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PP to be aborted? (Read 376 times)
Serious Thumper

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PP to be aborted?
07/30/15 at 06:19:29
9 more videos to be released. I wonder if they saved the best for last!
Planned Parenthood is an unwanted organization and is facing abortion, if we're lucky.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #1 - 07/30/15 at 06:44:38
women who have abortion statistically more likely to breast cancer

Look it up. Does observed reality support that?

Will anything be done about PP?

I'm not seeing much done. This isn't a bank, so, probably what they'll do is jail a few
Bad Apples
and deny its a systemic problem and everything will continue but everyone who has been exposed will at least retire, some may go to jail. Never mind that it's a federal crime to sell body parts. But, according to R v. Wade, those AREN'T body parts, but if they Aren't , how  can they be used in transplant? Liver, I understand that,

Just exactly who makes the TRUE/FALSE call?
I'm not alone in noticing that some things are no longer on the net.
And why should I believe that they would allow ethics and scruples getting between decisions and the
Bottom Line?

You gotta read it all, or at least the last half.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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OK.... so what's the
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Posts: 28430
Tucson Az
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #2 - 07/30/15 at 07:41:43
SO desperate as to believe that PP is selling body parts and Pepsi is people...

In spite of the facts...

The pot you stir has no stew... Undecided...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #3 - 07/30/15 at 08:08:51
PP is adjusting their killing techniques to preserve valuable baby parts and negoiating their selling price. Thats fact.

I'm not going to let Jog's latest conspiracy to cloud the issue. Nice try, but no go.

PP's abortion business is about to lose the cash they get from me and you.
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Tucson Az
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #4 - 07/30/15 at 08:33:32
Packaging and shipping costs,... are not profit, and are legal...
Did you read the part where these charges only fray the actual cost, and PP usually loses money on these transactions?...
Seems like a bad business model.
You can't actually believe $30 to $100 makes for a conspiracy to illegally profit?...  These are medical facilities,... they could easily make more from unnecessary urine tests if they wanted.
Why would they risk it?... It is nonsensical.

These videos are not investigations, they are witch hunts... and they fail to show anything worthy of investigation even with their loaded questions, manipulation, and selective editing.
At one point, the "customer" is trying to negotiate the price up!...
It's ridiculous... Undecided...

I realize that you strongly disagree with PP's practices, but,... this foolishness won't help your cause.
It's been tried before... even by the same guy.
He's making a living from this....  Huh...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #5 - 07/30/15 at 09:17:05
Be honest now, did you think for one second jimmy Carter's grandsons video of mitt Romney 47% comment was a witch hunt? Dont you suppose Nixon thought washington post was on a witch hunt?

One man's witch hunt is another man's Pulitzer prize winning undercover investigation.

Multiply number of abortions by $100. Dont you think an organization with the mindset that allows them to suck baby's brains out of their heads to kill them wouldn't see dollar signs in front of their eyes? You're being pretty gullible if you cant admit the possibility.  Surely its worth more investigation.
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #6 - 07/30/15 at 09:40:41
“Putting it under the research gives us a little bit of a, a little sort of overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde said. “Yeah, and in public I think it makes a lot more sense for it to be in the research vein than I’d say the business vein.”

Ginde says in the video that it’s important for all Planned Parenthood affiliates to be on the same page about the issue, particularly those affiliates who may be in states where prevailing public opinion goes against abortion.

“Because if you have someone in a really anti-state that’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught,” she said.

During the conversation, Ginde is asked if she ever gets intact specimens.

“Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact,” she said.

CMP alleges that, since this particular Planned Parenthood affiliate does not use feticides in its second-trimester procedures, any intact deliveries prior to an abortion “are potentially born-alive infants under federal law.”

Near the end of the more than 11-minute video, Ginde digs through the remains of an 11-week-old fetus in a petri dish, showing different body parts to the undercover activist. 

At one point, a sound identified as a skull cracking is heard. Later, someone in the room asks questions such as "Do they want brain?" and "Do people do stuff with eyeballs?" The activist laments that using water in the petri dish has caused some of the tissue to come apart.

“Well you know, a lot of times, especially with the second [trimester fetuses], we won’t even put water, because it’s so big you can put your hand in there and pick out the parts,” Ginde says. “So I don’t think it would be as war-torn.”

As Ginde looks over the fetal tissue she says, “It’s a baby.”

The last quote in the video comes from a medical assistant, joyfully proclaiming “And another boy!” when she realizes the sex of the fetus they are dissecting.

Its a boy! Really Sew!? This is what you're defending?
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28430
Tucson Az
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #7 - 07/30/15 at 10:12:45
...and just happens to be election time...

Follow your carrot...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #8 - 07/30/15 at 10:46:54
Did P.P. ’sell’ human parts. Yes
(Ray Charles could have seen it)
Did they get a great deal of ‘money’, does not look like it.
Did they call it a, ‘donation’, yes.
(Does that mean, I can, ‘Donate’ a kidney, in exchange for something?)

Shipping costs: Can’t find anything about it.
But, knowing how that works.
Say a piece is listed for sale on any one of the, ‘for sale’, sites.
You know, the size and weight of the thing, and you Know, shipping is 10.00.  Yet, in the ad, it says, ’Shipping 50.00”.
Is not, that, ‘extra’, 40.00 a, ‘Profit’ ?

Donation: A Church, used to have a, ‘Fish Fry’ once a year, to help pay for overhead. It cost 5.00.
Then the State, came down on then and said, ‘You can NOT, ‘Charge’, you are not, a  etc, etc, etc”.
So, then, they NO, longer, ‘charged’. They said, “If you want to make a, ‘Donation’ you can”.
Some people put in, nothing, some a 1.00, some 5.00, Most 10.00, some even put in a Twenty, and I have seen $100.00 bills in the jar.
(First year of, Donation, they received almost Double)
BUT, is is a, ‘Donation”.   NO ONE, is, ’Negotiating”, the, ‘Donation’.

MN, just passed a ‘medical marijuana’ bill.  Several companies, were trying to get the contract.
When one did, 3 people, ’suddenly Left’, the State Offices, and had, VERY, high paying Jobs at that Company. One even the CEO.  
And here is the very interesting part. Those were the People, that, DECIDED, who got the Bid !

That, ’sudden leaving’ a State Job, and getting a position, at a company, they got to choose.
Is Just being, ’Swept Under The Rug”.  Just as the P.P. controversy is.  

Now that sort of thing, has been happening, LONG BEFORE, the USA was a Sovereignty.

So, instead of, doing a, ‘knee jerk’, to some DFI, who has gone crazy,
and calling for, “More Dumb Laws”, and calling that: “Joining the ‘Civilized’, Nations, …”

Would it not be, prudent, to, educate, people, that, Lying, Cheating, Steeling,  are NOT, the way to move forward?

But it seems that, ‘Dumbing Down’, people, are the way, some, want it.
Because then, they can do, ANYTHING, they want.
(Knowledge is Power, Remove Knowledge you remove Power)
  A Very Old Quote.
A more Modern one:
"Knowledge is power. Information is power.
The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information
may be an act of tyranny, camouflaged as humility.
 By: Robin Morgan

I guess it is yet, another group/s, who believes:
"They are MORE Equal”.

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #9 - 07/30/15 at 13:13:46
I did hear that Planned Parenthood will not sell remains of Cecil the Lion. I mean, they have standards you know....
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #10 - 07/30/15 at 16:03:10
WebsterMark wrote on 07/30/15 at 13:13:46:
I did hear that Planned Parenthood will not sell remains of Cecil the Lion. I mean, they have standards you know....

what's the deal with conservative extremists comparing Cecil to abortion?????

seriously, they have NOTHING to do with each other.

people have been doing this all day, WTF?

now you know why I won't listen to you, about ANYTHING, you try to shoehorn your SH!T into EVERYTHING that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!


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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #11 - 07/30/15 at 19:02:38
You're upset Lost because my words make you uncomfortable. It's hard when you're actually forced to confront the ugly truth of baby killing. I'm sorry, that's too much light on the truth for you. You prefer terms that allow you to sleep better at night like prochoice or a womans right to choose......

The deal with the stupid lion is the disproportionale response. Jimmy Kimmel is classic case. What a worthless piece of $hit he is. Never shed a tear over the babies those b!tche$ were chopping up and selling but he's got to say that dentist can't get a woody unless he shoots something. F him. Now our POS president is gonna start an investigation, but let PP go on selectively chopping certain body parts off so they can preserve the more marketable ones?!.....

Hey Lost, go back and read those quotes, "It's a baby...." "It's a boy..."

but u go ahead and cry over a f'ing lion....
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #12 - 07/30/15 at 19:38:31
The point is , the lefties can find outrage over the lion, but don't give a Phukk about killing babies.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #13 - 07/30/15 at 19:40:24
spot on Jog
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Re: PP to be aborted?
Reply #14 - 07/30/15 at 20:33:58
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 07/30/15 at 19:38:31:
The point is , the lefties can find outrage over the lion, but don't give a Phukk about killing babies.

I don't give a PHUKKKKKK about either!  But I could easily be mad about both. YOU DON"T GET TO DICTATE MY FEELINGS because they don't match yours. You can judge all you want, but I get to judge you right back @ssh0les!

the only crime Planned Parenthood is guilty of is not being sensitive enough for you conservative extremists. Medical people do sound callous and crass when they talk about bodies, they just do, ever watch Bones? that's how they talk, it's a BODY, not a human being to them, it's not a soul, they look at it like a machine, it's part of their training to disassociate their emotions a bit so they don't go INSANE over every terrible case they have to deal with, and they have to deal with a lot, day in and day out, it's their JOB, sorry they aren't crying over every little cell they kill, go cry in your beer. This is ironic considering how callous conservative extremists are about EVERYTHING else.

PHUKKK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not crying over some lion, sometimes they are a nuisance and farmers shoot them, this one was poached and yeah, that sucks, and it's illegal, abortion sucks, but it's not illegal, not that that makes it right.

Jimmy Kimmel?? SERIOUSLY????????????  Jimmy Kimmel ISN"T NEWS, he's not even the phukking Daily Show, a news parody and has NO responsibility to take on political issues of any sort. Guess what. abortion isn't funny! The audience is much more likely to accept jokes about a lion killer than a baby killer and Kimmel doesn't profit from depressing his audience.  You don't have to like Jimmy Kimmel, I don't care, I don't even get the channel his show is on, but for phukk's sake, you don't understand why he'd rather talk about poaching than abortion, on an entertainment show?? are you seriously equating a lion with a human??

here's your pitch to Jimmy, "hey Jimmy, instead of making jokes about a lion poacher, make jokes about planned parenthood, it'll slay man, nothing funnier than baby killers!" seriously???  

pull you head out of your @ss!!  If that's even possible, seeing that it's up to your shoulders in there, don't forget to wipe the nuts off your eyes before you open them for the first time in 30 years, that nuts burns!

If you want to compare this Planned Parenthood case to Nazi experimentation, sure, or even use it to justify an anti-vaccine stance (they use(d) fetal material to make and test vaccines) okay, at least there's some real connection there, what you are doing now is comparing this Planned Parenthood case to anything outrageous on the news, Do you REALLY want to start that slippery slope???  Cause when you loose the 2016 Presidential election, Guess what MOTHER PHUKKER!

(that mighta been over the top, sorry Kiss )

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