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speech (Read 85 times)
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 29179
Tucson Az
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Re: speech
Reply #15 - 03/06/25 at 10:32:12
WebsterMark wrote on 03/06/25 at 03:38:46:
WTF…, they don’t want boys pretending to be girls and adults in positions of authority to go along with i

Pretty simple.

They just go to school and one day come back girls...

Then they start eating pets Huh
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Younger than most
people my age.

Posts: 9822
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Re: speech
Reply #16 - 03/06/25 at 12:02:37
thumperclone wrote on 03/06/25 at 08:23:45:
the cop was CONVICTED!

A-Yep, the cop, Chauvin, got over 20 YEARS in solitary confinement for doing what he was TAUGHT and TOLD, and was PROTOCOL to subdue a deeply combative, significantly high,  Felon.

 He should be pardoned. (Not MUSH FOR BRAIN'S family)

Another Officer of the law, Mohamed Noor, KILLED IN COLD BLOOD, shooting, from the front passenger seat, in front of his partner, KILLING, a woman in her PJ's, IN COLD BLOOD.

While he waited for the trial, OVER A YEAR, he got FULL PAY !
He also was 'fast tracked', and his Tuition was paid for, AND he was PAID to go to COP school.

Original sentenced to 12+ years. then REDUCED to 4.5 years.

He was sentenced to a "undisclosed prison", (which means a COUNTRY CLUB PRISON) After the reduced sentenced he was moved.

Think about this.

White Guy, doing what he was taught to do, to subdue man, (who had black skin) gets 20+ years.

Black/Muslim/Somalian Guy, KILLS A WOMAN IN HER PJ's, IN COLD BLOOD. get's a bit over 4 years.

Ya think the Dumb, Fucking, Idiot, WOKE, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, ULTRA LIBERAL, Socialists has something to do with it ???????


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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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