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Why (Read 250 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 9055
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12/23/23 at 08:19:47
Why ?

“As migrant workers, you have rights and resources to support you regardless of your immigration status. The U.S. Department of Labor is here to help ...”
           Why does the Government SUPPORT legal Immigrants ?

“…Authorities are apprehending record levels of migrants at the US southern border on a daily basis, stretching already overwhelmed resources….”
“…Last month, border authorities apprehended about 192,000 migrants between ports of entry,…”
“… over recent days, more than 10,000 migrants have unlawfully crossed the US-Mexico border daily …”

Why,  does a well known Ultra Liberal 'news' company, continually LIE saying 'Migrants', NOT. 'Illegal Migrants' ?

“… The surge, according to border officials, is being driven by pseudo-legitimate travel agencies and organized transportation networks that are advertising travel to the US southern border and ultimately connecting migrants to smugglers.
This week, there were more than 26,000 migrants in US Customs and Border Protection custody – nearly 10,000 people over capacity.

(From the same UL site)

Why should the Citizens of the US, who pay taxes, be concerned ?

" Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting "

"...Thousands of migrants have crossed into the United States in recent days, from California to Texas, with many more still arriving by bus and cargo trains to Mexican border towns on the heels of record migration flows further south...."
"But a recent uptick in arrivals at the border, combined with vastly higher numbers of people on their way north across Central and South America and riding dangerous cargo trains through Mexico, suggest the early deterrent effect is wearing off."
"Experts say the U.S. lacks the capacity to detain and process migrants at the border, often making it impossible for the administration to carry out the harsh penalties it announced in May."
" As a result, some asylum seekers who cross illegally are being released into the U.S. with a future court date, rather than being deported - becoming success stories repeated back to migrants still en route."
"But not everyone wants to wait."
"My wife's family, and other people who came to Mexico with us, say they crossed (without an appointment) and nothing happened,"
"He said he preferred to try the same strategy rather than wait on CBP One to obtain an appointment."

    (And More)

Why is this a problem ?

According to the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE. Specialists,
it used to NOT be a problem !

"They are glossing this over, they are trying to make nice and they're not addressing the real issue because they are afraid of their radical progressive base,''

Why is the Gov of AZ afraid, of the base that elected her ???????

"...Democratic governor to shift $23 million in already-approved border security funding to other border uses -- including earmarking $8 million to continue busing migrants released by federal agents away from Arizona border communities..."

Why does the Gov of AZ, think that is a solution ?

""It's pretty clear that Republicans would rather perpetuate the crisis at the border for political purposes rather than take direct action or work together to address the problem,"
(Rep. Lupe Contreras, who leads House Democrats, said in a statement released after the meeting)

Again, WHY, is that, now, a problem ?

Could it be that there is a 'crack', in the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist blanket ?
That they have been, TOLD,
to throw over their head,
    and their is some LIGHT
getting through ???

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12903

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Re: Why
Reply #1 - 12/23/23 at 12:51:43
Because this is a Democratic get out the vote program.
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28414
Tucson Az
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Re: Why
Reply #2 - 12/23/23 at 13:21:12
How in world are they getting over that giant impenetrable wall that Trump built with Mexico's money?
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 9055
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Re: Why
Reply #3 - 12/23/23 at 14:03:18
Serowbot wrote on 12/23/23 at 13:21:12:
How in world are they getting over that giant impenetrable wall ..."

They are not, 'getting over'.
They are just waking through.
Because the UL, WOKE, FDS, DFI, Socialists,
Help them and Encourage them,
when they cut the holes !!!!!!

Have you dropped off your cards, with your address on them, at the border yet ?

In so many photos on the web and broadcast, 'news', of the hordes coming across the border.

WHY, some are always covering their face ???????

WHO are they Hiding From ????
      And WHY ?

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28414
Tucson Az
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Re: Why
Reply #4 - 12/23/23 at 14:18:32
Probably you
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 8049

Re: Why
Reply #5 - 12/23/23 at 16:31:38

Why does the Government SUPPORT legal Immigrants ?

 It would make sense for the US Government to honor and uphold laws it made to allow for legal immigration status.  Why would they refuse to support legal Immigrants?

Why,  does a well known Ultra Liberal 'news' company, continually LIE saying 'Migrants', NOT. 'Illegal Migrants' ?

 It's easier on the sensitive ears of the viewers, and the term is typically reserved for immigrant.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 9055
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Re: Why
Reply #6 - 12/23/23 at 17:42:26
MnSpring wrote on 12/23/23 at 17:40:05:
Eegore wrote on 12/23/23 at 16:31:38:
"...  Why would they refuse to support legal Immigrants? ..."

The word Should be ILLEGAL.
(Must be spell check LOL)

Totally understand why Legal.

  Don't get, ILLEGAL !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12903

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Re: Why
Reply #7 - 12/24/23 at 05:26:51
Serowbot wrote on 12/23/23 at 13:21:12:
How in world are they getting over that giant impenetrable wall that Trump built with Mexico's money?

They walk around it (and get a home because of the Democratic Party’s get out the vote program ) because he never built it yet millions think he will next time. I say BS to that. Trump could have been thought of as another Lincoln 75 years from now, but as my wife says, the best qualities about a person are, at the same time, the worst qualities. Trump fits that perfectly. Rather than stay focused on the goals that got him elected and ignore people who didn’t matter, he picked fights for no worthwhile reason and lost the advantage. He could have been great and could have turned the nation back on a prosperous path. Instead, we have Joe Biden, perhaps the most corrupt lifelong politician ever.

I can only hope DeSantis rises to the top or near enough to the top that the idea of joining a personal crusade for Presidential revenge, which is what Trump’s campaign is essentially all about, becomes clear to people and Trump fades away.

But you idiotic TDS infected leftist are going to get him re-elected. Celebrate the nonsense Colorado decision and the 91 ridiculous indictments all you want but all you’re doing is opening the eyes of millions to the corruption rampant in government, bureaucrats and mostly the media. That’s what got him elected in the first place.

Trump served the country well for about 2 1/2 years. Now please Donald, fade into history.
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28414
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: Why
Reply #8 - 12/24/23 at 06:40:20
WebsterMark wrote on 12/24/23 at 05:26:51:
Now please Donald, fade into history.

A Christmas wish for all
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1265
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Why
Reply #9 - 12/24/23 at 16:49:31
So unrealistic again.

Perhaps not with you, but with a very large part of the population, Trump is more popular than ever.

However, this time the elections will be even more unfair than the previous ones to ensure the outcome. That's just the way the cards are stacked now.

We can never look into the future, it will be very nice if the country is well governed, but that will not be the case.

People are longing for reconciliation and peace, but the position of the planets will be different in 2024.

After all, the Democrats do not have a credible candidate or a credible political strategy. They themselves have destroyed that illusion.
All the Americans know is that they are stuck with a thoroughly corrupt political system.

In that sense, Trump has shown himself to be a truth serum.
Stability is no longer possible. The entire institution of Politics has collapsed.
It will take some time before this will dawn on everyone.
2024 will be a very strange year, almost accopoliptic.

People will have to find their way back, never before has the situation been as critical as it is now. Integrity is the key word. Spoken words once had power. Hearts were pure.

Now everyone is just talking nuts.
And it is welcomed when someone is removed in a corrupt manner.
We have become too weak.

We have lost Divine intimacy.

That's why all of this is taking place right now.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28414
Tucson Az
Gender: male
Re: Why
Reply #10 - 12/25/23 at 06:38:22
Do you ever ask yourself, "Is it just me?"
Because I think it is  Huh
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1265
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Why
Reply #11 - 12/25/23 at 09:48:59
Of course it's not just you.
It's everyone.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper
Alliance Member

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Re: Why
Reply #12 - 12/26/23 at 12:06:35
trump is a truth serum?
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1265
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: Why
Reply #13 - 12/26/23 at 15:30:19
The Democrats once had an image that they were reliable, humane and democracy-loving people who were not corrupt.
Until Trump was injected (by life) into politics. Then nothing, absolutely nothing, of that image remained.

Only pure self-preservation remained standing.

With someone at the helm who, if he applied for a job, would not be hired anywhere for any job.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Why
Reply #14 - 12/27/23 at 11:31:07
Have the Ultra Liberal,
Fairy Dust Sprinkling,
Dumb f ucking Idiot, woke,
sprinklers learned yet ??????

Two MAJOR National broadcast, ‘news’ stations.
The Phoenix & Tucson, ’News” stations.

Are ALL up in arms,
about the FLOOD, of Illegals.
“… no place to put them…”
“…to costly…”
“…Running out of funds…”
“… need help…”

NA, they haven’t,
Cause it’s all Trumps fault !

(According to the Trump Hating, DFI, FDS, Socialists)

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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