Hay I found something about the Anti Lock Brake system.
Mine is Dual channel , the front and rear have to agree on how fast we're going.
Well , my front brake got to pulsing really bad as I got slower . I thought the rotor was warped it was so bad. So I put a new rotor and pads on $$$ didn't fix it.

What did fix it was I took the sensors (front and rear) out ... and ... Cleaned them. The rear had it the worse , there was (for lack of a better term) a metal paste stuck to the end of the magnetic sensor. I'm guessing here but it looked and felt like a mixture of metal particles , chain lube , and road grit , leave out the chain lube for the front.
So come oil change time I'll be removing the sensors for a cleaning.

The taller tire was only 150/80-16 to 140/90-16 , and I wanted to lower it before , but now I
HAVE to lower it !

WIDE SEAT seems to push the ground futher away !
Dave the speedometer was showing 62 when the GPS was showing 60 , so it's a step in the right direction !