Posting on a public forum about politics and religion can be risky, both socially and otherwise, so I would like the opportunity to delete this post if I so choose. Therefore, please do not quote me for the time being.
You guys should know that Big Brother can probably find out our true identities fairly easily, and if SHTF or if something goes amiss in ones own neighborhood, there is the risk that one's online comments could be held against him/her in a court of law, or martial law, if worst comes to worst. For example, your neighbor commits some crime, and, for some circumstantial reason, you are on the list of suspects, there is the possibility that law enforcement could check one's social networking comments for suspicious comments. An innocent person can be put in prison for something as small as a misinterpreted or careless comment.
And, Serobot, if you think that you can trust the government and society, as the left
seem to do--
don't. Humans are imperfect, their institutions are imperfect, and utopias are impossible short of Providence, so don't even think about it.
Serobot, it would be cool to discuss with you on your own philosophical views at some point,
I would consider myself a man of spiritual concern, however, my faith has been on the rocks lately
. I will not comment personally on my identity as a "true" believer at this time. I can say that the attitudes and behavior of many Christians can be kinda discouraging, if you know what I mean. That is but a part of what discourages me.
Atheists seem to think that a relationship with the Creator is imaginary. I often wonder if this is the case with some "Christians." I am interested in a real relationship with a real God. I won't get into the definitions of "real" for now since I know a
real atheist will nitpick that.
Love is the answer, if you want a short one, but I don't think it will work too well if one doesn't also doesn't love God as well. Christians tend to make things too complicated. Perhaps it is complicated, but the most critical things are not complicated: Know who God is, be his friend, and show the love.
Now to the main part of the discussion: the right and the killer.
As far as the "right" is concerned, I lean to the right politically, but I
WILL NOT AND SHALL NOT take the blame for their antics. They are people, and as such, they are sometimes stupid.
As far as the killer is concerned, he has been caught and is going to prison, if not lethal injection. He is getting his punishment. I must admit that if we do have "Christian terrorists" part of the reason we do not hear about them is that no one pays much attention to them. With that being said, I doubt we have a whole army of Christian extremists ready to whack people's heads off quite like we do with the Muslims. Many people have strong views about things. I am sure you do, however different they may be from the man in question. If we go around looking for extremists in everything, you might get arrested too
Someone with a philosophy similar to yours might decide one day that Christians themselves are a moral menace and should be exterminated in a manner similar to this incident. Then the shoe will be on the other foot.
The point is that if you are trying to point the finger at Christians who are against the destruction of embryos and fetuses, (AKA-- abortion) please keep in mind that abortion is a real moral issue. You can't expect us to suddenly believe abortion is moral just because we could be punished for believing and voicing our concerns otherwise. That's just not right and it is totally against the ideas of liberty. It's tyranny.
Why do I say all of this? Because what do you expect for us to do about it? Believe your way? With that being said, I agree that so-called Christians can behave inappropriately, Heck, even religious institutions
CAN AND HAVE behaved in ways they probably should not have. Take a look at church history. I try not to be hypocritical, so I am not going to tie myself to all these things. Like I said, people are far from perfect, and so are their opinions or institutions. Let a man get hold of true religion, and it won't be long before he screws it up for everyone.
If you want to point fingers, fine by me. They are people, they do bad things, or as Christians often say "sin."
Assuming that this dude in question claims Christianity, that certainly does not mean that he got God's endorsement.
I can say, politically speaking, that if we were to start saying "Christian" terrorists, that would spark so much unrest in the Christian community, it would not be funny. Christians are very concerned with the issue of persecution. They don't want to be fed to the lions, whether figuratively or literally. The ironic thing is that persecution tends to make Christianity better and stronger. When it gets to the point where it rules over everyone and is the norm, that's when it starts to stink.
Now for the potentially dangerous political incorrectness:
For one thing, if our modern society did not embrace so many practices of questionable morality (which the leftists support), the Muslim extremists would have substantially less of an excuse to destroy us.
Not saying they wouldn't anyway, nor am I trying to be a right wing nut here. Just sayin'.
Secondly, as I approximately said at home when I heard about this thing:
When you make a living killing babies, don't be surprised when someone gets pissed off with that and decides to kill you. It's kind of a
occupational hazard if you know what I mean.
Don't nitpick too much into the semantics of that statement. It is meant to make a point and for artistic value. I can just imagine that becoming a famous quote used a million times over
As a legal disclaimer, this statement has nothing personally to do with me, so Big Brother, don't even try to call me a terrorist. I don't want to hear it