Serious Thumper
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Posts: 8993
Noting your posts are your opinion. (NOT FACT)
Please explain why/how, someone naming a thing, is responsible for that thing, when they had absolutely no hand in, making that thing.
The following is NOT FACT:
A human does not have to have a "hand" in the "making" of a thing in order to be to a degree of fault in the final outcome. Trump doesn't have to be in a laboratory making vaccines to have a degree of responsibility in the development of them.
If a human signs paperwork allocating funding to a project, they are to a degree responsible. For instance if a human signs a law funding the construction of a building with the intent of expediting the build by means of utilizing unverified materials monitored by contractors - but doesn't go physically work at the job site.
They are to a degree responsible as they funded the project with the knowledge that the project would not undergo full safety measures.
Obama never had a "hand" in doing your taxes, but he was to a degree responsible for the tax liabilities. Or no?