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Project bike finally identified! (Read 26 times)
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Project bike finally identified!
03/08/25 at 09:00:56
Interesting to discover that my LS650 project bike, carrying a UK 'X' registration plate, is actually a year 2000 Belgian import!  

Its the E6 sticker that gives the game away, along with the dual languages on the Vin Plate.  

The V5 Title Document tells me that the machine was declared new on first registration, on 02-12-2000, which must've been a nice early Christmas present for somebody!  The engine number code matches the date too.

The 'X' reg plate threw me a curve ball for a while, until the penny dropped.   I realised that the only way the bike could have the 83 reg  (Suz didn't make 'Savages' until 85) is if somebody had transferred a number to it from an older vehicle etc. which is still legal here in the UK.

Unfortunately, I'm not making any real headway with the Green bike, even after giving the carb a dam good clean out etc.  Unfortunately, I have no way of identifying the actual carb its self, as the model number has worn off at some time in the past 🙁  Just wondering if an Amal would solve the issue........... ( we like Amal carbs... )...  

I have been assured that LS's do run very hot exhausts, but I am still not convinced this bike is fueling correctly.   Next job is the virtually inaccessible valves, but that's for tomorrow or Monday I have the project bike bodywork to paint & lacquer first thing....

Thank you to all who have provided information and data about our bikes, its been very useful!

Ride Safe All. Lin - TCF.
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Re: Project bike finally identified!
Reply #1 - 03/08/25 at 15:17:35
I'm glad you got it identified .  So your in England and it's a Belgian import ! There are a lot of bike out in the "World" I'd like to have for a while but getting one imported into the USA might be "To much to deal with" ?  

Lancer had a different carb on his bike "REX" the time I rode it .   It was running good enough the the front wheel was bouncing off the ground at low speed every time the cylinder hit.  Smiley   Maybe he'll catch wind of this thread and help ya out ?   Huh
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Re: Project bike finally identified!
Reply #2 - Today at 00:34:31
Alright you have your donor/project bike. So what are you thinking of building ? So many options !
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