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Atlanta (Read 174 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 1294
The Netherlands   Den Haag
06/27/24 at 08:54:47
Tonight is the debate between Trump and Biden. I can't see it live because it's 3am here. But I wish you all a nice debate and look forward to seeing your reactions.
I can't wait...

I think that Biden is shielded in every way posible, they cannot interrupt each other because the microphone of the non-speaker is blocked,No public and CNN studio so it is not a real debate and I am curious how the drugs will do their work this time. But lets stay open and let's see.

Then I think the wisest thing the Democrats can do is to have Biden announce his retirement as president this evening. Then everyone will understand and then the Vice President can become President on her own legs.
The Democrats will certainly lose the elections in November if Biden collapses way before the deadline.

Kamala Harris is a shrewd politician but does not have the capacites that a president should have. Voters would again be left with a social moralistic image (because she is a woman and also black).

So another incompetent fake President.
But at least the Democrats would still seem somewhat realistic to me.

I think that Trump should not focus on a hard attack and not on substantive matters. I think that Trump should fully focus on highlighting Biden's mental state. If he can demonstrate this by causing Biden to stumble badly and then humanely receive him with compassion, then we will also have this craziness behind us.

Unfortunately, wisdom is lacking among the American people. and Trump will cater to his audience based on what they want to see.

I don't agree, the world is missing a certain quality, and it is becoming scarcer and scarcer.

Biden will try to show something, but he completely lacks that quality.
He no longer realizes that he is being used.

I think everyone will agree with me when I say that he only sees his thoughts and has completely forgotten his being. (In other words, he's  dead already).

If he gets the spirit tonight and resigns, then for me he is one of the greatest presidents ever.

All's well that ends well. I wish that for al of us.

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« Last Edit: 06/27/24 at 11:34:34 by zevenenergie »  

Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1294
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Atlanta
Reply #1 - 06/28/24 at 01:34:15
Ok, we see democracy failing.
Now what?
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 47

Re: Atlanta
Reply #2 - 06/28/24 at 01:55:25
I'm just going to watch. The ones who have defended him,denied the obvious and supported the destruction, the willful,intentional Destruction of America under the guise of Kindness, opening up the border and paying hordes of people to flood the country ,,what are they going to say now. I'm sorry? Phht,,
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Atlanta
Reply #3 - 06/28/24 at 04:38:18
One great takeaway from last night is no other nation is planning a surprise attack on the USA because no way that old man was going to wake up after he made it back to his hotel bed. If they were gonna do it, 11pm last night was their D-Day.

The marketing for the Democrats will switch to it’s the party that’s important, not the individual person. It’s the Democratic Team that will protect America. They can’t get behind their candidate after that debacle.


They figure out the ideal time and way to dump him. But that brings its own wagon full of troubles. Kamala is incredibly unlikeable. Maybe they’ll try to insert Gavin Newsome. That’s a problem because promoting someone who has destroyed their state seems tough and if I’m woman and more specifically a woman of color, you just showed me what you think of me by dumping Kamala.

There are some serious talks going on in DC right now. The real winners are the real estate agents in Washington DC because they’re going to have a whole bunch of people moving out and a whole bunch of other people moving in. Can you say commissions!

And as usual Trump missed out on the kill shot. He could have calmly answered questions and occasionally displayed acts of pity towards the flailing old man next to him. You couldn’t really follow what Biden was talking about half the time anyway so Trump didn’t need to respond.

And the whole Charlottesville thing is such a joke. It was always a lie that Biden watched Trump‘s press conference and decided to run when he called Nazis fine people because of course he didn’t call Nazi fine people. Trump called him out on that but could’ve done that much much better. Again could’ve ended Biden right there by challenging him on this and even the liberal moderators of the debate know that was a lie, it never happened. Much like the insurrection, it was a made up media event. Trump is incapable of articulating that.

But watch the Democrats media messaging begin to change.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1322
Houston, Texas
Gender: male
Re: Atlanta
Reply #4 - 06/28/24 at 05:18:56
I’m not a big Trump fan, but after watching that show, it was pretty clear Biden’s mental faculties are toast.  Mumbling, couldn’t complete a thought, lost his train of thought, and/or went on some tangent.  You could see when he thought he had a great comeback zinger, but at best, it landed like he was hitting with a wet noodle.  I thought Trump did a good job of just not acknowledging some of the convoluted jibber coming out of Biden’s mouth.

Thank god Biden is just a puppet because if he were truly in charge, it’s a scary day.  He needs to resign/retire now.  Harris is terrible, but she’d be better for the next 8 months.  Democrats really need to find a better candidate for November (not Biden or Harris).

Please don’t make me vote for Trump or Kennedy.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8055

Re: Atlanta
Reply #5 - 06/28/24 at 05:30:57
 Data shows debates aren't typically "won" by content.  It depends almost exclusively on who has the most promotable sound-bites no matter the context or truth of those statements.

 With social media, and the ability to share anything as fact without knowledge, and the consistently shortening attention span of humans looking at a screen, this is more true than ever.

 So the deciding factor of who did "best" will depend on how many easy and short quotes they had, combined with how many humans cut/edit those into easily digestible and shareable data packets.  Had either one just ignored questions and only stated catch-phrases, they would have earned more long-term voters.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1322
Houston, Texas
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Re: Atlanta
Reply #6 - 06/28/24 at 08:40:25
That debate could have had had zero substantive responses by either contestant and some people would still see their guy winning it.  I agree with your point.

But Biden lost on the simple basis of mumbling, stumbling, and meandering aimlessly.  Anyone that thinks Biden is mentally healthy enough for the next 4 years really needs more help than him.  The Alzheimer’s and Dementia has progressed significantly since just 4 months ago at the State of the Union address.  At least then, his doctors and handlers were able to pump him up with an RX cocktail to keep him going at least for the first hour.  He honestly looked like a stroke recovery patient all night last night.  He’s unacceptable for 4 more years.  And electing him with the idea Harris could step in is an unacceptable reason to vote for him.

I think about the before and after photos of former presidents and how they show how holding office ages them appearance-wise.  Joe doesn’t look much older than when he entered office (he already looked older than dirt), but it sure has taken a toll on his brain.  That said, I’ve seen dead people in caskets with better skin tone.

At least Lord Commander Velvetta Marmalade seemed alert and alive.  And his ability to lie or speak his version of the truth was coherent.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12918

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Re: Atlanta
Reply #7 - 06/28/24 at 09:31:35
Generally, that’s true debates are won on clever one-liners, but in this case, there was nothing Biden could do to overcome the fact that he is clearly no longer capable to be in a position of authority. End of sentence.

There are no soundbites or 10 second clips of Biden anybody can run. What are you gonna show, that he didn’t fall over? There’s no way you can replay a 10 second clip of him talking because every second was an embarrassment.

If anyone seriously thinks Joe Biden’s name should be on the ballot in November, they are fooling themselves. Forget him and move on. Come up with your next plan because he’s not it.
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 47

Re: Atlanta
Reply #8 - 06/28/24 at 09:36:14
YaKnow what I'm NOT seeing? I'm not seeing those people who, just a week ago, were pointing at video of Biden vapor locking and hollering
Cheap Fake.
He was, is,and has been stumbling around, wandering off, having that Thousand Yard stare, losing his alleged Train of thought for a Long time. Watching the lefties pretend otherwise has been frustrating, irritating and entertaining all at the same time. The obvious is now OBVIOUS, and anyone who still supports him, anyone who would Choose THAT to be In Charge of anything is who needs the Cognitive Testing.

If you believe he should be in charge, ask yourself,
Would I get in a car with him driving? In a city, with traffic, not out in the country on a long straight road. If you answer Yes, you are either lying or some kinda idiot.
And No, Jill can't come and play back seat driver.
It's time to take the keys from Grampa,,ALL of the keys,,launch codes included.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1294
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Atlanta
Reply #9 - 06/28/24 at 10:28:59
Pelosi: On his "worst night," Biden's "presentation of integrity was better than the other guy's dishonesty"

"They constantly talk about integrity in a moralistic way because it is an unattainable ideal for them. They project their own inability to achieve it onto others, assuming that no one else can be honest either. Their stance essentially boils down to: 'I'm not honest, so you can't be either.' This facade crumbles when they encounter someone who is genuinely honest, revealing their own deceit."

It seems to be the truth, but they lie through their teeth. And they know it. They are snakes that are enchanting the American people.

The reality is exactly the opposite of what they say.

On his "worst night," Trump's "presentation of integrity was better than the other guy's dishonesty"

America needs healing and will get it in this piriod.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1322
Houston, Texas
Gender: male
Re: Atlanta
Reply #10 - 06/28/24 at 11:08:49
If Trump was smart and had any integrity, he should just come out and said…

Yeah, I banged the Ho and paid her off to stay quiet.  Look people, I know banging the Ho would have bothered some of you so I tried to keep it quiet.  Can you blame me?  In reality, it may have actually gained him a few votes rather than losing votes.

January 6th - Yeah, I got too happy and excited that people were this upset at my losing the election.  I should have controlled my glee better and told ‘em to go home.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1294
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Atlanta
Reply #11 - 06/28/24 at 11:29:27
Trump is only human and such a political climate is very contagious. I certainly did not think it was Trump's best performance.
I personally think he is completely wrong on the subject of abortion. But then also 100%.

Russian state media mocks Biden and calls debate a "disastrous" reality show.

Your enemies always tell you the truth.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Younger than most
people my age.

Posts: 9061
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Re: Atlanta
Reply #12 - 06/28/24 at 19:33:32
Anybody ?
  That is ANYBODY !!!!!
Gonna vote the Puppet ???????

Oh I Know, It will Be Newsom,
He is the only one that can F uck things up better than Biden.

Harris wont even be on the news.

Kennedy, (on his third party run) will just be a spoiler.

Get used to a POTUS, who actually has some BALLS.

    AGAIN !!!!!

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12918

Gender: male
Re: Atlanta
Reply #13 - 06/28/24 at 20:21:41
Oh by the way, it’s clear why the prosecutor didn’t charge Biden; he was right, any jury would have felt sorry for the old guy.

And you know why Garland is fighting so hard to keep that tape secret….
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1294
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Atlanta
Reply #14 - 06/28/24 at 23:30:08

I can tell the truth, he says.
If you get knocked down you take Tostesteron, Ritalin or Cocaine and you get back up!

Unfortunately, we see on the street,s that that is a lie.

People who take Ritalin primarily notice an increase in heart rate and feel less tired (especially if they are older). In higher doses the effects resemble amphetamine.
Users feel invigorated, with more energy and alertness.

Ritalin suppresses feelings of fatigue. Users gain more self-confidence and talk more fluently.
In higher doses the effects resemble amphetamine.

Amerika has a drugs user als president.
Lets test him.

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« Last Edit: 06/29/24 at 00:30:21 by zevenenergie »  

Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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