Serious Thumper

Thumpers Rule
Posts: 5373
Manteca , CA
Use caution with glucosamine/chondroiton ! Some years ago I was using Joint Juice for painful knees & shoulders one a day and yeah it works and maybe I’m allergic to it but after 3 months , I was at work and had ducked down to get under a trailer when I stood up on the other side I had a visual blackout , both eyes went black. Really scary to be blind in an instant , no warning at all. I got down to one knee right where I was standing , slowly right eye came back from foggy to clear while left eye was still in blackout. Made my way into shop to inform foreman I’m done for the day , after 20 minutes vision began to return , back to normal in an hour. Thought I was having a stroke , after blood work , X-rays , magnetic resonance tests , ultra sound on my neck to check for plugged arteries , 6 tests & blood after review all of it tests , found nothing at all. Thought maybe cause of a hangover but doctor said no , we have found absolutely nothing ! By now no lingering symptoms and thought I would go back to joint juice , bought a six pack , drank one , standing in line at a second store and bam , left eye blacked out , went to a knee expecting other eye to black out too. It was only maybe a minute later sight returned but foggy for awhile. All the same tests again and again they found nothing. Tossed 5 bottles of the stuff and never had another visual blackout in 11 years. Really really scary to be blind in an instant !!!