A lot of parts, take offs from RYCA builds.
Let me know what you need and I'll see if I have any.
Make offer.

Tank emblems qty about 100-200 pairs Get one for your hat!
Fuel Tanks qty 3 dents on all of them
Front and rear rims
Air boxes and charcoal canisters
Cylinder head qty 1 prob good for parts only
Engine parts and hardware
Clutch parts and springs
Rear sprockets / pulleys
Front sprockets / pulleys
Turn Signals
Front brake rotors
Rear drums / hubs
Factory speedometers with various mileage
Decompression solenoids
Engine side covers and clutch cover case sides.
Axles front and rear
Factory tool kits
Factory fork springs
Front seats
Rear seat pillions torn
Solo seat torn
Engine case trim and top covers
Rear oem fenders various colors and condition
Front fenders dented repairable
Side covers
Factory wiring, hand controls etc.
Engine bolts
Starter solenoid
Fuel valves / petcocks
Front brake lines
Chrome belt guard upper and lower
Triple tree tops
Triple tree bottoms
Buckhorn handlebars
Drag bar Risers
Foot controls and parts
Chrome battery boxes
Factory muffler mount / bracket
Tank mount rubber bushings front and rear