Eegore wrote on 02/25/25 at 12:19:48:You were fukkin silent while the leftards whooped and hollered in absolute certainty of every whisper against Trump.
I'll consider the Source that This is True. It's A lot more likely that that lowlifebitch is a fraud than Trump is a Russian asset.
Incorrect, I said multiple times the Russia information was unlikely to be credible. The difference is the members posting it don't complain about my comment post after post.
You will not Observe this so you can keep saying I am silent about Trump.
Ohh,,I just forgot about that. Because AFTER it was Proven to be The Bullschitt that it was, while you sit silently while the unteachable continue to parrot what You Know Is Incorrect.
While you henpeck me at every opportunity.
Be the arbiter of truth
Or quit pretending you are