IslandRoad wrote on 02/27/18 at 11:06:42:LANCER wrote on 02/27/18 at 06:45:53: Quote: raydawg wrote on Today at 09:30:53:
I tried for many years to grapple with the question "What is the meaning of life?" Then, one day I asked myself, is that even a sensible question? What if life is its own meaning? What if what I feel, and think, and experience are enough?
I think that there is a meaning for our life here.
Have you wondered where your soul/spirit come from ?
Why do "I" exist ?
My self awareness ?
Why am I not like a weed, just being there for a moment; or a worm, just going about eating dirt and leaving a trail of fertilize ?
Why do I know I exist and am cable of asking questions about things unknown ?
That absolutely unique quality was placed within us. That absolutely unique quality was placed within us.That is an interesting claim. I'm interested in why you think that
The human race is the only form of life, of the millions on this planet, who have self awareness; that ability to consider ones own existence and ask questions about why we are here, if there is a purpose beyond just going about daily life until we die, and is there existence or life after this one ends ?
That ability is the unique quality I spoke of.
It was placed in us by God when we were created.
Our soul is made up of the mind (intellect), will and emotions.
The spirit is a part that is added by God alone, when a person acknowledges the existence of God, admits being a sinful being (sin is the breaking of any of Gods laws as laid down in the 10 Commandments, and every person on this planet has done so, except for one), asking forgiveness and inviting Jesus to come into your heart to save you.
When that decision is made from your heart, not just lip service, Jesus will come in to your heart and make alive your spirit. You are at that moment adopted into Gods family as a child of His for eternity.