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My grade so far is an …. (Read 63 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 13743

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My grade so far is an ….
02/19/25 at 04:34:59
….A for the Trump administration so far. I have no complaints.

What could there be to complain about? There are thousands of criminals who are gone down. That’s a good thing. They’re actually talking about stopping the war with Russia and Ukraine. That’s a good thing. He started a conversation about Gaza and some kind of long-term solution different than what everybody else has done. That’s a good thing. They started cutting useless waste of US government. That’s a good thing. JD Vance absolutely embarrass the European leaders, spineless piece of sh!t. That’s a good thing.

Now if you’re a regular on here, you know, I was not completely thrilled with his first term. He didn’t do what he said he was going to do and he fought too many useless battles. As I said, I think he’s the world’s worst winner. I think he’s learned that once you defeat, somebody, just move along and stop re-fighting the same battles. I think he’s learned a little bit.

Now, pursuing Joe Biden for bribery, even though he pardoned himself and his family members back to 2014 or so, I would find a way to pursue that because I know he sold his office to Ukraine, China and Russia, and probably others.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2109
Houston, Texas
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Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #1 - 02/19/25 at 05:19:00
You were kinda making sense and a decent argument for your “A” grade until your last paragraph.  You “know” nothing of that accusation; you’re simply speculating what you want to be true.

I’ll give him an overall “C”.  Like a B for content and D for delivery.  School is always the easiest at the beginning of the semester, so he has some work ahead to get his GPA up.  I don’t grade on a curve so comparisons to the prior administration have no weight.

All the “Dougs” are applauding, but the non-Dougs that voted for him aren’t as impressed.  Tom Hanks mockery would have been funnier if all Trump supporters were Dougs, but they’re not.  This is like explaining to Civil War rebel soldiers that they were fighting for the same people that were also oppressing them too.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
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Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #2 - 02/19/25 at 07:08:16
know” nothing of that accusation; you’re simply speculating what you want to be true.

Evidence is public that supports that thinking. Maybe you should have a look at Tony Bobulinsky testifying in front of Congress. It's out there somewhere. Biden lied.
You do know about the shell corporations the family had, right? The payments? These things are admitted. And, why pardon innocent people? The rule is, accepting a pardon comes with the admission of guilt.
We didn't KNOW the laptop was real, but we did know. The accusation that our beliefs are based on what we Want to believe is pure projection. You lefties own that approach.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13743

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Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #3 - 02/19/25 at 09:17:00
[quote author=1B273A223F2A3D1F2E3A234F0 link=1739968499/0#1 date=1739971140]You were kinda making sense and a decent argument for your “A” grade until your last paragraph.  You “know” nothing of that accusation; you’re simply speculating what you want to be true.

I’ll give him an overall “C”.  Like a B for content and D for delivery.  School is always the easiest at the beginning of the semester, so he has some work ahead to get his GPA up.  I don’t grade on a curve so comparisons to the prior administration have no weight.

All the “Dougs” are applauding, but the non-Dougs that voted for him aren’t as impressed.  Tom Hanks mockery would have been funnier if all Trump supporters were Dougs, but they’re not.  This is like explaining to Civil War rebel soldiers that they were fighting for the same people that were also oppressing them too.

Nope. I listened to Tony Bobulinski’s testimony and read much of the House Oversight Committee’s report. Did you? If so, there’s no reasonable way to explain the findings other than criminal intent. Add the pardons for so many family members going back to the time the records indicate shady financial dealings began, and there’s a one in a million chance it’s just all innocent coincidences.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #4 - 02/20/25 at 08:51:37
YaKnow, not everyone takes the time to expose themselves to information that would allow them to build a foundation for an opinion that is based on actual factual things.
The people who Knew the laptop was Bullschitt because of 51 intelligence agents saying so were Wanting to believe that. It was So Obviously Bullschitt. Now, it's PROVEN to have been Bullschitt and They Don't have the fukkin Balls to admit they were wrong.
For them, Russia Russia Russia is still true.
They are not able to allow themselves to feel the emotional pain of being WRONG.
That is why they are
It's just too obvious, if anyone is paying attention at all, that biden sold his office.
It's undeniable.
It's Going to be Proven so strongly that even these leftards will be forced to admit it.
And the 2020 election was absolutely stolen.
And, as pisstawff as I was, now I'm fukkin Thrilled.
I'll wait for the
Why from the leftards.
Howcummizzit they don't know about the shell corporations?
Or what Tony Bobulinsky TESTIFIED to?
How can they maintain such a high degree of Ignorance?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2109
Houston, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #5 - 02/20/25 at 09:33:28
JOG wrote on 02/20/25 at 08:51:37:
YaKnow, not everyone takes the time to expose themselves to information that would allow them to build a foundation for an opinion that is based on actual factual things.
The people who Knew the laptop was Bullschitt because of 51 intelligence agents saying so were Wanting to believe that. It was So Obviously Bullschitt. Now, it's PROVEN to have been Bullschitt and They Don't have the fukkin Balls to admit they were wrong.
For them, Russia Russia Russia is still true.
They are not able to allow themselves to feel the emotional pain of being WRONG.
That is why they are
It's just too obvious, if anyone is paying attention at all, that biden sold his office.
It's undeniable.
It's Going to be Proven so strongly that even these leftards will be forced to admit it.
And the 2020 election was absolutely stolen.
And, as pisstawff as I was, now I'm fukkin Thrilled.
I'll wait for the
Why from the leftards.
Howcummizzit they don't know about the shell corporations?
Or what Tony Bobulinsky TESTIFIED to?
How can they maintain such a high degree of Ignorance?

Even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut.  You might try eating your own cooking or practicing what you preach occasionally.

I don’t immediately accept something as “true” just because one side says it’s so.  Critical thinking is completely elusive to some people, and common sense isn’t common at all for some people.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #6 - 02/20/25 at 09:45:24
Then why are you unable to see the obvious?
Regardless of Snopes and CNN, the biden family have shell corporations attached to them. Millions were sent to them. It's not hard to find. Or maybe you can explain the millions they are worth? Open your eyes, dude.
So, you knew the laptop was real?
Russia Russia Russia was Bullschitt?
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Tucson Az
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Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #7 - 02/20/25 at 09:50:33
Millions of 150 year old SSI recipients aren't real, Zelenski is not a dictator with a 4% approval that started the war when Putin invaded, illegals are not eating dogs and cats, little boys aren't being made into girls by school nurses, Greenland is not for sale, windmill noise does not cause cancer,  ...

You'll believe one guy accusing Biden, but not 30 women accusing Trump of sexual assault

2 impeachments, numerous bankruptcies, 34 felony convictions, sexual assaults, admitted to peeping on nude underage girls, banned from charities forever, affairs with porn star and playgirl behind his foolish wife's back

I never realized Americans were such idiots
Idiocracy was funny movie,... it was...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2109
Houston, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #8 - 02/20/25 at 09:51:30
I guess it’s completely impossible that Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner, is lying his A$$ off to try to save his own skin….  The dude was in bed with the Bidens and doesn’t want to get strung up in the witch-hunt.

That said, when Obama was in office and the Bidens were dealing with corrupt politicians and business people in Ukraine, I acknowledge something didn’t smell right.  But I’m not taking Bobulinski’s word for anything.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #9 - 02/20/25 at 10:03:29
You believed the Bullschitt about the laptop
Russia Russia Russia
And refuse to accept the obvious about the bidens.
The Shell corporations and the millYuns of dollars.
The bragged about
Fire the prosecutor investigating US or you don't get the money.
Don't preach to me about common sense. You are devoid.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2109
Houston, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #10 - 02/20/25 at 10:45:12
JOG wrote on 02/20/25 at 10:03:29:
You believed the Bullschitt about the laptop
Russia Russia Russia
And refuse to accept the obvious about the bidens.
The Shell corporations and the millYuns of dollars.
The bragged about
Fire the prosecutor investigating US or you don't get the money.
Don't preach to me about common sense. You are devoid.

You prove my point every time you touch the keyboard.  
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
Gender: male
Re: My grade so far is an ….
Reply #11 - 02/20/25 at 11:02:25
Ohh My Goodness!
Thank You!
I haven't laughed that hard in days!
YaKnow, I started despising you the day you typed
Buyer beware.
You were HERE. I didn't try to dig you for money. I was just wanting things gone so my daughter didn't have to deal with it when I am. And you had the gall to pretend that I am a dishonorable person. Dude,, get lost.
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