Serowbot wrote on 02/03/25 at 11:05:14:What do real medical scientists that don't eat road kill or have worms in their brains think?
No, no no no no. “Real medical scientist“ are often times wrong. And who is an actual real medical science, for you anyway, depends on their political affiliation.
The coronavirus vaccine wasn’t as dangerous as some say it was, but it certainly wasn’t as safe as others say it was. I did not trip over dead bodies from people who took the vaccine. But I also didn’t trip over healthy people who died from Covid. In fact, I just saw this the other day not a single healthy child under 18 died from Covid. Zero. Our mistake with the pandemic was insisting everybody take it. That was a mistake, i’m on plenty of others.
I’m staying out of these discussions on the vaccine and mRNA. I don’t know enough about it, and I really don’t have any interest in learning about it.