Serious Thumper

SuzukiSavage.com Rocks!
Posts: 1642
The Netherlands Den Haag
It has been a while since we had a good cuns discussion here due to all the commotion in politics. I am in favor of weapons so that we can defend ourselves against left-wing extremist behavior.
Since that is the biggest threat nowadays, it is a shame if we let our attention slacken here.
Of course, we can also ignore all the bad Trump remarks and not give value to something that has no value.
But we saw in Germany 80 years ago what bad consequences it has if you do not suppress an extremist movement or pull it out of the ground by its roots. It is clear how this left-wing movement has caused the national debt to rise to a gigantic amount. And how shamelessly the left has enriched itself at the expense of the honest, hard-working 60% of the population. It is dehumanizing to see how the left-wing people have lowered themselves to the level where you can say that it is animalistic, parasitic behavior. And that this group also shows no semblance of self-healing ability here on the political part is beyond animals. They are unworthy of the term human. What value do they have to society if they only show parasitic behavior.