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Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully (Read 91 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 1485
Longview, Texas
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Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
11/25/24 at 19:50:00
quoted here by some who believed them, were lies.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8719

Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #1 - 11/25/24 at 20:07:30

 At least someone is willing to potentially look into the under 50 stats.  I brought this up here but was told that it meant I was "touting" CDC numbers.  Not sure how that works, but whatever.

 It hopefully will be looked into, and more data recovered.

 Also I think he's right about anti-Covid vaccine being over-done and causing zero-vaccine attitudes for vaccines proven effective for decades.
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Serious Thumper

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Longview, Texas
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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #2 - 11/25/24 at 20:08:36
That doesn't sound like what I was met with before.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8719

Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #3 - 11/25/24 at 20:13:18
That doesn't sound like what I was met with before.

 Probably because you choose to not distinguish the difference between me saying I don't agree blindly that 8 Million kids died in 2021 and me saying to "Trust the CDC".   Accurately Observing that the NFL did not lose 30% of its players is not equal to saying the CDC is right about vaccine impacts.

 Again, something that is continually not Observed: Why would I work with a multitude of organizations, and succeed in, changing the CDC counting methods in CO if I thought they were correct?  If they were correct and trustworthy why fight to change it?

 I get it, if that's acknowledged, the whole "You said the CDC was right" argument goes out the window.
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Serious Thumper

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Longview, Texas
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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #4 - 11/25/24 at 20:29:09
Once again
When Was the Last time I posted something that you had demonstrated was likely incorrect?
You insist that your disagreement with my harping on The Jabs was Solely based on my incorrect statement about the children? Bullschitt.
Gaslight someone else.
Remember the Irony of the people dropping Dead on Live TV?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8719

Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #5 - 11/25/24 at 21:04:41
When Was the Last time I posted something that you had demonstrated was likely incorrect?
You insist that your disagreement with my harping on The Jabs was Solely based on my incorrect statement about the children? Bullschitt.

 No, its just the most egregious miscalculation because of how obviously false it is, out of the multiple you repeatedly defended without ever stating any of them are wrong.

 Hundreds of US athletes "D.E.A.D." in 2021 but not once sports team notices.  Not one.

 Over 1200 military personnel disabled per-day.

 "The Admitted, Dramatic increase in death, By the Insurance companies." even though they don't have those records.

 300% increase in miscarriages - hundreds per day.

 620% Increased Risk of Myocarditis: Another Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Destruction Caused by mRNA COVID-19 Jabs or an additional 1,643 people per-day every day.

 You really believe all that?  Millions additional dead per year for the past 4 years?  You'd be watching people drop dead on "Live TV" every hour.

Remember the Irony of the people dropping Dead on Live TV?

 Lets look at your response when that logic is used on you:

Ohh! Wouldn't finding one or two exceptions nullify what is obvious?

 I guess that only applies to climate change.  The absence of millions of dead bodies is to be ignored?

 Remember your reference was mostly people dying from 2016 or before?  Or is that still not Observed?

 Again, the difference is I will acknowledge the inaccurate information - but you will claim I am saying "The vaccine is safe, everyone should get one" when I'm really saying the video was mostly lies.  The claims about about millions dying is lies.  

 The danger is in different demographics than you claim and at much less than some bull$h!t 620% death rate.


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Serious Thumper

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Longview, Texas
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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #6 - 11/25/24 at 21:10:15
I WATCHED people fall DEAD, on Live TV.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8719

Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #7 - 11/25/24 at 21:15:15

I WATCHED people fall DEAD, on Live TV.

 Great, repeating it won't change that you defended repeatedly that millions are dying.  Hundreds of millions are vaccinated.  What percentage of that number would you say you witnessed die?

 Or as you would put it:

Ohh! Wouldn't finding one or two exceptions nullify what is obvious?

 You really expect anyone to believe millions are dying per year from vaccines?  Maybe that number is a bit exaggerated?  Maybe anti-vaccine websites lie too?
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Senior Member

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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #8 - 11/25/24 at 21:43:31
Thank goodness Trump was elected.  Perhaps he can do something about many of these F---ed-up govt. agencies.  From the cdc to the doj plus many more!
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Serious Thumper

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Longview, Texas
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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #9 - 11/25/24 at 21:54:02
repeating it won't change that you defended repeatedly that millions are dying.  

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1485
Longview, Texas
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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #10 - 11/25/24 at 21:55:12
Your Turn
You Pushed the lies as truth.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8719

Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #11 - 11/26/24 at 03:54:00

 I don't recall this.  I do remember you asking how long it has been since you repeated the information.  My answer is every time this discussion comes up.

Your Turn
You Pushed the lies as truth.

 Except that I said the CDC methods were wrong.  Again, why would I work to change the official count process in CO if the CDC was correct?  If you Observe this, your argument is gone.

 I never said the vaccine was "safe and effective"  You said I did, but I never actually did.  You simply over react if I debate any small component of a topic.

I think you were lied to about the insurance company claims that I read for you.  

 You hear me saying nobody ever dies from the vaccine.  

 I think you were lied to about the CDC documentation guidance.  

 You hear me say the CDC never lies.  

 I think the hundreds of names you offered as "D.E.A.D athletes" that I looked up for you, are adults, most alive.

 You hear me say Pharma can be trusted and every kid should get vaccinated.  I just think living people should not be calculated as dead kids.

 Millions are vaccinated in the US - if 1% where killed then 3.3 Million would have died this year.  Were are all the dead bodies?
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Serious Thumper

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Longview, Texas
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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #12 - 11/26/24 at 04:14:47
That is a Fact.
What percentage of the jabbed are Ever On live tv? Pretty small percentage of the population Right? And even with that Tiny number of The Jabbed being on TV, I still watched it happen. I'm supposed to believe that didn't happen in the population? It's an Ongoing problem.
Not all vials were the same, different lots were different. It was done on purpose.
Fauci Told Trump that he would have a big problem during his presidency.
Explain that.
Are you saying they are Safe and Effective?
Or is this your way of agreeing with me, Again?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #13 - 11/26/24 at 05:29:14
I doubt we’ll ever know with complete certainty the good, the bad and the ugly fallout from the Covid vaccines. We know some credible facts and trends, but it’s easy to extrapolate those in either direction.

I read just the other day someone arguing against the RFK nomination that the vaccine saved 100 million lives. That’s as unknowable as saying it killed a 100,000.

I have to apply my own experience to this. I know three people who died of Covid and they were all old or had serious health problems. Regarding the vaccine, my brother, who is literally one of those people who are never sick at all, got the vaccine and the next day had a heart incident and was hospitalized for a couple days. Now he’s back to being completely healthy again.

Closing down schools and letting Home Depot, and Lowes stay open while small business hardware stores had to close was criminal. The politically motivated, power grabbing response to Covid should never be repeated and the rush to force healthy people to get vaccinated who had little risk should also never be repeated.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8719

Re: Once again,, the CDC numbers so cheerfully
Reply #14 - 11/26/24 at 05:46:03

That is a Fact.

 I get it.  So when a climate alarmist says they WATCHED SEVERE WEATHER ON LIVE TV, would you just say they must be right because only a tiny portion of global weather is on live TV?  Or would you say:

Ohh! Wouldn't finding one or two exceptions nullify what is obvious?

If 620% died, as your latest source claims, that I read for you, we all would have seen over 1600 die per-day.  Per day.  Do you think over 1600 vaccinated humans in the US per-day are dropping dead?

What percentage of the jabbed are Ever On live tv? Pretty small percentage of the population Right? And even with that Tiny number of The Jabbed being on TV, I still watched it happen. I'm supposed to believe that didn't happen in the population? It's an Ongoing problem.

 It is an ongoing problem and that for your information is me agreeing with you that it is an ongoing problem.  I agree with you that it is an ongoing problem.  I agree with you.  I do not think 1600 extra per-day are dying.  There's no way that many extra people die per-day without there being more funerals, school shortages, or actual dead bodies.  

 I don't understand how you can see that a guy blatantly using false tariff rates for automobiles is not credible source - AND ALSO - that tariffs are an issue that needs addressed.  Yet you can't see that blatantly wrong vaccine death claims are not a credible source - AND ALSO - the vaccine can kill people.  It's like if I don't blindly agree with an article headline then I can only be saying the CDC/WHO/Government never lies and the vaccine is safe.  

Fauci Told Trump that he would have a big problem during his presidency.
Explain that.

 He's said that multiple times over many years.  We discussed this already, but since I don't agree lock-step with your assessment you will falsely claim I said Fauci never lies and the CDC should be trusted.  Both things I never said, you are just being over-defensive with the exaggerated reactions to my assessment.

Are you saying they are Safe and Effective?

 I've never said that.  You said I did.  I have never said anything like that.  Saying 8 million kids didn't die in 2021 is not saying the vaccine is safe and effective.  Why do you refuse to Observe that?  

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