Serious Thumper
SuzukiSavage.com Rocks!
Posts: 13504
I should have been clearer. I’m not saying that all people earning over say, $1M per year aren’t paying their fair share. When they do their taxes honestly with the right intent, they pay enough. I’m referring to rich people like Trump that manage to find loopholes (or use fraudulent books) to dodge paying taxes.
I’m not aware of anyone who doesn’t use “loopholes”, I do, you do. Do you think Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Cuban, Elizabeth, Warren, Bernie Sanders….. any of your favorite millionaire liberal Democrats do anything different than Donald Trump does? Don’t delude yourself.
I’ll be the first to acknowledge that we have a spending problem more so than an income problem, but the amount spent on humanitarian aid abroad is peanuts compared to the flat out waste elsewhere in our spending.
I agree, hence the Dode initiative. I read the estimates for the number of government employees who work from home now and have since the pandemic and it’s staggering. The enormous waste of money must beyond belief.
As someone who has worked from their home for 25 years, I have certainly seen people who abused that. Dozens and dozens of people I’ve worked with have been let go because they just could not balance the needs of work with the flexibility of being at home. And since I’ve always been in sales, those people essentially fired themselves because they were not producing.
But if you’re a government worker at home doing desk jobs, my guess is your golf handicap has dropped significantly and a lot of those home projects have gotten done!