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Don't get it. (Read 169 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 8980

Re: Don't get it.
Reply #15 - 03/04/25 at 13:23:21
Yep, you  can.

Also, everyone else can.

And some, 'Observe', both sides of a political view.

 Agreed.  My opinion is that I agree.  It is also my opinion that the argument that something "aligns" with "Observed Reality" is a poor argument based off the what we are agreeing on here.  This is an opinion.

 Stating a conflict in the Ukraine is killing humans by providing evidence is different than stating a conflict in the Ukraine is killing humans based off of Observed Reality in my opinion.  

 Stating I believe the conflict in the Ukraine is because of US built and ran child-killing DNA bioweapon labs by looking at physical evidence is different than stating  the conflict in the Ukraine is because of US built and ran child-killing DNA bioweapon labs because it aligns with my Observed Reality.

 Who knows what I'm choosing to Observe every day.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1642
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Don't get it.
Reply #16 - 03/04/25 at 15:01:15
Most of the time people are stuck in habit patterns.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Younger than most
people my age.

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Re: Don't get it.
Reply #17 - 03/05/25 at 05:06:48
Another, "WHY"

In  2009 Wilson said ,
"You lie!" (About President Obama)
And the UL, WOKE, DFI, FDS Socialists went nuts.

Today, signs saying;
"Musk Steals"
"Save Medicaid."
"Protect Veterans"
‘This is not normal’
And a shout out,
‘You have no mandate,"

Perfectly OK !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
Re: Don't get it.
Reply #18 - 03/05/25 at 06:51:01
Stating a conflict in the Ukraine is killing humans by providing evidence

That IS the reality I observe
Now,pretend standing within eyesight is required to observe.
You SURE you didn't get hit in the mouth hanging out in the sandbox with the other four year olds?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8980

Re: Don't get it.
Reply #19 - 03/05/25 at 16:29:02
That IS the reality I observe
Now,pretend standing within eyesight is required to observe.

 I never said that.  My point is Observed Reality relies exclusivly on what the human chooses to Observe.

 If a human Observes, through any means, even if they are blind and Observe by means other than their eyes, if they choose to Observe that US ran child-killing bio-labs are in the Ukraine, then any social media post about a war in Ukraine will align with their Observations.  So war in the Ukraine is because of those US ran child-killing bio-labs.  Any BS post online is now more believable since it aligns with that Observed Reality - even if done by a blind human.  

 Observed Reality is a poor argument as it is dependent on what a human chooses to Observe.  For instance a human can claim they Observe  man-made climate change by pointing out destructive weather, even if they are blind.  So it would make sense to believe them that man made climate change causes bad weather right?  After all it aligns with their Observed Reality - even if they are blind and did not "See" the weather.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1642
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Don't get it.
Reply #20 - 03/06/25 at 01:00:54
You seem to think that if observations are subjective, they are by definition unreliable.

It is indeed a problem that people often only see what they want to see. But the conclusion that all observations are therefore unreliable goes too far.

In addition, there are many abuses that have been hidden for years by news from the mainstream media, which were considered reliable by almost everyone. Many of these abuses were dismissed as conspiracy theories, but in retrospect it turned out that some of them did indeed have more than a grain of truth.

And here is my point: if you don't want to see something, you can't see it. That is something different than a subjective opinion.

Observed reality can indeed be supported by peer review and objective measurements.

There is always tension when two opposing opinions meet — and that is inevitable. People who did see these abuses and didn't deny them used everything they could find to say, "Look what's happening."

It is as if they see an elephant in the room, while others pretend it isn't there. Many of these so-called theories have now come to light or are about to surface.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8980

Re: Don't get it.
Reply #21 - 03/06/25 at 15:12:49
You seem to think that if observations are subjective, they are by definition unreliable.

 I think justifying information by claiming it aligns with a single human's personal Observations is a poor way to define information as factual.  

It is indeed a problem that people often only see what they want to see. But the conclusion that all observations are therefore unreliable goes too far.

 I never said all observations are unreliable.  I said personal Observations are not conclusive fact that other information is accurate or inaccurate.  Personal Observation is a poor justification since one can simply choose to not Observe certain things.  

 If I choose to only Observe humans that are wearing green shirts any information saying more green shirts are being worn is conclusively true based off my Observed Reality.  However if I only Observe humans wearing red shirts, then any information saying humans wear green shirts is now conclusively false due to my Observed Reality.

 Actual reality however would say the numbers of humans wearing red or green shirts should be counted.  Humans who Observe the counted number of humans wearing red or green shirts will have a more accurate assessment than those using only their personal Observations to decide what is factual.  Sometimes we just have to accept information we don't like or believe is true.  

Observed reality can indeed be supported by peer review and objective measurements.

 I agree.  Claiming objective measurements are true/false based exclusively off of Observed Reality will be either accurate or inaccurate by pure chance.  Observed Reality is a poor qualifier.  
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