption. I can’t imagine you would find an organization or university who would commit to research that.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 02/28/24 at 16:46:49

I don't think that this scientific article written by renowned researchers has been retracted, I think we are dealing with censorship here.

 Possibly but why use the least impactful method of redaction, while leaving it published?  This is the worst "censorship" route they could use.  Why didn't they just redact while removing and citing the problems?  Either way, the information is sound except for how poorly out of context a lot of it was taken.

 The same thing happened with that Swiss study that showed the "Vaccine" could reach the cell nucleus, in which the hereditary information (DNA) is stored.

 Not being true is part of that problem as well.  Not one human out of hundreds of thousands tested have resulted in anything close to what the claims of this Swiss study have made.  If mRNA was mutating DNA, there would be humans with mutated DNA.  Somehow, just with this vaccine, actual real life mutated DNA is not needed to prove mutated DNA exists.

"In addition, they patented the vaccine long before the Covid epidemic."

 Except they didn't because it did not exist.  Your source in this thread cites, correctly, how rushed the development of the vaccine was, but also you claim they patented it before it's rushed creation.

 This doesn't mean there was no corruption, it only means a reasonable human can't possibly think all of these things are true.  Both sides lie.

I just want to say, that there is a huge amount of misinformation coming from the official side and that I am not always dexterous  in trying to prove this.

 Again, both sides lie.  But for some reason we are only supposed to acknowledge that government lies, and pretend YouTube videos are honest.

But the further in time we have gone, the more I see that my intuition has not misled me.

 Unless its about graphene.  In that case it's best to say the "proof" is not proof, but a secondary multitude of pages are proof, then claim those aren't proof either once those are shown to not offer proof either.  In that case graphene is still in the vaccine, the proof is probably in some completely erased study probably from Switzerland.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 02/28/24 at 16:53:31

I think it’s entirely possible that slightly more conservatives died from Covid, and those deaths can be traced back to their lack of confidence in the vaccine. I believe that.

 I agree here.  I have access to millions of real-time medical outcomes by data entry into active medical records.  We can see trends as they are happening and a concerted effort to alter those outcomes would require the synchronized work of millions across the globe in real-time.  So I have a lot of confidence in that data.

I also believe it’s likely there are actions that liberals take based on their beliefs and ideology that result in a higher death rate for them than conservatives. That seems like a logical assumption. I can’t imagine you would find an organization or university who would commit to research that.

 There are organizations that don't care what the out come of that data is.  The best thing is to collect data and have it blind evaluated by multiple groups that do not know what the numbers represent.  One thing that hinders this is that humans do not need to put their political affiliation, which can change at any time, on their medical records.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 02/29/24 at 04:29:10

An extremely controversial law was passed in the French parliament on Wednesday. The law immediately criminalizes anyone who criticizes m-RNA treatment. The draconian law, which was passed silently and without debate, provides that anyone who advises against the use of experimental m-RNA injections will be punished with up to three years in prison and a fine of €45,000.

I rest my case  :P

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 02/29/24 at 06:21:25

"...The law immediately criminalizes anyone who criticizes m-RNA treatment. The draconian law, which was passed silently and without debate, provides that anyone who advises against the use of experimental m-RNA injections will be punished with up to three years in prison and a fine of €45,000..."


So, I am standing in a local Park in France.
Someone asks me about, ‘m-RNA’, treatment.
And I advise them not to do it.
A Gendarme, hears it.
POOF, I am in Jail.

  France NEVER HAD, Free Speech.
         (They said they did)
But PROOF,  the laws, and the actions
         PROVE, otherwise.

Wonder when I, ‘advise’, someone,
Not to paint their house Orange with Red accents,
I will be put in Jail in the US ?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 02/29/24 at 14:30:36

The biggest crime in the history of medicine
I'd put Ivermectin pretty high up on that list.
How anyone convinced people to take a horse de-wormer for a virus is beyond me.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 02/29/24 at 18:50:12


So, I am standing in a local Park in France.
Someone asks me about, ‘m-RNA’, treatment.
And I advise them not to do it.
A Gendarme, hears it.
POOF, I am in Jail.

 Nope nothing like that.  This is just an example of people repeating what they saw on social media and not reading the actual documentation.

 Its a lie.  But to be fair people can spin anything into a vaccine issue and one could say that since France is wanting curb fraudulent scam doctors, they are censoring what all doctors can say, and to add more bull$h!t they claim it applies to everyone.  Frog in boiling water etc, etc. but today, to claim actual written law criminalizes the general criticism of mRNA is a lie.  That's a lie.

But PROOF,  the laws, and the actions
        PROVE, otherwise.

 Except what the law says and what you are TOLD it says are two different things.  You know that whole just going with what you are TOLD to say thing that you bring up regularly?  This is one of those examples.  The PROOF is not true, so should it be considered PROOF?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 02/29/24 at 21:05:11

624240485542270 wrote:
"... The PROOF is not true, so should it be considered PROOF?"

Don’t know if France put that ‘order’ in play or not.
I looked at the web site,
it looked real.
(Don’t read French so I don’t  know)

What the PROOF was about.
Was France has NOTHING,
  even remotely close,
to the 1st amendment here.

Everybody that is paying attention knows that.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 02/29/24 at 22:35:50

What the PROOF was about.
Was France has NOTHING,
 even remotely close,
to the 1st amendment here.

Everybody that is paying attention knows that.

 The issue is using a lie as comparison.  France isn't doing what is claimed, so using that false parameter to illustrate how they do not have protections equal to the US 1st Amendment is in itself pointless.

 Guatemala used to allow personal gun ownership especially in the home, but now due to recent legislation they are confiscating all guns, and incarcerating anyone that keeps a firearm or anyone that communicates against said actions, including those that are not in possession of a firearm.

 I can compare that action in Guatemala and indicate it is PROOF that they have nothing close to the US 2nd Amendment protections.  

 It's also a lie.  Guatemala never confiscated or incarcerated humans for having personal firearms.  So what is the point of using that as PROOF of anything?

 So what else should we make up to illustrate the differences?  Canada is incarcerating anyone that speaks up against abortion.  That's a lie.  Should I use that information to PROVE Canada does not have the same 1st Amendment protections as the US, or use actual real, accurately interpreted Canadian law?


Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/01/24 at 00:42:07

But hopefully you will see that there is a trend towards governments taking power over citizens. For example, last week Belgium passed a vaguely worded law that literally makes everything a citizen does against the interests of the government punishable.

The new Criminal Code provides in its (new) Article 548 for the criminalization of malicious acts that affect government authority or that incite to do so. Here too, the penalty can be up to 3 years in prison and a large fine.

The newly adopted laws deprive citizens of the right to freedom of expression and the right to protest. :o

This trend started during the covid period and has now escalated.

If you don't see it or don't want to see it, I understand. After all, there is little you can do about it and we have a life to lead.

We are conditioned to trust the government, we are allowed to vote and all that.

But the laws that were introduced during the Covid period and the control systems that governments introduced here during the Covid period, together with the new laws that are now being secretly and illegally implemented, show a completely different picture.
The government is no longer at the service of the citizen, the citizen is at the service of the government!

We are enslaved and lose sovereignty over our bodies by mandatory RNA "Vaccinations"
The new laws in Europe have already made this possible.

We have to wait for the new virus that they will unleash on the population.

You can no longer say that these are consiracy theories. NGOs have the power and want to introduce a totalitarian system and move towards a social points system.

Covid was an exercise in obedience with far-reaching social changes.

I know this sounds extreme but it is reality.
There are organizations of intellectuals, philosophers and doctors all over the world who are sounding the alarm and uniting.

However, there is only one movement that can stop this trend and that is that the people massively ignore the new rounds of vaccinations that are undoubtedly coming.

Hence the new French legislation, which aims to suppress such uprisings.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 03/01/24 at 06:15:18

A truism: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The US Constitution is primarily a document of government limitations, but we are losing sight of that, primary because of the marriage between Democratic leftist and our media which has an enormous influence.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 03/01/24 at 06:37:06

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
"... The issue is using a lie as comparison. ..."  

       You have it backwards.

It is the fact of the LACK of free speech,
That makes a lie about an government impingement more believable.

It is NOT, a false statement about a new law,
that makes free speech rare.

Perhaps the first post about this subject was not crystal clear.

Do believe the second post were I said:

" looked real.
(Don’t read French so I don’t  know)
What the PROOF was about.
Was France has NOTHING,
 even remotely close,
to the 1st amendment here. ..."

Was very clear.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 03/01/24 at 06:54:33

556760717667704F637069020 wrote:
"... The US Constitution is primarily a document of government limitations ..."


That is why the great push to restrict all Gun ownership.

Because if/when that happens.
The 1st Amendment will fall,
and be inline with Frances !

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 03/01/24 at 08:26:26

The first amendment only matters when it's your right.
It doesn't apply to others.
That's why the Right despises the ACLU

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/01/24 at 08:26:42

7B586546445F5851360 wrote:
[quote author=59797B736E791C0 link=1708978756/30#30 date=1709274950]"... The issue is using a lie as comparison. ..."  

       You have it backwards.

It is the fact of the LACK of free speech,
That makes a lie about an government impingement more believable.

It is NOT, a false statement about a new law,
that makes free speech rare.

Perhaps the first post about this subject was not crystal clear.

Do believe the second post were I said:

" looked real.
(Don’t read French so I don’t  know)
What the PROOF was about.
Was France has NOTHING,
 even remotely close,
to the 1st amendment here. ..."

Was very clear.


In France, the concept of freedom of speech is enshrined in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen), particularly in Article 11, which states: "The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law."

While not exactly identical to the First Amendment of the United States, which guarantees freedom of speech, religion, and the press, France's Article 11 similarly protects the freedom of expression and opinion. However, there are differences in the legal frameworks and interpretations between the two countries.

And I think you are absolutely right,  that the interpretation of constitutions and the continued push for changes or even abolition in favor of the government is a very bad thing.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 03/01/24 at 09:59:03

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
The first amendment only matters when it's your right.
It doesn't apply to others.
That's why the Right despises the ACLU

You’re wrong as usual. We don’t trust the ACLU because it attracts liberals as a career path, a lot like colleges and universities. Much like prosecutors deciding on hate crimes, they see the world through their liberal, leftist glasses.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 03/01/24 at 12:37:43

3325322F37222F34400 wrote:
The first amendment only matters when it's your right. It doesn't apply to others. That's why the Right despises the ACLU


The ACLU recognizes free speech, and the right to own a gun.


The ACLU believes the Constitution does not guarantee an individual right to armed self-defense.

So the ACLU says one can own/have/use a gun,

A-Yep, (according to the ACLU)
I can have a gun,
and shoot it at a range.

Yet when a ILLEGAL/Gang Member/Thief, breaks down my door, and they have a Illegal/Stolen Gun.
I am to just stand their, (according to the ACLU), and let them do what ever they want.  

Got It !!!!!!!

Better practice with a Baseball Bat/Hockey Stick/Golf Club, and HOPE their is not more than one !

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/02/24 at 00:11:10

We are enslaved and lose sovereignty over our bodies by mandatory RNA "Vaccinations"
The new laws in Europe have already made this possible.

 Except many of the laws are old, but are updated to address the internet.  We had the same issue in the US.  People complaining about the "new" laws that literally have been there for decades, but nobody cared because the government never applied them.  Once Covid came around, people were upset about the "illegal" lockdowns that were already in law.

 Doesn't make it right to impose lockdowns, etc. but also doesn't mean the laws werent there all along.  

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/02/24 at 00:18:30

You have it backwards.

It is the fact of the LACK of free speech,
That makes a lie about an government impingement more believable.

 "More believable" is not "True".

 What I am saying is that the claim that the information provided here about law in France is not "PROOF" that "PROVES" anything, because it is a lie.

 Believing France could do such a thing makes sense, but there is zero PROOF provided in this thread of such an action.  Claiming there is actual PROOF from what was presented here is incorrect.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/02/24 at 03:11:51

5777757D6077120 wrote:
We are enslaved and lose sovereignty over our bodies by mandatory RNA "Vaccinations"
The new laws in Europe have already made this possible.

 Except many of the laws are old, but are updated to address the internet.  We had the same issue in the US.  People complaining about the "new" laws that literally have been there for decades, but nobody cared because the government never applied them.  Once Covid came around, people were upset about the "illegal" lockdowns that were already in law.

 Doesn't make it right to impose lockdowns, etc. but also doesn't mean the laws werent there all along.  

No no no..... Do,n,t go that way.

I am talking about laws that were introduced last week in Belgium and France.
I live in the Netherlands and that is next to Belgium. We were the freest country in the world in almost all areas, but especially in human rights.

During Covid, many laws were introduced to ensure that the policy dictated by the WHO could also be implemented in the Netherlands.

'There has been a lot of opposition here. But the fear card was played. And people accepted the new laws not knowing that they contained many clauses that went much further than was made public and that paved the way for even more freedoms to be taken away.

You can bring your so-called "facts" into the discussion, but don't crappity smack around whit things I say, becouse I know, what I'm talking about. >:(

And if you're not just crappity smacking around, or are blind to what's going on in the world;
Do you really think that these laws are being introduced to safeguard the health of people?

Then you have a very, very low IQ.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 03/02/24 at 08:09:58

756A796A616A616A7D68666A0F0 wrote:
Do you really think that these laws are being introduced to safeguard the health of people?

Then you have a very, very low IQ.

Personal insults
Don't go down that road

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/02/24 at 09:38:35

4157405D45505D46320 wrote:
[quote author=756A796A616A616A7D68666A0F0 link=1708978756/30#41 date=1709377911]
Do you really think that these laws are being introduced to safeguard the health of people?

Then you have a very, very low IQ.

Personal insults
Don't go down that road

It's not an insult jet. But it would have been better to leave it out and just leave the question. So you had to answer it.
So again:

If you're not just crappity smacking around, or are blind to what's going on in the world;
Do you really think that these laws are being introduced to safeguard the health of people?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/02/24 at 13:16:25

It goes on.

The female doctor from the video with which I started this topic found out that the research had been withdrawn and made this video where she explains precisely and in clear language how shocking the vaccine was and how misleading big pharma worked.

Hear all about it...

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/03/24 at 02:14:36

And if you're not just crappity smacking around, or are blind to what's going on in the world;
Do you really think that these laws are being introduced to safeguard the health of people?

 No.  I think the claim that France made a law in "secret" that allows their government to charge and incarcerate any human for advising against mRNA, or the Covid vaccine is a lie.  Because it is not true, and was actually tabled on November 15, 2023 indicating it followed the same process as other laws.  It was not secretly and suddenly enacted.

 Instead of acting like all of this is true, I will instead say France has enacted more restrictive laws, but no go so far as to repeat false information because I want it to be true.  I will instead read the actual law and additional reference material using accurate information so I'm not caught up complaining about things that never happened.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 03/03/24 at 08:21:40


7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
Personal insults
Don't go down that road

When did that start ????????

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/03/24 at 10:44:16

624240485542270 wrote:
And if you're not just crappity smacking around, or are blind to what's going on in the world;
Do you really think that these laws are being introduced to safeguard the health of people?

 No.  I think the claim that France made a law in "secret" that allows their government to charge and incarcerate any human for advising against mRNA, or the Covid vaccine is a lie.  Because it is not true, and was actually tabled on November 15, 2023 indicating it followed the same process as other laws.  It was not secretly and suddenly enacted.

 Instead of acting like all of this is true, I will instead say France has enacted more restrictive laws, but no go so far as to repeat false information because I want it to be true.  I will instead read the actual law and additional reference material using accurate information so I'm not caught up complaining about things that never happened.

The question was, do you think it contributes to public health to make such laws as in France and whether the law in Belgium that makes any contradiction against the government punishable contributes to public health?
Here in the Netherlands, the idea is that new laws must first be approved by the House of Representatives. This has happened less and less in recent years and goes directly against democracy.

We now have a demise cabinet that makes decisions that are far beyond their authority. And the right-wing politician elected by the people is being thwarted from forming a new government and in its place there is now a threat of a left-wing government led by a European parliamentarian who will most likely become president. that is the world turned upside down.

It's absolutely crazy.
And if new elections were to be held now, that right-wing politician would receive more than 70% of the votes and that is an absolute record, in our country where we have 26 parties.

Our people are completely fed up with the way things are going.

But you can also bury your head in the sand, of course. Or have a low IQ. Or be a lefty (thats a combination of both). It's also better not to be right-wing.

It is quite an art to see reality.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/03/24 at 12:00:57

And Serow, you guys are insulting yourself.
Im just giving you a hand.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 03/03/24 at 13:35:03


I could say the same... only I'd be serious  :-*

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/03/24 at 14:20:44

you can...

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/03/24 at 18:34:35

The question was, do you think it contributes to public health to make such laws as in France and whether the law in Belgium that makes any contradiction against the government punishable contributes to public health?

 I think it is a gross misinterpretation/lie in regard to what you claimed here about how France's law is implemented.  If it were true, and implemented as you stated, would not contribute to public health.  Laws like that do not contribute to public health.  They also, at this time, do not exist in France or from what I can find, in Belgium.  However similar restrictive laws do exist and are not beneficial to my knowledge in most cases, except for those combating medical fraud.

 If I drastically misinterpret a US law and indicate that it applies in different way than it actually does, to different people, and mislead how it was implemented, what value is a question asking you what you think about it?  Since it's not even true, why is an opinion from anyone at all valuable?

 The law you referenced in France was not secretly implemented, and it does not punish regular citizens for speaking out, or "advising against" mRNA or Covid vaccines.  That is reality.  I will formulate opinions on reality, not lies.

 I will read the actual law and additional reference material using accurate information so I'm not caught up complaining about things that never happened.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/12/24 at 03:15:57

1131333B2631540 wrote:

 I agree.  For instance when it is proven that graphene was only on the slide of an electron microscope and not ever in the vaccine, some people will deny that and claim the "proof" is elsewhere, not the circled document they literally said was "proof".  Then they will deflect the facts by attacking one of 5 different methods used to verify the data.


Well,lets look at this....

Interesting developments in Spain. The Provincial Court in Almeria has ordered an investigation into the Covid-19 vaccines being administered in the province. The investigation, which is carried out by the judicial police, must clarify whether a crime against public health has been committed.

It all has to do with a toxic ingredient that is said to be in the Pfizer vaccines. According to an expert report prepared by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, professor at the University of Almeria, reduced graphene oxide has been found in the vaccines administered to humans in the province, reports the Spanish newspaper Economist & Jurist.

The study of the vacin:

Conclusion of the study:

The microscopic examination of the sample provides solid evidence of the presence of graphene in the vacin.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/12/24 at 06:04:40

Well,lets look at this....

 I did, years ago.  This information has been available since November 2021, I already referenced it here before:

 The problem is there is little to no consensus on the data he presents, especially among humans that work with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy.

 This is another example of deflection.  You presented "proof" and will still avoid acknowledging that your "proof" did not say what you claimed.  You instead will claim the "proof" is elsewhere, not the circled document you literally said was "proof".  Then they will deflect the facts by attacking one of 5 different methods used to verify the data.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/12/24 at 07:51:53

Well your link says this:

The  identification of  graphene oxide  structures can  be regarded  as
conclusive  in  8  of  them,  due  to  the  high  spectral  correlation  with  the  standard.  In  the
remaining  20  objects,  images  coupled  with  Raman  signals  show  a  very  high  level  of
compatibility with  undetermined graphene  structures, however  different than  the standard
used here.

And your link says this:
This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion.
That's different from using it to end a discussion.

And your link says this:
Graphene  materials have  a potential  toxicity on  human beings  and its presence  has not
been declared in any emergency use authorization.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/12/24 at 16:14:39

The  identification of  graphene oxide  structures can  be regarded  as
conclusive  in  8  of  them,  due  to  the  high  spectral  correlation  with  the  standard.  In the remaining  20  objects,  images  coupled  with  Raman  signals  show  a  very  high  level of compatibility with  undetermined graphene  structures, however  different than  the standard used here.

 It does say that, unfortunately not one other human can get that same reading.  This presents a problem.  More study needs done, this one paper should not end the discussion.  This is still a deflection to avoid acknowledging the "proof" you previously provided was not true.

And your link says this:
This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion.
That's different from using it to end a discussion.

 Agreed.  The discussion didn't end, it's been going on for years now and the issue is why can't anyone else get the same or similar results?  None of this comes from the "proof" you provided, that was not actually "proof" because it was a lie.  Similar to the misrepresented France law.

And your link says this:
Graphene  materials have  a potential  toxicity on  human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization.

 It should not be declared since only one human has had these results while thousands of other tests have not.  None of that information is in your "proof" you provided, that you will not acknowledge was not "proof" since it was a lie.  

 The "proof" you offered has only proven that graphene was on the slide of an electron microscope and not ever in the vaccine, you will deny that and claim the "proof" is elsewhere, not the circled document you literally said was "proof".  Then you will deflect the facts by attacking one of 5 different methods used to verify the data.

 Then you offer the exact same information I did, years later.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/13/24 at 01:12:24

How much proof do you want if your own link already proves that there is graphene in the vaccine?
And in the same way you have labeled that French law as fake.

I understand that I cannot change your opinion, but you change facts and then there is no point in discussing it.

Denial seems to be a big part of your way of arguing.
It was well camouflaged, but it's denial.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/13/24 at 05:51:11

How much proof do you want if your own link already proves that there is graphene in the vaccine?

 It doesn't "prove" it - that one document is not proof - your own source claims it is not proven.  A single assessment from one lab result, that has not been replicated, does not make anything proof.  One test group.  One test out of thousands got these results.  If one Optometrist tests your vision and says you have bad vision, and 1000 others do the same tests and can't find evidence of bad vision, do you have "proof" that you have bad vision?


And in the same way you have labeled that French law as fake.

 I didn't label it as fake - it is real.   I said you misrepresented how it was implemented: There is a full publicly documented history of it's implementation, so how was it secretly implemented?  The very document you provide is prior to it's implementation.  Also it does not apply how you claim.  So the law is real, but your claim of how it applies, and to whom it applies, is incorrect.  

 I understand that I cannot change your opinion, but you change facts and then there is no point in discussing it.

 You could change my opinion if you would stop providing "proof", then saying it must be somewhere else when proven wrong.  Your "proof" of graphene has been proven to be only on the slide of the microscope and not in the vaccine.  You refuse to acknowledge that.  Instead you deflect by making jokes about one of the 5 methods used to prove it was a lie.  What's wrong with admitting that one document was not "proof" of graphene in the vaccine?  There's nothing to be afraid of.

"Denial seems to be a big part of your way of arguing.
It was well camouflaged, but it's denial."

 This coming from the guy that still won't acknowledge the "proof" he provided was wrong.  Also the claimed hundreds of additional pages of information I read for you, then had assessed 4 other times, never had "proof".

 Now you want to say the information I provided is "proof" when the documentation you provide is saying the exact same information has not been proven true but needs investigated.   What's so bad about being honest and acknowledging there is an investigation that is pending results?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/13/24 at 09:35:59

Two official studies that conclusively show that it contains graphene is not enough evidence to say it,s in there.


Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/13/24 at 10:50:42

Two official studies that conclusively show that it contains graphene is not enough evidence to say it,s in there.

 No more than 2 official studies that show it is not.  Would you accept 3 studies that show there is no graphene as evidence it is not in the vaccine?  How about 4?  Many exist, how many would you need to consider it proven?  There is evidence, but it needs to be compared against the totality, not cherry-picked and blindly accepted in a vacuum.  

 After reading those you don't see some issues with concluding graphene is present in the viscous components?  Further study needs done, and the fact that in both cases the secondary lab tests using the same BAR-ID did not get the same results needs to be addressed.

 Why is the very source you providing here not accepting those studies as proof?  The agency link you offered doesn't consider it proven.

 Your historical "proof" of graphene has been proven to be only on the slide of an electron microscope and not in the vaccine.  You refuse to acknowledge that.  What's wrong with admitting that one document was not "proof" of graphene in the vaccine?  

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/14/24 at 04:44:40

No more than 2 official studies that show it is not. Would you accept 3 studies that show there is no graphene as evidence it is not in the vaccine? How about 4? Many exist, how many would you need to consider it proven? There is evidence, but it needs to be compared against the totality, not cherry-picked and blindly accepted in a vacuum.

I'm glad we can agree that there is evidence. Why are we talking about legal terms now? But there is sufficient reason to take this to justice, as has now been done in Spain.

 After reading those you don't see some issues with concluding graphene is present in the viscous components? Further study needs done, and the fact that in both cases the secondary lab tests using the same BAR-ID did not get the same results needs to be addressed.

I think the outcome of fair tests can be guessed at, and the researchers indicate that there needs to be a discussion, so we are doing well

 Why is the very source you providing here not accepting those studies as proof? The agency link you offered doesn't consider it proven.
Proof is a

Proof, as you put it, is a legal term and the Spanish judiciary has a case pending, based on this investigation to get from evidence to proof.

 Your historical "proof" of graphene has been proven to be only on the slide of an electron microscope and not in the vaccine. You refuse to acknowledge that. What's wrong with admitting that one document was not "proof" of graphene in the vaccine?

Historical, I think the word is justified, but it is not just purely because of the piece of graphene found in the research that you and I have presented, but the whole covid story in itself is a schandal, not just the vaccine.

I look at the whole Covid thing and the political shift from democracy to a totalitarian system that is going on and that is something you are not doing. I gain insight by investigating suspicions. I believe your position is anti-conspiracy. My position is curiosity and wanting to shed light on abuses.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 03/14/24 at 07:40:53

Here are some outages from ‘papers’ studying graphene.

Just a simple search, on the computer, using the terms, “is graphene toxic”, “is graphene toxic to humans”,  returns PAGES of articles.

The ‘reports’ on the web, are ‘reports’ on the web.
Read them, then come to a conclusion.

As I have not taken any of the C-19 variants of the vaccine.
“… I have no reason to bring up scam products that have zero context to the topic being discussed.  …”
(Opinion = a view on the topic. View = a  opinion on the topic)

Conclusion on a topic,
    Depends on
Who butters the bread.

“…Graphene possesses wider biomedical applications including drug delivery,…”

“…graphene-family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications….”

“…graphene materials have been widely used in various fields, including energy storage; nanoelectronic devices; batteries [10–12]; and biomedical applications, such as antibacterials [13, 14], biosensors [15–18], cell imaging [19, 20], drug delivery [8, 21, 22], and tissue engineering [23–25]….”

“…with the application and production of GFNs increasing, the risk of unintentional occupational or environmental exposure to GFNs is increasing [26]. And recently, there are some investigation on GFNs exposure in occupational settings and published data showed that the occupational exposure of GFNs had potential toxicity to the workers and researchers…”

“…Several reviews have outlined the unique properties [35, 36] and summarized the latest potential biological applications of GFNs for drug delivery, gene delivery, biosensors, tissue engineering, and neurosurgery [37–39]; assessed the biocompatibility of GFNs in cells (bacterial, mammalian and plant) [7, 40, 41] and animals…”

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/14/24 at 10:10:14

Here are some outages from ‘papers’ studying graphene.

Just a simple search, on the computer, using the terms, “is graphene toxic”, “is graphene toxic to humans”,  returns PAGES of articles.

 I don't think there is any debate on graphene being toxic.  It's like saying liquid morphine is toxic, there's PAGES of information on it, but is it IN the vaccine?  The debate is if graphene is in the vaccine, and at a harmful capacity.

 What zevenenergie has posted as "proof" is a document showing graphene on the slide of an electron-microscope.  Not in the vaccine.  The metal that the microscope is made out of is also deadly when shoved inside a human body.  That doesn't mean it's "proof" that metal is in the vaccine.  

 There is evidence, but there are at this point thousands of tests, mostly independent, trying to search out the vaccine components.  Only two or three have said they found graphene, and none have provided the samples.  If three labs said they had "proof" there is NO graphene in the vaccine, they showed you the paperwork but did not let anyone have access to the actual vaccine samples - would you be suspicious of that?


Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by MnSpring on 03/14/24 at 17:20:48

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
"  I don't think there is any debate on graphene being toxic.  It's like saying liquid morphine is toxic, there's PAGES of information on it, but is it IN the vaccine?  The debate is if graphene is in the vaccine, and at a harmful capacity. ..."

“… I don't think there is any debate on graphene being toxic….”

If it is Toxic, why then the references of what it is used for ?

“…Graphene possesses wider biomedical applications including drug delivery,…”  
“…graphene-family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications….”  
“…graphene materials have been widely used in various fields, including … … …  and biomedical applications, such as antibacterials … … …  drug delivery [8, 21, 22], and tissue engineering…”
“…Several reviews have outlined the unique properties … and summarized the latest potential biological applications of GFNs for drug delivery, gene delivery, … … …”

“…The debate is if graphene is in the vaccine, and at a harmful capacity...”

Question. What would be the, “…harmful capacity…”

“…It's like saying liquid morphine is toxic,…”

Another question, is ‘dry’ morphine not toxic ?
Or does, Dry and Liquid, morphine have different toxicities, depending on if,  dry or  liquid ?

  (A inquiring mind want's to know)

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/14/24 at 22:34:42

If it is Toxic, why then the references of what it is used for ?

 Many things used in medicine are toxic.  Electromagnetic radiation is toxic but x-rays don't kill or mutate the DNA of everyone that gets one.  

 References of anything used in any medical field is not proof that component is inside any vaccine or any other known substance.  For instance the graphene "proof" zevenenergie offered describes the material on a slide within an electron microscope.  This is ignored, but that doesn't change the fact that a description of graphene as a "biomedical" use within that microscope slide is not evidence that graphene is within the viscous material of the vaccine.


Question. What would be the, “…harmful capacity…”

 That is the question.  The problem is out of literally thousands of sample tests done worldwide by hundreds of laboratories, they have yielded only a few examples of graphene inside of the viscous component of the vaccine and none of them offered those samples to any other lab.

 So since there is hardly any actual graphene samples it is pretty much impossible to assess.  Considering billions of doses exist, I would have expected at least one shared sample by now.

Another question, is ‘dry’ morphine not toxic ?

 No.  Dry forms of morphine are toxic.  

Or does, Dry and Liquid, morphine have different toxicities, depending on if,  dry or  liquid ?

 Yes.  The highest contributing factor to toxicity is dosage.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/14/24 at 22:49:12

I'm glad we can agree that there is evidence. Why are we talking about legal terms now? But there is sufficient reason to take this to justice, as has now been done in Spain.

 I agree there is an investigation however I do not think that there is an outcome to that investigation so my assessment is that graphene may or may not be in the vaccine and may or may not be at toxic levels.  Instead of saying an investigation with no outcome proves graphene is in the vaccine.

Historical, I think the word is justified, but it is not just purely because of the piece of graphene found in the research that you and I have presented, but the whole covid story in itself is a schandal, not just the vaccine.

 Agreed as there would be no vaccine if there was no Covid, and all sides, every side, have politicized it and used it for various forms of profit.  

I look at the whole Covid thing and the political shift from democracy to a totalitarian system that is going on and that is something you are not doing.

 Tell that to the State where I live that had to remove certain "lockdown" legislation, and change the SARS-COV2 mortality counting methods due to legal challenges my (and a few other) company initiated.  The difference is we used verifiable facts and not social media posts to send the case forward.  We certainly didn't pretend something was "proof" once we were shown it was false, make jokes then ignore it.

I gain insight by investigating suspicions. I believe your position is anti-conspiracy. My position is curiosity and wanting to shed light on abuses.

 I don't care about most of that, I just have a system for assessing truthful material.  Reading a headline and passing it along as fact is not part of that process.  I prefer to actually read what I claim is factual and cross reference it with other material - then have at least 3 other assessments done with 2 being blind if possible.

 Would you accept 3 studies that show there is no graphene as evidence it is not in the vaccine?



Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by WebsterMark on 03/15/24 at 02:51:49

These two things can be true at the same time.

1) the whole Covid debacle was a giant political cluster. Bad actors and power hungry narcissists, saw it as an opportunity to enforce their will over people. Others saw it as a way for political gain i.e. the 2020 election, which put an old man, whose own kids gave him the nickname Pedo Peter, in office.

2) there’s nothing sinister about the vaccine. It was certainly put together quickly and did not go through the years long protocol as others did. But executives at pharmaceutical companies did not purposely use components that would knowingly and absolutely harm people.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/15/24 at 03:11:35

You know were I stand Eegore.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/15/24 at 04:20:57

695B5C4D4A5B4C735F4C553E0 wrote:
2) there’s nothing sinister about the vaccine.
  Let's just say we agree to differ on that point.

It was certainly put together quickly and did not go through the years long protocol as others did. But executives at pharmaceutical companies did not purposely use components that would knowingly and absolutely harm people.

To eazy.

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/15/24 at 06:04:49

You know were I stand Eegore.

 Apparently in a place where you won't acknowledge when "proof" of graphene in the vaccine is actually "proof" of graphene on an external electron microscope.  So it seems the only acceptable outcome for you is graphene in the vaccine, even if some of the evidence is a provable lie.

Would you accept 3 studies that show there is no graphene as evidence it is not in the vaccine? Is there a reason you won't answer this question?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/15/24 at 06:15:55

These two things can be true at the same time.

 Agreed.  This has been my point the entire time.  People can politicize, profit from, and exploit anything, which they did from Covid for sure.

 All the bad stuff can be true without graphene being inside the vaccine.

 This reminds me of all the people that will argue that helmets don't help as an argument about government over-reach.  One can argue that the government should not force laws like helmet requirements (on motorcycles) and helmets can still protect the human head.  

 But somehow they think trying to discredit how a helmet works will mean the laws aren't appropriate.  It's a poor argument to make.

 This whole "vaccine must be poison" because organizations abused Covid impact is a feeble argument.  It could be poisonous, but when your standard is to offer "proof" then completely avoid at all costs acknowledging the "proof" applied to a microscope and not the actual vaccine, how can anyone take further arguments seriously?  

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/15/24 at 08:23:53

Where does that graphene on the microscope come from?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/15/24 at 09:38:59

Where does that graphene on the microscope come from?

 I already told you in the original post, they come from Quantifoil:  

 The slides are manufactured in multiple ways and only a few companies make them.  Why is it relevant where the graphene on an amorphous slide was sourced from?

 There is a glass lens on the electron microscope, where does the glass come from?  

 There is a polymer slide compressor, where does the polymer come from?

 Would this be "proof" that glass and polymer are IN the vaccine?

 Would you accept 3 studies that show there is no graphene as evidence it is not in the vaccine?  Is there a reason you won't answer this question?

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by zevenenergie on 03/15/24 at 09:59:42

Because it clearly states that there is graphene in the sapels.
Here's a screen shot:

It was investigated with the micro Raman method, I just looked up what that is for you.

Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique used to investigate the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules in a sample. It's a form of Raman spectroscopy that offers high spatial resolution, typically on the order of micrometers or even smaller, allowing for the analysis of very small sample areas.

In a typical micro-Raman setup, a focused laser beam is directed onto the sample, causing molecular vibrations within the sample. A small portion of the scattered light, which has been shifted in frequency due to the vibrational modes of the molecules, is collected and analyzed. This shift in frequency provides information about the molecular structure and composition of the sample.

Micro-Raman spectroscopy has applications in various fields such as materials science, chemistry, biology, and pharmaceuticals. It can be used to study a wide range of samples, including thin films, nanoparticles, biological tissues, and individual cells, providing valuable insights into their chemical composition, structure, and properties.

And because I have finally been able to make everything clear, I will conclude with this:   (10 seconds)

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Serowbot on 03/15/24 at 15:42:13

So finally there is something that the entire world can agree on... and that's creating a deadly vaccine for an imaginary virus.
Very motivational

Title: Re: The biggest crime in the history of medicine
Post by Eegore on 03/15/24 at 16:21:18

Because it clearly states that there is graphene in the sapels.
Here's a screen shot:

 Those are completely different samples in different locations on different microscopes that do not have graphene slides  that quote is from the information I provided years ago.  Using quotes from a Different document from a Different vaccine sample does not fool anyone.  

 That Different information doesn't address what I am talking about, this is nothing more than you continuing to ignore me while I have enough respect to answer your questions.

 You asked:

Where does that graphene on the microscope come from?

 I answered you.  It's on the amorphous slide supplied by Quantifoil.  For some reason you will not acknowledge this.

 Why do you consider graphene on a microscope slide to be "proof" of graphene inside the vaccine?  Pulling up other information from different samples that are NOT an amorphous slides is nothing more than avoiding the fact that the "proof" provided before was a lie.

 You were lied to on that one document, you presented it here and now refuse to acknowledge that.  I on the other hand will actually look at the information and separate the difference between a truthful source and a lying one.

 Why do you think the graphene on Quantifoil slide is inside the vaccine?  Why won't you answer that? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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