To illustrate the insanity of left-wing people, here is a practical example based on a news item from today:
The Netherlands is about twice the size of the city of New Jersey.
Electricity consumption in the Netherlands will quadruple by 2050, partly because of the switch to solar and wind energy and because cars will have to drive electrically and because we have to get rid of fossil fuels.
But there is simply not enough capacity to transport this amount of electricity.
200 billion euros are needed for problems on the power grid, while 10,000 large companies are already without a power connection due to an overloaded power grid.
In addition, they expect that we will pay four times as much for electricity in 2040

This while most people in the Netherlands are already struggling to pay their electricity bill.

I am sharing it here because then you will know why I am slowly but surely becoming more and more right-wing

Also in the news:
The European Commission continues to hold on to a CO2-neutral future. “Decarbonisation is our growth strategy,” said European Commissioner Stephane Sejourne, a confidant of French President Macron.
Brussels (read: the taxpayer) is opening its wallet. To contribute financially, Brussels wants to distribute no less than 100 billion via a new ‘decarbonisation bank’. A large part of that money still has to be scraped together.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.