General Category >> The Cafe >> FN megash!t

Message started by verslagen1 on 06/02/16 at 21:01:23

Title: FN megash!t
Post by verslagen1 on 06/02/16 at 21:01:23

So MS changed some settings on me (before I blocked it or maybe cause I did)
and I can no longer access my ftp site which I normally did with windows explorer.

I installed FTP surfer and I'm still locked out.
I can still access at work, but that got old a long time ago.

any help would be appreciated.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by stewmills on 06/02/16 at 21:14:15

I use filezilla and it seems decent for a novice. Not sure about the explorer method. Maybe that's a good nudge to get away from something MS specific, just because...

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by verslagen1 on 06/02/16 at 21:47:50

filezilla seems to work... thanks
problem might of been the certificate.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by old_rider on 06/04/16 at 10:48:30

Yep.... MS has updated a certificate script... now you cannot use a few more programs.
They hate it when no developers want to get the "MS OK", they have to present their software code in order for MS to let them into the fray.
And a few of the companies don't have their stuff "registered", or simply do not want MS to steal their software.
I have been trying some "off brand" office programs and file programs more and more lately.
It took me 3 days to reload my windows on a little laptop with xp.... i'm not sure I want to let in the "updates" now.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Oldfeller on 06/05/16 at 13:03:15

And so it goes, you must stay inside the walled garden or MS will simply shut you down because your software isn't approved, or your hardware has no current MS driver.

And now, if you lack a properly "bribe paid" MS certificate for your old vintage software.

;D     ;D     ;D     ;D

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/16 at 05:03:59

The word isn't, check for the censor changing the url.

The Upgrade will be
Win 10 10
an even sorrier dog of a program.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Sonny on 06/10/16 at 23:57:31

My Win 10 loves to achieve the runaway 100%CPU bog-down. Spend days trying to find the memory gobbler(s), finally delete Windows app after app and it finally goes away. Then it comes back when MS updates your system to the latest features and capabilities, which means it adds more crap you don't want to the task manager and restores its apps and marks them back as your "default."

I tell you what it's going to come to with MS: pitchforks and torches.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Paladin. on 06/11/16 at 01:29:34

I just checked on the Win-10 desktop and WS-FTP95 still works.  (Hey!  It is legal drinking age!)

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by old_rider on 06/11/16 at 08:38:18

I have the same issue on my laptop...  it uses 100% of the disc for some reason.
Someone told me it was the windows prefetch thing, so I went into my registry and shut it off, seemed to help.
One week later it was back to 100% disc usage, couldn't even type one letter every six seconds when replying to posts.... it was like I was back in the 386 days.
Looked in the registry...yup, you guessed it, back to original settings.
No matter what I do, or what program I tell to "stop" in my task manager, they ignore it and keep on plugging away.
One of the big ones is Cortana.... can't get rid of it, it is always running.
There are a few others, but they show they are "system programs", so it would be Russian roulette to figure which ones I really need.
So I have just been putting up with it, when the disc goes to 100%, I just play music and read... usually goes away in about 2 or 3 minutes and goes back to normal.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Sonny on 06/11/16 at 08:48:36

Yes, you can stop Cortana in the task manager and it immediately reloads.

You want to get rid of the cloud storage app too. Hogs internet bandwidth and sends your life to servers where who knows who can review it. Does it in the background so as not to bother you... ahem...

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Oldfeller on 06/12/16 at 06:24:15

I find that MS is willing to IGNORE what you as the equipment owner want to have happen, and MS wants to take control of your PC to install/upgrade/remove YOUR SOFTWARE and drivers in order to line their own pockets (either current or future pocket lining efforts, same difference to me).

This means to me that MS is no longer a suitable OS vendor and some serious effort needs to be spent identifying alternative OS pathways.

What are you guys doing or trying out now?    

Chrome OS is finished baking now, with Android to be finishing baking inside of 6-8 months.   Both Ubuntu and Mint are fully cooked as well.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Sonny on 06/12/16 at 07:24:36

I don't know how to do anything... it's all I can do to try to keep Win10 working at this point.

I don't want anything Google, which seems to be based on an even more overt collecting and use of user data than MS. No google search (I like DuckDuckGo), no Chrome browser. Don't want a Google OS.

I assume my laptop (ASUS) is not going to accommodate any escape from Windows. It's loaded with many proprietary ASUS apps, all down in the woodwork of Win10, which will probably die or go haywire on another OS. I mean stuff down at the graphics rendering level and such.

I've never tried to swap OS's for fear I'd manage to lose everything and turn my machine into a door stop.  :-X

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Sonny on 06/12/16 at 07:31:48

That said, my perennial favorite browser, Firefox, seems to be turning into a bloated pig whose plugins for Flash and HTML5 video are implicated in the 100% CPU overrun issue.

Which is a hair-pulling pain in the ass for sure.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Oldfeller on 06/12/16 at 08:37:51

Sonny, everybody on here was originally afraid to try to move away from MS -- XP was all they had ever known, most all of them.  

Still, move they did, some of them, anyway.

Linux Mint Mate was a good home for an XP only person, they could recognize things by where they were located in the menu system as Mint Mate was pretty much an XP clone.

Got to be slightly more complicated for those who were used to anything much past Win 7, but these folks tended to be younger more flexible sorts of guys anyway.

Here is a hard fact -- MS counts on your fear and they hit you with cartloads of FUD all the time to keep you intimidated and afraid.

MS biggest fear is multi OS users, those who KNOW that the sun does not shine out of MS's bum and that indeed that there are many better systems available out there -- for free no less.

Give you a "kinda like" example --- Firefox was our favorite browser for years because it kicked MS Explorer's butt six ways from Sunday.   Still does, which is why lots of us still use it.

But, if you do get used to an Android phone, something strange happens ....... you get used to Google.  And you realize a lot of MS's paid propaganda points about Evil Google are mostly pure BS.  Google is no more evil than Firefox or Safari or Duck Duck Go or any of the rest of the browsers.

Got a hard fact for somebody to deny if they can -- MS Win 10 is the only OS system that sticks REQUIRED ADS (like 2-4 per page) inside your opening page and sticks ads inside your other various pages as space is available to do so.

MS is the only one that HOLDS YOU UP while the ads finish loading so you HAVE to view them, actually slowing you down ongoing in your work accordingly.

In Linux, running Chrome or Firefox as your browser you can light a systems monitor to show you memory and processor loads as you go about doing what you normally do.   Right now I am running about 24% usage on my systems memory and only 12%-15%  of one of my two processor cores (they swap out every few minutes so as to not get too warm).   Everything is running light and fast right now.

Linux is light and FAST --- MS is anything but light and fast.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/16 at 01:11:21

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by old_rider on 06/15/16 at 03:27:05

My "home page" is Yahoo, and THAT is part of my delema.
Yahoo runs like 6 advertisements on the page and most of the news stories are "gifs" which use ram for running short term.
Once I shut off yahoo after I check my mail and just use google for search and the "my favorite" url quick links, my useage drops drastically.
Found that out yesterday when yahoo was acting up and I closed that tab on my browser. (using IE 11)
I might experiment a bit and see about using the different browsers I have loaded and find a "sweet spot". :D

Did a "restart" on my computer, instantly started the task manager and watched all the programs jump up and down trying to vie for top memory stealing.
It stayed at 100% disc usage for 5 minutes until I located the "Sevice Host:" program that had SUPER FETCH running (there are several "service host programs). Highlighted super fetch (wasn't easy, programs were jumping up and down on the list really fast) and told the task manager to "stop program".... within 15 seconds the disc usage dropped to 5%.
So I started my browser (IE 11) which has 3 tabs running, Yahoo, Google search and my D-Link camera url (which is not running until I hit the start button).
The disc usage jumped to 100% instantly after starting the browser, I searched but could not find which service host had restarted the super fetch that I thought was slowing the progress yet again... turns out that I just closed Yahoo and in about 30 seconds the disc usage drops to about 15% or lower.
Right now I have the google search tab (no ads), my D-Link tab (no ads) and the Suzkisavage tab (suzukisavage ad and one internet ad) and the disc usage is 2%, the memory usage is still at 28% and my CPU is at 7%.
I think I will mess around with some gaming and just see what is up with win 10.... i'm thinking its the ads that are being searched for that is locking up the disc usage.
Perhaps maybe an anti-ad program is needed (if it does not take up too much memory killing them).

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/16 at 13:54:19

Wife got a series of MS update notices on her laptop ....... and once she let MS go get them, install them and then when she rebooted her machine per instructions she had no video display system at all (video driver issue I would think).

She is now downgraded to an XP machine that she used to use years ago.

Wife is not happy with MS.

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/16 at 17:53:37

Are you happy with MS?

Survey Says


Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Art Webb on 06/17/16 at 10:49:01

still haven't found mt Mint disk

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/16 at 12:57:37

Having porblems?

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Art Webb on 06/18/16 at 07:35:12

my DVD player doesn't seem to play, that's all
so far

Title: Re: FN megash!t
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/16 at 15:46:04

My wife just got a big blue screen telling her that she was getting "a Major Upgrade / Improvement" from MS's Win 10 crew.

Stopped her cold for over 10 minutes in the middle of what she was doing and had her yelling at me over it (mainly because I was laughing at MickySoft's pure arrogance and stupidity).  

When it let her have her machine back the font size on everything was TINY and she couldn't even read it.

She's hot     ...... and I gotta quit laughing about it .......


Increasing the Display parameter to 125 got the size of stuff better, but cut off part of the screen ---- and it won't change back .......

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