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She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd (Read 51 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
02/19/25 at 12:56:40
Got sixty days,maximum security
For a Muthafukkin Misdemeanor

I'm Still rooting for death penalties for the corruptocrats
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Serious Thumper
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Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #1 - 02/19/25 at 14:27:34

I'm Still rooting for death penalties for the corruptocrats [/quote]  

why do you want to kill your FELONEST leader ?
I thought you loved him  Grin
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8989

Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #2 - 02/19/25 at 15:22:53
Got sixty days,maximum security
For a Muthafukkin Misdemeanor

 Not all incarceration is "Maximum Security" just because a facility has that custody level.

 FDC Miami is a full-spectrum custody location.  Maximum, High-Medium, Medium, Low-Medium, Minimum, and Very Low Minimum.

 She wasn't classified as Maximum Custody, and custody levels in the Federal Prisons do not mix by law.  

 For those wanting to over-react: Nothing about acknowledging her custody level means she should have been incarcerated.  I just don't need to hear amplified rhetoric in addition to actual information.  She went to prison, she didn't go to an independent "Camp" she went to a Detention Center that has camp-level inmates.

 Anyone who looks at her court records will see her agreement to the waiver, that I posted here, so the claim of denying her a speedy trial is as false as all the others.  They did hit her on the 430k in funding, which explains the additional charges, but again - that does not mean it is right.  

 Acknowledging facts does not automatically mean agreement.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
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Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #3 - 02/19/25 at 21:03:26
For those wanting to over-react

O FFS,, she had no reason to ever be indicted,
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8989

Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #4 - 02/20/25 at 03:50:29

For those wanting to over-react

O FFS,, she had no reason to ever be indicted,

 Agreed.  I just don't chose to not overlook the lying "denied" speedy trial and the inflated maximum security nonsense.  There's a reason they aren't being honest about that.

 It's not appropriate for climate alarmists to exaggerate things to prove their point right?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
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Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #5 - 02/20/25 at 07:56:14
Play whatever Bullschitt game you want. You know the speedy trial thing is true. When the truth comes out, and it will, Trump ASKED for the guard,Pelosi said no. She set it up. The feds were in the crowd. I'm not wasting my time telling what I have connected the dots on. Antifa were there, dressed as MAGA. The whole thing was manufactured. And the
Over Reaction was what the government did to the People.
That woman should have never been indicted.
Another Over Reaction?
Putting her in prison for a Muthafukkin MISDEMEANOR..
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8989

Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #6 - 02/20/25 at 11:17:07

Play whatever Bullschitt game you want. You know the speedy trial thing is true.

 So the records are falsified?  Interesting nobody is using them as reference to prove it.  Just because you don't like what happened doesn't mean the defendant didn't agree to the waiver.

That woman should have never been indicted.
Another Over Reaction?
Putting her in prison for a Muthafukkin MISDEMEANOR..

 Agreed.  But not as Maximum Security.  No need to lie to show truth. See how I can argue that she should not have been incarcerated without using speedy trial and custody lies?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #7 - 02/20/25 at 13:32:35
You work so Hard, demanding that I be so perfectly precise, while TC and the Blue Muppet say whatever and you act like it's just fine.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8989

Re: She, doctor, lawyer, swept in by the crowd
Reply #8 - 02/20/25 at 13:48:13
You work so Hard, demanding that I be so perfectly precise, while TC and the Blue Muppet say whatever and you act like it's just fine.

 I literally just pointed out not all airstrips have manned control towers but this will most likely not be Observed so you can continue to make this argument.

 The difference is they rarely provide references, while you do all the time, and I typically read them for you.  You get upset because I don't think this doctor was a "Maximum Security" inmate and complain about it.  They just move on with life.
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« Last Edit: 02/20/25 at 20:18:05 by Eegore »  
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