Serious Thumper
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Got sixty days,maximum security For a Muthafukkin Misdemeanor
Not all incarceration is "Maximum Security" just because a facility has that custody level.
FDC Miami is a full-spectrum custody location. Maximum, High-Medium, Medium, Low-Medium, Minimum, and Very Low Minimum.
She wasn't classified as Maximum Custody, and custody levels in the Federal Prisons do not mix by law.
For those wanting to over-react: Nothing about acknowledging her custody level means she should have been incarcerated. I just don't need to hear amplified rhetoric in addition to actual information. She went to prison, she didn't go to an independent "Camp" she went to a Detention Center that has camp-level inmates.
Anyone who looks at her court records will see her agreement to the waiver, that I posted here, so the claim of denying her a speedy trial is as false as all the others. They did hit her on the 430k in funding, which explains the additional charges, but again - that does not mean it is right.
Acknowledging facts does not automatically mean agreement.