Serowbot wrote on 11/24/24 at 08:41:10:I Was going to, but with a few things added. Since I Know about what is left after being saved, I know that people who don't know, believe they know what a forgiven, spiritually reborn, saved child of God LOOKS like. They don't. Ya don't get your innocence back. You're Still a fallen human being. But now, you're forgiven.
Paul went to God3 times.
I have a Thorn in my side.
Remnants of the former self, things unwanted, things that don't Look like they belong In a Spiritually reborn person.
God said
My Grace is enough for you.
The saved Aren't perfect. We may not live up to your expectations. That's okay.
We often don't live up to our own.
But,, Grace..
I didn't want to have to type all That..