Only I would make it public. Sorta.. Pay per view .
Fauci, hanged on camera. With a percentage of the money going to pay down the debt.
The investigation should work to discover the people who knew what they were doing and went along. At some point the degree of involvement and profit would drop them out of the death penalty and get them life in prison.. And plenty of the responsible people don't live in America.
However many hang, start with the smallest fish and let Fauci enjoy the show and be the Grand Finale'.
Where to get Mayorkas? Mehh, I'm not in the entertainment industry.
Maybe there's enough involved in the border mess to have their very own TV time..
That POS Mayorkas qualifies for a rope, too. The lives ruined and ended because of him ,the treason of his border policy and what that exposed America to needs to be rewarded accordingly.
He got his orders from somewhere.
Yeah, I'm really upset about the innocent victims of the criminals who flooded our country.
And, FWIW, I hope AOC gets arrested. Her podcast telling illegals how to avoid ICE and deportation was a felony. Not a felony that requires lawfare and manufacturing Bullschitt. On its face, a clear violation of
And for the Pearl clutching defenders of Dmokrucee, please NOTE
We won the election.
So,allow the Democratic process to be implemented. The American people want to stop waste, and remove the illegal immigrants.
And No President has Ever moved so quickly to deliver the promises he ran on.
The leftards who are working against him are seriously about to get steamrolled.
I'm seeing rumors that Zuckerberg is operating, supporting organizations resisting the Trump mandate.
Ohh,,I actually hope it's true. That will come with pain attached.
I've never done a PPV but I'd pay a hundred bucks. Mehh, get a few friends together, make popcorn and nachos, get the cooler and ICE some beer.. Because Cold Cold beer is just necessary.
Flame on,Libtards