Serious Thumper

SuzukiSavage.com Rocks!
Posts: 13775
There’s this belief continued on and every high school civics class that, while, on one hand, we say, we have three equal branches of government, on the other hand, the courts decision is final.
Honestly, one branch has more power than the other two and that’s the legislative branch. They have the ultimate power although it’s very difficult to line up the power to be used against the other two branches when they are strongly at odds with them. You may think that’s a minor thing, that it is still acceptable to say we have three equal branches of government, but I don’t think that’s the correct way to look at it. The correct way to look at it is WE THE PEOPLE ultimately have a final say and the people’s ability to express that is put into motion through the legislative branch.
Had Biden not been struggling with dementia, and Harris and the other Democrats not stabbed him in the back and throw him overboard, and had Biden won, he would’ve challenged the Supreme Court’s decision, and continued on with transferring all college debt to taxpayers and there would’ve been a battle. And at that point, the leftist clowns on here, the main stream media and entertainment culture would’ve rallied around Biden, and all of these people who are seemingly put the judiciary branch on pedestals now that they’ve against Trump, would’ve been demanding they be tarred and feathered.