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I'm rooting for the death penalty (Read 91 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 2014
Longview, Texas
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Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #15 - 02/18/25 at 03:57:06
That's correct. The leftards Believe that by calling what clearly was not an insurrection that it Is just that. They do that because they have the ability to simply declare something to BE what they want, then they are able to excrete the emotions that would actually go with that. I was married to a woman who could do that.
It doesn't MATTER to them that IF it had actually been an insurrection, that it would have been a Well Armed event.
It was created by Pelosi. And friends. Just wait.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #16 - 02/18/25 at 08:50:05
Hmm, the guards who were supposed to be guarding the entrance?  How did that JUST happen ?

 Having run hundreds of these exercises over the years it JUST happened because 10 humans can't stop a hundred unarmed humans.  Once humans start breaking down structural barriers like windows, procedure is to just let them pass, or possibly die.  What is not plausible in any way, is for the humans protecting the structure to succeed when the odds are 10 to 1 or higher.  For that matter 2 to 1 or higher is still going to be unsuccessful.

 Crowds/mobs are a type of flowing energy that can be diverted until dispersed, but stopping them is much much harder.  Think if it like a large flood of water, but it's humans, and psychology.

 For those incapable of understanding that knowing procedure and basic math does not mean I think this was an insurrection:  I have never said, in any way, that this was an insurrection.  So feel free to not over-react and claim I am calling Jan 6th an insurrection.
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Serious Thumper
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Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #17 - 02/18/25 at 09:39:19
from OXFORD languages,
insurrection: a violent uprising against authority or government.

it WAS an insurrection period
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

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The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #18 - 02/18/25 at 09:57:30
And one that was encouraged and even organized by the Democrats to further discredit Trump.

Btw I,m not rooting for deaht penalty.
We are in this mess together an created it together.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper
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PGR rider  riding
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Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #19 - 02/18/25 at 10:37:25
[quote author=746B786B606B606B7C69676B0E0 link=1739804383/15#18 date=1739901450]And one that was encouraged and even organized by the Democrats to further discredit Trump.

total bullsh!t
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper
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PGR rider  riding
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Posts: 6689
Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #20 - 02/18/25 at 10:37:48
[quote author=746B786B606B606B7C69676B0E0 link=1739804383/15#18 date=1739901450]And one that was encouraged and even organized by the Democrats to further discredit Trump.

total bullsh!t
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

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Re: I'm rooting for the death penalty
Reply #21 - 02/18/25 at 14:52:19
I don’t believe it was encouraged by Democrats. That’s a level of 3-D chess I don’t think they would be capable of planning and executing. What they were capable of was taking advantage of a situation. It was a protest that got out of control and when the media realized they had an opportunity to help out their partners, the Democrats, they came up with the insurrection angle.  It essentially went viral and partisans believe it to be an actual insurrection.

It was not an insurrection. Period.
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