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PP to be aborted? (Read 376 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #60 - 08/01/15 at 18:50:49
There's more, if you wanna look.
ACS has done so well.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #61 - 08/02/15 at 04:29:35
Perfectly worded.

When life begins is a scientific, not a philosophic or theological, question: Life begins when the chromosomes of the sperm fuse with those of the ovum, forming a distinctive DNA complex that controls the new organism’s growth. This growth process continues unless a natural accident interrupts it or it is ended by the sort of deliberate violence Planned Parenthood sell
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #62 - 08/02/15 at 08:14:19
Colorado enacted a law that supplied IUD's to low income teens for free...
Over 5 years the teen birth rate dropped 40%,.. abortions dropped 35%...
So successful it won a national award...

So,... the Republican rep's voted it down...

Maybe PP will give them an award for the economic boost... Undecided...

I suppose they justified their action by saying it reduced wastful spending... The program cost 5 million, in state of over 5 million...
The anti-abortion crowd will donate millions to anti-abortion groups, but won't spend a few bucks reduce the teen abortion rate by 35%...
There's blood on their hands... Huh...

Would you give up $1 to prevent an abortion?... (maybe $3 per taxpayer)...
Or is just yelling enough...

Defunding PP?...  Priceless... Roll Eyes....
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #63 - 08/02/15 at 08:51:19
Abortion is a symptom of a much greater problem......

Cavaliering attitudes of success based upon one's own accords might give those who need affirmation fodder, but it misses the real need, and spawns further obstacles in getting to the root causes and repair.

The question that should be addressed is:

Does an educated, and civilized society need such a draconian methodology to deal with  failed sexual activities and policies?

Is this the "repair" or can we find another instrument to alleviate, and avoid the need to perform these procedures of failed sex practises?
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #64 - 08/02/15 at 09:00:41
High falutin' nonsense...  Nice work... Grin Grin Grin...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #65 - 08/02/15 at 09:20:03
“ ,,, Colorado enacted a law that supplied IUD’s to low income teens for free…
Over 5 years the teen birth rate dropped 40%,.. abortions dropped 35%...
So successful it won a national award… “

If that above is True, that would be a good thing,
Looks like it cost, $1.00 per person.
(From info provided in post)
1 buck per person, even if the head of the household, who had a parent living with them,
a wife, and 3 kids. it still, would only mean 6.00. Still not a lot. (I am just guessing that is per year ?)

Which brings on the next part:
“ … So,… the Republican rep’s voted it down... "

OH, so I guess that make ALL,  Republicans Bad ????
How ?

And of course their are NO, Democrats, that have been PROVEN to have Lied, Cheated, and been FIRED from a Job For Lying and Cheating and NO MORALS, who is now running for a Nomination?

The Above, a good, ‘Band Aid’, until the, “ … low income teens …”quote,  are Educated, that they CAN, say, “ NO “.
Instead of:  “Here is a device that will allow you to have intercourse as many times as you want, with No Inconvenience”

Proactive, not reactive.

Oh, Did hear a Very good Quote from Trump,
He was asked: “What Taxes do you pay”.
His Answer was: “At Little as I can, Just like everyone else, and I do NOT want to give my hard earned dollars to a Government, who so Foolishly Spends Trillions of dollars”.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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YaBB Moderator

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Tucson Az
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #66 - 08/02/15 at 09:46:15
Glad you see it a good thing, Mn...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #67 - 08/02/15 at 09:54:06
Serowbot wrote on 08/02/15 at 09:46:15:
Glad you see it a good thing, Mn...

Any comment on the rest?
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #68 - 08/02/15 at 10:39:58
wife, and 3 kids. it still, would only mean 6.00. Still not a lot. (I am just guessing that is per year ?)

Which brings on the next part:
“ … So,… the Republican rep’s voted it down... "

So, while they SAY they're antiabortion and while they're posturing about saving money they DO exactly what the People Don t want.
Now ask yourself Why.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Ex Member

Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #69 - 08/02/15 at 10:45:37
the "pro-life" group needs to rebrand themselves more honestly as "anti-abortion"

They don't seem to want to contribute to orphanages or adoption centers or foster parenting plans etc...  Just yelling about abortion being evil is enough huh???  

typical, let's not make adoption better, let's make abortion worse!!  

taking the easy way out seems to be the real problem with America, on ALL issues not just unwanted pregnancies.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #70 - 08/02/15 at 11:20:59
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 08/02/15 at 10:39:58:
 ...  they DO exactly what the People Don t want.   Now ask yourself Why.

On the above, ‘Colorado', example, my take on, ‘why’ is;

They are, FORCED to do it.
And it is just added on to their Taxes.
 SO, they do, (… what the People Don’t want…),
because it not, well know, what, is/has, been done.

It’s not like taking out the checkbook, and writing a check for something.

BUT, the Solution is NOT, the, ‘Band Aid” !

Let’s see, in a ‘conflict’, a soldier is wounded, the Medic, in the field,
used some, ‘Superglue’, to,  TEMPORARY, fix things.
(Everyone does Know, that, ’superglue’, came from, V.N.)
Then, the, Much Better, ‘fix’, came later!

Again, the Colorado thing, (if True), I think, is a Great Band Aid,
to a much bigger problem.

Put the Band Aid on,  then Fix the problem later.

But, some people think, a, 'Band Aid', is enough.

And JUST, 'apply' MORE Money for a  BIGGER,  'Band Aid".

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #71 - 08/02/15 at 11:25:51
MnSpring wrote on 08/02/15 at 09:54:06:
Any comment on the rest?

Right, I'll have a go at the rest...

Not all Republicans are bad... not all Dem's are good...
...and not all issues are black and white... (in fact, no issue is black and white by definition,.. else it wouldn't be an issue)...

But, the issue of abortion is painted so black and white by the Right,... it is beyond itself...
By that, I mean, the "sanctity of human life" has expanded from abortion, to birth control, and even into premarital sex...
Not only shouldn't there be any abortions for any reason,... there shouldn't be birth control either,... and no one should ever have sex unless they are married...
This is Puritanical tirade...
That's fine if you are a Puritan...
But the separation of church and state should protect those that believe differently.

Beyond being human, we are also biological creatures, and we are driven to eat, sleep, and have sex...
Once puberty strikes, animal instinct drives us to have sex... and puberty, unfortunately, hits quite a few years before we have completed our brain development... (the part of our brain that sees long term consequences is still in it's infancy)...
That's why young men volunteer for war,.. that's why so many of us are surprised when we live into our 20's,.. we jump off high things, drive crazy, take drugs, get too drunk, try backflips,... and pursue sex...
You can't change nature...  
You can try to influence, but they probably won't listen,.. but you can offer real world protections...

Doing nothing more than yelling about how wrong something is, will never fix anything...
So if people really feel strongly about abortion,... they should encourage sex education, use of condoms, free IUD's, etc...  
...even handjobs... Grin...

Just makes sense...

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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #72 - 08/02/15 at 12:09:06
About every 5 years or so, (always happens when I am in the yard, doing something)
A Very nice car comes down the drive,
Out come some very nicely groomed and looking young people,
They are very polite, and nice.
They are ALL caring, Pamphlets.

As I turn off the machine I am working with, and make sure I, am in the Shade, and they are standing in the sun.  I listen to their, ‘Campaign’, of why I should join their religion.

When they are done, I polity say: “Well your group certainly believes in a lot of things I believe in, in that, respect for a fellow human being, (if they also show respect), comes first, and Honesty, and Ethics..  But, their is One point, I disagree with, and that is your group, BELIEVES in, KILLING, unborn Human Babies”.

They ALL, ‘Gasp’, and ALL, ‘babble’, at once, saying that is not the case.

Then I ask:  “Oh, so than, your, ‘group’, VOTED, in the last election?”.

At that point, they sullenly, drop their heads, leave, and I am not bothered for about another 5 years.

(Oh, their is a, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Church,  just 3 miles away !!!!!)

Putting a, 'Band Aid', on a problem,
to stop the bleeding, if it is a good, band aid, works.  TEMPORARY.

Do not put, ‘Band Aids’, on problems, then, just, Bigger and Bigger, ‘Bands-Aids’.

FIX, the problem.

Killing a un-born Human ?
Lot’s and Lots, of hot buttons on that.
And Lots and Lots, of discussions of ‘when/where/how/etc, will always occur.

But, “Killing a un-born Human,”,  
JUST, to have, willy-nilly sex, ANY Time, and with ANY Body.
Huston:  ‘We got a Problem”.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #73 - 08/02/15 at 22:07:26
LostArtist wrote on 08/02/15 at 10:45:37:
the "pro-life" group needs to rebrand themselves more honestly as "anti-abortion"

They don't seem to want to contribute to orphanages or adoption centers or foster parenting plans etc...  Just yelling about abortion being evil is enough huh???  

typical, let's not make adoption better, let's make abortion worse!!  

taking the easy way out seems to be the real problem with America, on ALL issues not just unwanted pregnancies.

I agree wholeheartedly, pro lifers seem only to care about fetuses. They seemingly don't give a darn for children, just the unborn. Once your born its crappity smack you child this is America, pull yourself up by your own boot straps.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #74 - 08/03/15 at 05:57:05

By that, I mean, the "sanctity of human life" has expanded from abortion, to birth control, and even into premarital sex...
Not only shouldn't there be any abortions for any reason,... there shouldn't be birth control either,... and no one should ever have sex unless they are married...
This is Puritanical tirade...
That's fine if you are a Puritan...
But the separation of church and state should protect those that believe differently.

You're smarter than that.....
The % of Pro-Life People who would force those behaviors on everyone is relatively small. That was not even Mitt Romney's position despite the fact that for himself and his family, that was his ideology.

And, those positions have for the most part been conceded by the Pro Life side. Not sure about the Colorado example which seems contradictory given their weed laws.

I will tell you who is completely inflexible and unreasonable: the Pro-Death People. A high school girl can't take an aspirin without a permission slip by a male high school counselor can take a young female student across state lines for an abortion and not tell her parents? That's reasonable? A woman with a perfectly healthy unborn baby days away from birth can, in many states, claim mental health issues and have the baby killed? That's reasonable? Abortion clinics in NYC have found quite a cash cow by instituting abortion as birth control. More abortions than births in NYC for blacks and Hispanics. This from the supposed party of blacks and Hispanics!

Look, the Pro-Death side hangs on to every inch of ground like a religious battle. Actually, as we're finding out due to some great undercover journalism, we now know what. $$$
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