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The Truth about Walz (Read 75 times)
Serious Thumper

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The Truth about Walz
08/27/24 at 07:52:17
The Democratic Party is absolute NOTHING like it was, 20 Years ago. It has been taken over by extremists who believe ‘Freedom’ is telling you EXACTLY, What to do, When to do it, and How to do it.

The SCHOOL that the Wellstone boys started after their Dad died was called, ‘How to win an election being a Socialist’,  then changed to, ’Camp Wellstone’,  then, ‘ Wellstone Action  Training’.  Is now “Re Power”.
The 2 Wellstone kids were KICKED OFF the Board in 2018.
Which after KICKING off the Kids, Has now gone past  Ultra Liberal, to Full On Socialism, and rapidly moving into Communism.

over 90,000 people have been ‘trained’,
more than 850 of its former students have been elected
(including Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who has been ‘trained twice, and his Lt Gov TAUGHT the class)

From “Mother Jones”. (Well known to be FAR left)

“Founded after Wellstone’s death in a plane crash in 2002, Wellstone Action has trained thousands of progressive candidates, campaign operatives and community organizers throughout the country, with alumni serving in local and state offices and in the U.S. House. In 2016, the last year for which tax filings are available, the group reported providing training to 2,135 data and digital strategists, 723 nonprofit leaders and community organizers, and 854 aspiring political leaders.

Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat and deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. While Ellison said he has “faith in everybody involved, and I’m sure they’ll work it out,” he cautioned, “Wellstone Action has trained a tremendous number of people very effectively, and there’s a whole lot of people in office today because they got trained by Wellstone Action.

That included a 40-year-old high school social studies teacher and football coach named Tim Walz.
The three-day training session was called Camp Wellstone. It was the signature program of Wellstone Action, a nonprofit created by aides and supporters of Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.), after the the fiery prairie progressive died in a plane crash in October 2002. The group emphasized Wellstone’s devotion to grassroots politics; Wellstone had first been elected to the Senate in 1990 by mobilizing an army of volunteers that included college students and local activists who mostly had not been involved in campaigns previously.

A middled-aged white guy from a conservative part of the state who had coached his school’s football team to a state championship—his fellow campers at first wondered if Walz might be a Republican. (Camp Wellstone was a nonpartisan project and obligated to assist candidates of different political stripes.) But they soon figured out that Walz, who was set on running for the US House of Representatives against a six-term Republican incumbent, was no right-winger. “Tim Walz came in saying he was disgruntled by politics and mad at being denied entrance to the Bush rally,” recalls Pam Costain, a founder and director of training for Wellstone Action

The attendees were schooled in what was called the “Wellstone triangle”—the necessity of connecting three different activities: electoral organizing; grass-roots, issues-oriented organizing; and the formulation of public policy. “Paul had argued that there was an unfortunate disconnect between electoral politics and people who did community organizing,” Costain says. “People in electoral politics had disdain for grassroots organizing and people who did community organizing had cynicism for electoral politics. Paul’s view was that we can’t win without the three parts of the triangle.”
The camp also highlighted what Costain calls Wellstone’s “guiding values”: “integrity, authenticity, talking to people in plain-speak about their problems, and the joy of politics.” Wellstone, she notes, viewed politics as “not about grievance and anger, but getting to know people to solve problems.”
Overall, the training session was short on ideology and long on pragmatic concerns. The potential candidates—who were interested in seeking a variety of city, state, and federal offices—received courses on the basics: how to conduct door-to-door canvassing, how to fundraise, how to build a campaign team, how to hold a press conference, how to write and deliver a stump speech. The instructors were mostly young politicos with campaign experience. This included Melvin Carter, the current mayor of St. Paul, and Peggy Flanagan, a 25-year-old veteran of the Wellstone campaign and a Native American organizer who had the previous year won a Minneapolis school board seat. (Today she is Minnesota’s lieutenant governor.) A fundraiser for ret. Gen. Wesley Clark, who had run unsuccessfully in the 2004 Democratic presidential primary, handled the course on attracting funders. “It was frightening what you had to do to get money,” Ritchie remembers.

Throughout the weekend, there was role-playing in which the attendees held mock press conferences and gave stump speeches. They were also taught how to handle campaign crises. One scenario Camp Wellstone used was a situation in which a campaign manager is revealed to be having an affair with a staffer. What do you as a candidate do about that?
“This was all about brass tacks,” says Ralph Remington, an actor and arts advocate who was at Camp Wellstone in preparation for a run for an open seat on the Minneapolis city council. “How can you differentiate between persuadable and non-persuadable voters. The dos and don’ts of direct mail. What do you say at the door? What do you say in an interview? You’re a candidate. You’re a product. How do you get your product to market? How do you get the product to succeed?”
During the session on stump speeches, Ritchie noticed that the several participants who had served in the military, including Walz, delivered strong and coherent addresses, much more so than the others. Remington recalls that Walz in his speech talked about being a coach and a family man and his time in the military and how all this would inform how he would act as a public servant. “He emphasized how he had been raised and the values of his community,” Remington says. “I could see he was hitting on the right mojo. Tim came across as very folksy, very next-door, the guy at the hardware store. I knew Minnesotans, and I knew that would resonate. I knew that he would win some office eventually.”
The attendees forged friendships that would continue in the coming years. In 2006, as Mark Ritchie ran for secretary of state and Walz for Congress, they occasionally campaigned together. “I did parades different from Tim,” Ritchie says. “While I walked down the middle, he would run from side to side, and I realized that’s how you do parades.” Remington recalls that that camp attendees held reunions with cook-outs and happy hours. “We would be sounding boards for each other’s decisions—say, what donations to take or not to take—and provide each other a sense of accountability,” Ritchie notes.
Many of them won. Ritchie was victorious in his campaign for secretary of state. Remington was elected to the Minneapolis city council. Others in their class won state legislative or local seats. Andrew Lugar, another participant, went on to serve twice as US attorney for Minnesota. (He’s currently in the job.) And Walz won his first race for office in 2006 and was re-elected to Congress five times—in a district Trump won in 2016—before successfully running for governor in 2018 with Flanagan, then a state representative, as his running mate.
“That class success rate was extraordinary,” says Costain. “Now, watching Tim on the national stage, I see he’s so reminiscent of Paul. He has this relatable ability. He can talk progressive politics for real people. I see a lot of Paul in Tim.”
Wellstone, who considered running for president in 2000 and opted not to, had his political career tragically cut short. But he inspired his colleagues to set up a shop that gave a boost to the political career of Walz and many others. Though Wellstone has been gone for over two decades, there now is a Wellstone Democrat on the National ticket.”

   (Oh Wait, MJ ‘could’ be lying !)

From another article:

".Is a radical political training organization based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Formed in 2003 as tribute to the life and legacy of the liberal late U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN), RePower is one of the biggest left-wing training organizations in the United States.  Although officially deemed nonpartisan for tax reasons, it is openly far-left in its ideological views.  The mission of RePower is advancing radical political ideals in public policy. It works to achieve that mission through a means of advocacy, recruitment, and training individuals to become political candidates and operatives.
The cornerstone of RePower is training individuals to become far-left political leaders. In 2016 alone the organization conducted 96 trainings throughout the country, including almost 5,300 people who received training.  Since its founding, the organization has trained over 90,000 people, and more than 850 of its former students have been elected to political offices.  Those whom became elected officeholders have served at various levels of government, including local, state, and federal.  Current federal officeholders trained by Wellstone Action include U.S. Representative Dave Loebsack (D-IA), Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D), and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz ..." (D)

Walz was always saying, ‘I’m a  public servant’, which was a total lie.
“Power Corrupts,
Absolute Power,
Corrupts Absolutely”

Was clearly Walz’s motto after he was elected.  
His Covid ‘decisions’, proved his ‘power’ without a doubt.
His ‘RUN & HIDE” tacit was exposed when the first dumpster fire started, sparking the multi BILLION, Floyd Riot, which tore at this Nation.

And it all started with Franken & Wellstone. Getting elected by ACORN, which took BUSSES of people, who normally did not vote, were not registered,  or not Citizens, (Yes Virginia their was illegals back then, just not the millions their are today),  ACORN gathered these people with the promise of free Pizza & Beer.  What they did was take busses Full pf these people, then they handed them as they got off the buss a sheet of paper that show their address and a bill for something, then had a ‘voucher’, vouch for them, then they voted. District after District, after District,. Over and over and over, again and again and again.
On the way back, they stopped for Pizza and beer. (Of course had to show a ID to buy beer)
ACORN, (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) did a hell of a  job covering up what they did.
Yet the smoke and mirrors they started have improved today.
“…a ad calls "voter fraud" is actually voter registration fraud..."

"... Several ACORN canvassers have been found guilty of faking registration forms and others are being investigated. But the evidence that has surfaced so far shows they faked forms to get paid for work they didn’t do …”

“…In recent years, ACORN employees have been investigated multiple times for voter registration fraud. ACORN workers have been convicted of submitting false voter registration forms in Colorado Springs in 2005, Kansas City, Mo., in 2006 and King County, Wash., in 2007. ACORN’s Las Vegas office was raided by a state criminal investigator on Oct. 7, 2008. ACORN workers are also the subjects of ongoing investigations in Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. The Indiana investigation started in early October and may involve thousands of fraudulent registration forms….”

Pick one.
Socialism, (soon to be Communism)
Or Freedom !!!!!

Big question, 60-100 years from now, will their be a revolt ?
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28631
Tucson Az
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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #1 - 08/27/24 at 08:43:04
Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #2 - 08/27/24 at 08:54:34
I don’t know about that but I do know Walz is one of those guys who tells you if it’s raining, you better check cause he lies like a rug.
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28631
Tucson Az
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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #3 - 08/27/24 at 09:28:04
Mexico will pay for the wall
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #4 - 08/27/24 at 11:27:05
"...I do know Walz is one of those guys who tells you if it’s raining, you better check cause he lies like a rug. "

Walz will Piss on you,
   then tell you
      it's only rain.

Exactly what has Reagan got to do with a person, who is a, Ultra Liberal, DFI, Power Hungry, BULLY.
Who RUNS and HIDES whenever the road is not newly paved ?

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper
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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #5 - 08/27/24 at 11:40:19
running scared
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #6 - 08/27/24 at 11:46:18
Can you even imagine, how much the UL, DFI FDS Socialists, would SCREAM at the top of their lungs.

If their was a school that advertised.

"If you are running for office, and you are a Conservative, you should take this course"

How To Win
 a Political Office,
being a Conservative.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #7 - 08/27/24 at 11:50:25
thumperclone wrote on 08/27/24 at 11:40:19:
running scared

Correct !

Any time someone says 'BOO"
      Walz is Scared,
 and RUNS and HIDES !!!!!
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper
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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #8 - 08/28/24 at 01:47:16
bubs are scared, they have no issues to attack with only hyperbole and lies
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standing for those who stood for US

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #9 - 08/28/24 at 03:16:10
thumperclone wrote on 08/28/24 at 01:47:16:
bubs are scared, they have no issues to attack with only hyperbole and lies

What’s nonsense. I’ve given very specific reasons why Harris is a terrible candidate and an awful potential president.

You guys used your friends in the media and social media to turn a legitimate story how Biden sold his office, news discovered on a legitimate laptop, and convinced everybody it was a fake story from the Russians.

But Walz is an awful pick. The Harris people had to know he’s regular lying about his military service. They had to know that which means they completely ignored it. I don’t think they have very many ex military people connected with them or if they do, they don’t care about their opinion. It’s most likely a combination of the two.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #10 - 08/28/24 at 04:02:08
bubs stupidity is an existential threat to America
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standing for those who stood for US

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #11 - 08/28/24 at 08:18:10
thumperclone wrote on 08/28/24 at 04:02:08:
bubs stupidity is an existential threat to America

Yes Grasshopper.
You do good job.
Just as you were taught.

Post total nonsense,
to raise the view count,
to increase advertising.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #12 - 08/28/24 at 09:21:55
thumperclone wrote on 08/28/24 at 04:02:08:
bubs stupidity is an existential threat to America

Says the guy who supported an old man as president whose brains were mush and running out of his head and could barely talk. And now supports his VP that stabbed him in the back and is so stupid, they have to hide her from questions. Way to go.
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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #13 - 08/28/24 at 12:32:14
More info on the"... thin-skinned, power-drunk tyrant that has destroyed Minn, and has repeatedly violated Minnesotan's liberties. ..."

The Minnesota State Fair is in full swing this week, with attendees seen lining up outside a popular anti-Tim Walz booth to win "Never Walz" prizes after the Gopher State governor ascended to the second spot on the 2024 Democratic presidential ticket.

"Never Walz," reads a massive sign on a booth at the state fair, which has attracted long lines of people waiting to receive "Never Walz" fans and T-shirts,

The booth was set up by conservative nonprofit Action 4 Liberty MN, which allows attendees of the nation’s second-largest state fair to spin a wheel to win "Never Walz" signage and apparel.

"Our amazing supporters spin the wheel for a chance at a free T-shirt and a ‘Never Walz’ fan. We're a nonprofit organization that promotes liberty by exposing the RINOs and Leftists when they betray liberty, and we work to mobilize our grassroots army of supporters and train them on how to wield their individual political power as effectively as possible," Action 4 Liberty leader and former Republican Minnesota state Rep. Erik Mortensen told Fox News Digital on Tuesday.

The "Never Walz" booth is a hot attraction on the fairgrounds, with Mortensen saying that even though they aren’t selling famed fair food, "our lines have been longer than most of the food booths."

We Minnesotans know Walz best. He pretends to be some folksy Midwesterner, but he's a thin-skinned, power-drunk tyrant that has destroyed our state and has repeatedly violated Minnesotan's liberties," Mortensen said when asked about the motivation and history behind the booth.

ideos spreading across social media show long lines of supporters waiting for their chance to spin the "Never Walz" wheel, with Mortensen saying attendees’ response to the booth has been "overwhelming."

"The state fair representatives and police officers driving the state fair have repeatedly had to ask us to get our line out of the road and get closer to the curb," he said.

"Most people in line tell us, ‘I've been trying to find your booth all day long.’"

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The Truth about Walz
Reply #14 - 08/28/24 at 12:43:48
More Walz Info.

"... changing his positions to further his own personal agenda.

In Congress, Walz purported to be a friend of gun owners to receive their support in his rural Minnesota district.

Once he had his eyes set on other offices,

he sold out law-abiding Minnesotans and promoted a radical gun control agenda that emboldened criminals and left everyday citizens defenseless.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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