Mothers day , 11 May.
My mother in law will be 101 by then !

I have no idea what to get for her , any suggestions ?
Lancer you joking ?

If we have to sleep in the truck I'll speaking up for the "Passenger side right now"

So, as of now we have Sunday night April 27 -Sunday morning May 4th. right ?
If so : I'll plan on being at your house April 25 or 26th.
What's the best week for you ? We might get cabin 50 the week after ... May 4 - 10 would be Great for me !
Hay Lancer , you bringing the 650 or the 650 ?

I have to be home by May 20th , I've got a date with Marcia in Helen GA , I don't want to miss.
So any of them weeks before (May 20th) are OK.
Warmer is good for me , I don't like cold and learned long ago "Cool is a frame of mind"

Just let me know , like
Versey said ; I'm flexable.