Eegore wrote on 03/03/25 at 18:42:30: Arguments I have heard indicating this is a negative policy are typically not impacted directly in any way from illegal immigrant activities.
So Arguments you have heard indicating this is a negative policy are from 'observed' factors. And your opinion is that, 'observed opinion', is because you believe those people are not impacted directly in any way from illegal immigrant activities
Have you observed any, 'support', of the policy, from people that
are affected/impacted, directly in any way from illegal immigrant activities ?
By collecting cash money, and not paying any taxes ?
Like Killing someone, steeling, raping, selling drugs, etc, just because ?
Like having to pay, through taxes, for their Health care, Food, Shelter, Travel, etc. ?
Or you have not, 'observed', that reality.
Therefore it is not real ?