Hot Dog , We got it together !

go for it Lancer #50 is good for me , if you can get it for us , but I'm OK with any of them ! Maybe someone else will be able to join us at the last minute ?
Lancer ,
If we leave your house on Sunday morning and spend Sunday night about 1/2 or 2/3 the way there ? April 27th - May 3rd is what I marked on my Calendar but I've got from April 22nd -May 10th open.
So, Moab starting Monday night ? Day-Ride's starting Tuesday ?
I'm retired so for my part we can stay as long as yall want or till Marcia call me home for dinner !
I was thinking 5 or 6 day rides ... maybe 4 if need be ?
Eventually I'll have a little Tear Drop trailer to sleep in at an Interstate rest area in but I don't have it put together yet , hopefully next year.