thumperclone wrote on 03/06/25 at 03:24:33:
Hilarious coming from the party who made a hero out of George Floyd!!!
not factual webby and you know it..
Floyd was a victim of excessive police force
And Lakin Riley was a victim of excessive illegal alien force.
Seriously, you guys can’t be this obtuse. Can you?
You got your a$$es kicked the last election because you ignored the major voters who could see you didn’t care about those whose lives were being hurt by the millions of illegals streaming into the country and sucking up resources.
You are blind to the fact the majority of voters see this gender BS for what it is, bull$hit. But yet you continue to pretend it is.
Dode is successful and popular because people know they’re being scammed. Stacy Abrams is the tip of the iceberg, albeit a big tip, but we’re getting ripped off.
The fact you show a bunch of crime stats thinking that somehow minimizes that poor girls rape and murder.
WTF….wake up. People don’t want illegals, they don’t want boys pretending to be girls and adults in positions of authority to go along with it and they’re tired of paying so much tax knowing it’s being wasted.
Pretty simple.