Serious Thumper

SuzukiSavage.com Rocks!
Posts: 13757
Not sure what’s behind the measles outbreak in Texas. Everything I read starts with a paragraph that illegals are not the cause. The actual cause I’m told is rural areas of Texas too far from preventative medicine including measles vaccinations.
Okay, maybe. But I’ve been in places in Montana, Wyoming and while I’ve never been there, Alaska and northern Canada, that are far more remote. And the residents there ate at the very least as stubborn, independent and suspicious of the government as those in rural Texas.
But Texas has been swarmed by millions of illegals who snuck across with their kids in tow heading however possible, to place’s elsewhere in the country.
I’m sure it’s out there but I’d be interested to see vaccination rates by state or even a map by county and see where counties in other rural state as tank against rural counties in Texas.