Serious Thumper
What happened?
Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
too tight and they don't close. Certain problems.. burned valves at best. Too loose, noisy, and I suspect the smashing of cam into lifter/rocker allowed by the loose adjustment leads to at best, diminished performance, because thousandths of an inch are the differences between cam grinds and an adjustment that leaves several thousandths of an inch of lift for no reason other than being afraid to adjust them in the tight end of the manufacturers specs just doesn't make sense to me. I understand that the first time or two, but, once one has successfully been in and out, and it's obvious that reading, feeling, the gauges and getting TDC right, then push the envelope a bit. I have exactly nothing to demonstrate that the tight end of the specs is better for the cam, rockers and performance, but it's my opinion.