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Texas cartoons (Read 965 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #45 - 05/14/15 at 05:30:52
HovisPresley wrote on 05/13/15 at 15:52:19:
Mark, have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a muslim about Islam, or world-affairs? Or indeed anything?

I'm interested to know.

It's either a 'yes' or 'no' answer that I'm looking for.

I, as a "sand-breathing Obama-employed emasculated Savage-rider with a turned-blind-eye", feel this question needs to be answered, and I eagerly await your response.

Short answer: yes

Longer answer: I work for a global company and travel to Europe & Asia now and then. Going to Brazil later this summer. Never been to South America so that will be interesting.  I talk a couple times a week to my counterpart in France who handles Europe, I handle North America. I just spend a week in Boise, ID and the following week in Baltimore with a chap from London who is living in the US now. With the elections coming up, we had quite a few conversations about Great Britain and what the outcome might be. (he was mostly right by the way) My company is in 50+ countries and we have frequent meetings that bring in many from around the world so I've met and spoken to several colleagues who are Muslims. Everyone knows my interest in politics and religion so it's a frequent topic.

But just like here in the US, the people I deal with internationally have the type of personality that leads them into this business. It's a story but my company's products are the leading technical products in our industry. We sell on long term value, not short term cheap price. So those of us who succeed have a broad mindset because without that, you'll fail. We've seen it time and time again. Narrow-minded people fail in our business.  Conservatives have a much broader viewpoint of the world than liberals.

Most of my day to day contacts are plant engineers, plant managers, maintenance managers and maintenance workers in large industrial facilities across the US. 95% or higher of these people are Republican conservatives. It's very rare to find a liberal holding one of these positions. In fact, it's almost always assumed you are conservative in nature and when someone slips and reveals he's liberal, it turns awkward.  I would imagine it's the same as being college professor or high school teacher where it's assumed you are liberal in nature. Reveal the fact you have conservative leanings, and you're shunned.

I think you've formed some type of opinion about me based on the fact I have a different view than you.

So, that's a long way around to say the Muslims I deal with are more broad minded than the Muslim-fascist pigs who slaughter people or the cowardly Muslim moderates who silently agree to the slaughter. The people I deal with are neither, they are embarrassed by what's happening. But to be fair, Islam is not as important to them, it doesn't rule their life.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #46 - 05/14/15 at 17:47:30
Let’s see.
To girls want to get married.
WHO CARES.   It’s, THEIR,  Decision.

 Now, those two girls, (or boys),  seek out,
yes, SEEK OUT, someone, who they, KNOW,
(Do to the religious belief of that person)
would not be willing to bake them a cake.
for the PURPOSE, of  SUING THEM.
And they, Win.  ???

Does that mean, I can walk into a certain store,
Owned by a certain person/s, who follows a certain religious belief,
And they do not have, or will sell me,  “Bacon”,
 I Can  SUE  Them,  and  WIN  ?????

Ah, freedom of 'religion'.

Guess, some, are more, 'free', than others !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #47 - 05/14/15 at 17:59:42
Again, it’s Clear.

Do something;
(Beheading, Rioting, Looting, Suing, etc.)
And get the, ‘reaction’,  
  (Which is  NOTHING, or in your favor,
and NO, repercussion for those actions)

You just, ’taught’, that person,

Kid in the store:
 “I want Candy, I want Candy, I want Candy”
And Mom, gives him/her, Candy.

Gee, what do you think he/she, will do the next time their in the store?

What happens in the next Beheading, Riot, Looting, Suing, ???
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12937

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #48 - 05/14/15 at 18:19:08
MnSpring wrote on 05/14/15 at 17:47:30:
Let’s see.
To girls want to get married.
WHO CARES.   It’s, THEIR,  Decision.

 Now, those two girls, (or boys),  seek out,
yes, SEEK OUT, someone, who they, KNOW,
(Do to the religious belief of that person)
would not be willing to bake them a cake.
for the PURPOSE, of  SUING THEM.
And they, Win.  ???

Does that mean, I can walk into a certain store,
Owned by a certain person/s, who follows a certain religious belief,
And they do not have, or will sell me,  “Bacon”,
 I Can  SUE  Them,  and  WIN  ?????

Ah, freedom of 'religion'.

Guess, some, are more, 'free', than others !

No, you can't sue them. Try and see what happens.
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Serious Thumper

Fighting Foreign
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #49 - 05/14/15 at 18:24:48
To MnSpring Re: suing
Why not.. If a some one can order a cup of coffee at the drive through, spill it on themselves, sue the café and win big $$$ because "the container had NO warning label that the contents were hot"... Why shouldn't you be able to sue a Jewish Kosher deli because they won't make you a BLT ?????  Hay... if Bush and Cheney can find a couple of "attorneys" who will say that "Enhanced Interrogation"  isn't really torture, I'm certain that you should be able to find one (and a Jury)  that will find said deli guilty of "offending" your rights by following their religious teachings......    
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Lectron carb, modified head, stage 3 cam, Wiseco piston, header and Dyna, Varsi's cam chain adjuster, head plug and drilled rotor, Tkat, 12" shocks and 17/43 chain conversion.EdL's 4"FCs
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #50 - 05/14/15 at 19:16:46
In  that note.   ‘Old Indian’.

Explain, why,  (Here in Minn), their is a lake.
Which has been known as the, ‘Premier’ Walleye lake in Minn.
for the last 150 years.

Yet 10 + years ago, a local tribe went to the State Representatives,
And said they said a 1858 Treaty was STILL in Force,
and that treaty said, ’they’ could spear/net, 60,000 THOUSAND  Pounds,
of, Walleyes a year. !

Yet in the SAME  Treaty, it said:
“Any 3 Indians together, off the reservation  can be shot on site, because they are a ‘war’ party”
(Which, I agree, is totally ridiculous BY today's standards)

Yet,  the,  Netting is  STILL  in force.  And the State,
reduced the limit, and reduced it more, and this year is  ONE,
(State limit is 6)
Yet the,  “NET”,  Limit, (By Indians), has NOT been Touched ?????
Not, that, that part, of the,  NETTING LIMIT part,
is not just as ridiculous.
Considering the Millfoul and Zebra Mussel invasion?

Cheese and Rice,  who is paying Who. ?????

Or could it be, that the Local Tribe, (Due to their Casinos)
Are BUYING,  Land a record rate, and at a VERY, reduced Price,
(Thus removing that taxed land from the tax pool).
Are they  buying the land, cheep, then when they have enough,
they will stop, netting ?

It’s called,  ‘COMMON SENSE”,

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 9068
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #51 - 05/14/15 at 19:58:52
“ … Enhanced Interrogation …”

Let’s see.
Your Daughter, is in, (Someplace),
Your are asking the, ‘perp’,  
the PERP, is,  acting smug, and saying,  Gimme, Gimme,
What ya gonna do?
Let your Daughter, DIE, of,cold/starvation/etc. ?
Or,  ‘GIVE’ want he/she wants?

 Or, turn off the TV’s/Audio, shut the Curtains,
and, do, “Enhanced Interrogation”.

Pick one !
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Fighting Foreign
Terrorism since 1492

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Central New Mexico
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #52 - 05/14/15 at 21:03:08
MnSpring: "Enhanced Interrogation" as officially sanctioned, is counterproductive. A good intelligence interrogator can obtain information by other means.      I came across victims of such methods of "information gathering techniques" during my meanderings in scenic "Eye"Corps during the mid-1960s.  (But I won't go there. Suffice to say it was unpleasant..)

    I have no idea either, what tribe is involved, nor the exact language of the treaty. If you really want, I can put you in touch with a couple of my (1st) cousins who are attorneys specializing in "Treaty Law".  Approach with caution though. They are both rabid feminist who have already run off a couple of husbands.
Discussing the impact of the Government's "guardian ship" of the various tribal groups would take more than site could contain, and best described as "Ethnic Cleansing". (Couldn't even vote until 1924) In the last half century various tribal groups have taken up legal action against the government to recover illegally seized lands and resources.    
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Lectron carb, modified head, stage 3 cam, Wiseco piston, header and Dyna, Varsi's cam chain adjuster, head plug and drilled rotor, Tkat, 12" shocks and 17/43 chain conversion.EdL's 4"FCs
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #53 - 05/14/15 at 21:56:18
Spring, when you're right, you're really right, but when you are off, dude, it's miles. Some of these Terrorists are just kidnapped schmucks,sold to Security.. Anyone really know why we are doing all the stuff we are doing?
Am I really alone in remembering the 80s and the wrongs committed in S. America?
Anyone look over their shoulders and feel all Good about the democracy we've been spreading?
Give me five minutes with you,strapped in a chair and cuffed and I could have you confessing to blowing Flight 800 outta the sky.

You'd confess to killing Kenedy And Lincoln and swear you did them both in the same day. They do Enhanced Interrogation for fun. When you are a captive, just exactly what do you think you wouldn't tell after someone had complete control over your life, food, comfort or Discomfort...

The most I'd need,if I was in a hurry, pliers,,

Those movies, guys strapped in chairs, beaten, blood ,teeth, not telling,  
Those are movies.. I've never known anyone I thought was that tough.
If that guy's in the chair, you've found yourself a tough,mean,determined hombre.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Art Webb
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columbus, Texas
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #54 - 05/15/15 at 10:14:08
Any one that tough, mean, and determined is unlikely to find themselves in the chair, as any attemp to capture them will be a blody fight to the death
Just the knowledge that I would likley be tortured by an enemy would make me less likely to surrender, no matter the odds
better a clean (relatively) death than prolonged torture
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #55 - 05/15/15 at 16:05:30
The topic is the value of information obtained by torture And, IMO, the need for such extreme measures, waterboarding, electric shock, stuff like that.
I believe that I could get any information an enemy has without such brutality. But the media, shows like 24, the whole propaganda machine, has been working to get, no, manufacture consent and support, for torture. It's the new Normal, and because they have created the perception that these people are somehow less than human, it's okay.
Remember, nnot all the evils committed and attributed to certain people were really their doing. Think False Flag.
Don't think im foolish enough to not know there really Are bad guys doing bad things, just dont accept that everything is as advertised.
There really has been ideologically and tribal based slaughter,,
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
The globalist s dont Create every problem, but they use them to their advantage when they can. Ever notice how some crises just Stay in the spotlight and others, just as horrific, fade away quickly?
Dont let that pique your curiosity..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #56 - 05/15/15 at 16:34:11
Just a clarification of my view of:  " ..."Enhanced Interrogation" ...",

And in that view, it would not include,  'water sports'.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #57 - 05/15/15 at 17:12:45
old.indian wrote on 05/14/15 at 21:03:08:
 . . .  If you really want, I can put you in touch with  . . .   

No need,  the people discussed, have already BOUGHT, enough State Reps.
So the, 'vote', will be what ever, those people, want.

I do think it is as iconic as he** through.
Here these ’new’ people come to this continent, in the 1600’s +/-.
Bringing new deceases, and ways of life, and lies.

And they, (in many cases) did,  NOT, (from history books), treat the Native people,
as most were treated by a conquering force.

Many, many, atrocities, have been cited.
One, (Germ Warfare), ‘blankets’, infected with Small-Pox.

But now, a group, (Actually several different ones),
has, ‘Casinos’, and makes a UN HEARD amount of Money.
All Supplied to them, by the group, that has, ’conquered’, them.

In Minn, their is only ONE, Casino, that pays taxes.
The rest, take,  Several BILLIONS, and don’t pay a dime.

So Ironic.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 9068
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #58 - 05/15/15 at 17:13:46
Anyway,  back to topic.
The Best cartoon, was the the one that Won.

I Do it, because I can !
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #59 - 05/18/15 at 02:25:50
WebsterMark wrote on 05/13/15 at 09:58:31:
Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

Yes, I guess I better read up on European history because it's disappearing quickly. You better brush up on your praise Allah speech Mpes.

Every major armed conflict going on in the world today that I can think of has Islamic fundamentalism at its heart. If you can't see the common denominator then I guess I can't help you.

And ...

...for the sake of defending Peace in the World...

a better future for our children...

...America should lead the way...

"Carpet bomb them and convert them to Christianity"

Is THIS what you have in mind, WM ?

As I said, the last war to be waged on American soil... was the Civil War...

Mark my words, what you lack is not the prowess but the patience to sit down and learn from those who have already lived through certain plights...

Else, it might be a Little Big Horn, reversed...

It's no skin off my nose if you  can't even see what's right in front of your face.

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