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New rule (Read 120 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 8988

Re: New rule
Reply #15 - 03/03/25 at 09:37:11
To continue the metaphor of the tall table, who would sit at a table with a few people that are just drinking beer and not talking. Or who completely ignores what someone else says and demands everyone engage in their conversational topic. I’d leave.

 I think a more accurate assessment is sitting at a tall table and one guy only talks to you and MnSpring but will not listen to or respond to everyone else.  Even more accurate is he won't come to the table if someone he doesn't like is at the table.  

 We can all still behave normally, and it's better than one guy telling other people at the table when they can talk and when they can not.  Basically not handing out cease and desist orders to people they choose to sit with while calling them names for having their own opinions but not speaking them in a manner conducive to his own happiness.

 Basically we don't get to deal with: Hey asshoe, stop saying things I don't like you jakkass, that's an order!
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Serious Thumper

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Re: New rule
Reply #16 - 03/03/25 at 10:29:16
Eegore wrote on 03/03/25 at 08:13:14:
"... Especially given his propensity to insult people for not agreeing with him, ..."  

Would that be like,
People like 'TT' and 'Hovas', who did that on a VERY ROUTINE basis ?

AND, the people here, today, (that have a very Liberal view of things) Do ?
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8988

Re: New rule
Reply #17 - 03/03/25 at 10:48:29

Would that be like,
People like 'TT' and 'Hovas', who did that on a VERY ROUTINE basis ?

 Yes it would be exactly like that - except none of them ever, to my knowledge, told me or other members to cease and desist in regard to responding to posts.  They just dealt with it.

AND, the people here, today, (that have a very Liberal view of things) Do ?

 Yes, again except for sure none of them tell you, me, or anyone else to stop posting because they don't like what they see.  

 I get it though.  If a human refuses to Observe certain things, they can maintain a certain reality.
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Re: New rule
Reply #18 - 03/03/25 at 11:03:48
In spite of our disagreements, I'm sure me an' JoG would be best buds if we were within walking distance

Hate what I say or not, at least let me vent...
I got to get through 4 years of this idiot

Try to be kind  Huh
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper
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Re: New rule
Reply #19 - 03/03/25 at 12:30:10
been nearly 20 years I've survived his carp
what ever happened to the dumpster behinds Alices'?
a visit there might help his mental state
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