Serious Thumper
Offline Rocks!
Posts: 8998
Valid points. Not 100% convinced with regards to the who the majority of the bureaucracy answers to, but that’s for another day.
It's very clear. No POTUS has ever been able to independently control all regulatory agencies. The US government structure was literally developed to keep a single human from ruling all. This is my opinion.
But I support the attempt and suspect that like most of what Trump does, he shoots high, gets responses to force him back low, but in the end, settles in the middle which is much higher than the opposition would have agreed to in the first place.
I can agree to that. It's still inefficient - and yes for anyone incapable of understanding what an opinion is - that's an opinion.
The idea that we need surgical cuts to bureaucracy is wishful thinking because the obvious reality is we never actually cut anything. If we did, we wouldn’t be in this position. Let’s just see where this ends up in a few more months. Eliminating the department of education will be a huge fight but given our education system sucks, we should do it. Can’t get any worse and my guess is after a few years without federal oversight, we’ll see improvement.
I find it hard to believe that privatizing all student loans will help students or improve that system. That is an opinion. It's plausible that there will be "improvement" along the lines of outcomes but the inability to have a dedicated research or data pool will certainly confuse things. I'd much rather have the current Federal system for that than 50 different ones. My opinion is I'd much rather have the current Federal system for that than 50 different ones.