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Message started by kimchris1 on 05/09/10 at 05:10:33

Title: am back
Post by kimchris1 on 05/09/10 at 05:10:33

Well after 2 wonderful weeks in Ca. I am back home. I arrived back yesterday afternoon. It is always so hard to leave my Mom and sister. Especially my Mom. I think it was probably one if not the best times we have had together.

I flew from Wa State to Sacramento on April 24, then on April 30 her and I flew from Sacramento, Ca to San Diego, Ca for the weekend. My son graduated from The University of Phoenix with his Bachelor's of Science in Human Management. He is on his way now for his Master's and then his Doctorate...

Mom and I flew back to Sacramanto Sunday May 2. Then I flew home yesterday.  I said I did more flying and drinking in the last 2 weeks then I had done in the past 5 years...And that is no joke...Okay so most nights we shared a beer or I had one. And only  2 nights the whole 2 weeks I had 2 margarita's... And one night a glass of wine..Yet again that is the most alcohol this body has had in a very long time.. ;D ;D

My oh my so many bikes... I drooled so much I almost embarassed myself..Note I said almost..hahah.. Mostl y HD's and twins of other makers. I thought to myself, well these silly people must not like riding real bikes...hahah..

And so am back home getting into my routine again here. Surgery is this coming Wed the 12th.. So that hopefully means I will be ready to go back to work about the middle of July. Their going to place a screw in my thumb as well as investigate the bottom portion of my hand to see what is causing problems there..

So I will post before and probably not much after Tues evening for a few days. I will try and keep "piglet" informed via phone and she can relay messages to you..

It is great to be back home with Hubby and the kids (dogs and cats).

Hugs everyone... Kim ;)

Title: Re: am back
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/09/10 at 05:24:41

Sounds like you had a great getaway. Too bad you couldn't hang with your mom on mothers day. Which reminds me, Happy Mothers Day to all you "Mothers". Hope your medical issues get all straightened out. If you have a problem typing you could always get a dictation program so you can just talk to your computer and it does the typing for you. I'm using one right now. "Dragon Naturally Speaking".

Title: Re: am back
Post by kimchris1 on 05/09/10 at 05:37:33

Thank  you Al. I will keep that in mind. Originally before the accident I had planned to be there with Mom today. However with surgery I needed to be here to tie up some lose ends before Wed..  :)

Title: Re: am back
Post by babyhog on 05/09/10 at 14:34:54

I'm here Kimmie, and you better call me!  I'll be happy to update everyone!  Best of luck for your surgery.  

Title: Re: am back
Post by drharveys on 05/09/10 at 17:54:57

A good trip and an even better surgery!

Heal up quickly!

Title: Re: am back
Post by John_D FSO on 05/10/10 at 00:42:42

Good luck on the surgery! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: am back
Post by babyhog on 05/12/10 at 19:41:20

Just talked to Kim, surgery was successful, she's home and fine (thanks to pain meds!)  Right hand is all bandaged up, with some pins in her thumb, but she should eventually get basically full use back.  She still has a ways to go, but she's on the mend.  Yippeeeee!

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  Ride Safe!

Title: Re: am back
Post by Trippah on 05/12/10 at 19:46:24

Hand surgery is, I'm told,  delicate stuff; so follow the doc's recommendations for followup and then rehab. Best of luck and think of the late summer/fall season comming up. :D

Title: Re: am back
Post by John_D FSO on 05/13/10 at 01:44:54

Glad to hear she's on the mend now!  With metal pins, do we get to call her the Bionic Woman now? :-?
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