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Texas cartoons (Read 965 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #15 - 05/12/15 at 06:10:20
Probably covers the wedding.
Who's the dumb one?

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #16 - 05/12/15 at 06:55:17
I question the need for the whole thing. I feel that the organizer has some sort of personal agenda that smacks of "the politics of fear", where You create a fear of something (group, religion, or politic) and then promise the fearful that you will protect them. (Remember the McCarthy era?)
What angers me the most about this "incident" is that with armed security and a SWAT team the event has the slight odor of a "sting" operation. The attack appears almost ad hoc. If the attack had been better planned and organized one or more attackers could have gotten inside resulting in numerous casualties.  I seriously doubt that the organizer would have regretted such "collateral damage"...  

Mpes: Is there not any application nor defense for "good common sense" any more ?    

What’s happened Mpes, is demonstrated by the comments from old.indian above. (McCarthy? Really?)

I suspect old.indian would have a vastly different point of view if Christians decided to start shooting up San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair with their decidedly anti-Christian floats and acts. Would you call the parade a “sting”? Are the organizers and participants purposely targeting Christians just praying (sorry for that…) for ‘collateral damage’? Would you demand the parade organizers stop in the name of intolerance?

Pam Geller has been making this point for years which is that Muslims use violence and intimidation to enforce their religious views on every nation they immigrate into. Once the % of the population begins to reach a certain point, the identity of that nation changes. If you doubt that, read up on Europe’s troubles. I'll give you a few neighborhoods in Paris I want you to walk into wearing your favorite Budweiser T-shirt or showing a Cross necklace.

So pat yourself on the back while you can old.indian for taking a courageous stand against intolerance and telling Pam Geller her skirt was too short! She got what she deserved, right?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #17 - 05/12/15 at 09:21:45
There is a HUGE difference between the vast majority of Muslims and extremist fundamentalist  fanatics that are muslim. A HUGE difference.

There is a HUGE difference between Christians and Christian fundamentalist/extremists.

It is a HUGE mistake to ignore this.

Also, as a British "W.A.S.P." with a wealth of experience living in places/countries where Christians/jews/muslims/hindus/sikhs all get on with their daily lives as normal, integrated and happy as a community, I feel that the hysteria over Islamic belief and influence is ridiculous and basically ignorant.

This is an interesting link, which speaks for itself:

Interesting to note that the guy repeatedly avoids naming his sources  Wink
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #18 - 05/12/15 at 09:27:01
My, My.. Am I tolerant ? I was taught to judge a person by who they are, NOT what they are, so perhaps I am guilty of such. I will admit to having a total lack of tolerance or respect for either bullies, or fear mongers.  
I would point out that most religions have a history of forcing their beliefs and culture upon others. Including the Christian religion as well as it's different sects upon one another.    
As far as "Christians" shooting up San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair ??? Maybe in Texas, or Mississippi, But San Francisco ?? (About as likely as a Klan rally in Watts.)  
To put it bluntly, at this point I am less concerned with any personal danger of my life or liberty from Muslim terrorist than I am from those groups who would "protect" me from said "terrorist".
  Sorry, but I have no desire to see Paris. My Great uncles were UN-impressed when they were there in 1918 and my Dad and Uncles had a similar reaction in 1944-45....
(P.S. Who the hell is "Pam Geller" ??? )
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Serious Thumper

Good Vibrations!

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #19 - 05/12/15 at 09:30:30
old.indian wrote on 05/12/15 at 09:27:01:
(P.S. Who the hell is "Pam Geller" ??? )

Wasn't she the Israeli guy who used to bend spoons?  Grin
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #20 - 05/12/15 at 09:54:34
There is a HUGE difference between the vast majority of Muslims and extremist fundamentalist  fanatics that are muslim. A HUGE difference.

There is a HUGE difference between Christians and Christian fundamentalist/extremists.

It is a HUGE mistake to ignore this.

No, it is a HUGE mistake to ignore the vast difference in the number of violent Muslim extremist vs the violent Christian extremist. (or any other religion for that matter)

Also, as a British "W.A.S.P." with a wealth of experience living in places/countries where Christians/jews/muslims/hindus/sikhs all get on with their daily lives as normal, integrated and happy as a community, I feel that the hysteria over Islamic belief and influence is ridiculous and basically ignorant.

Ridiculous and ignorant huh?....Tell that to the Boston bombing victims, the 9/11 victims, the Ft.Hood shooting victims, the MD sniper victims. Lets see…, how about we go across the Pond. Tell that to the London tube victims, the Charlie Hebdo victims, the Sydney victims, the shopping mall victimsin Nairobi, the victims of the college attack in Nigeria, the victims in the hotel in Mumbai,……

Honestly, I could go on and on and on and on and on and on.... but I wouldn’t want to sound basically ignorant or be accused of fanning the flames of hysteria or anything like that…

Really, how do you breath with your head that far down in the sand?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #21 - 05/12/15 at 12:08:28
So which Muslim communities have we all lived in?

My head is so far in the sand that I went to war to bomb Islamic children for control of oil again and again....oh wait, that was God-fearing Bush  Embarrassed

Please note that I didn't call anyone ridiculous or ignorant. I was referring to a belief system that is ignorant and ridiculous, a belief system that is based on media hysteria.

My time spent in the North of Ireland demonstrates, to me at least, that fundamentalist Christians like to blow up shopping centres, shoot unarmed civilians (including kids).

The Christians that wiped out most of the American population weren't even mentioned.

"No, it is a HUGE mistake to ignore the vast difference in the number of violent Muslim extremist vs the violent Christian extremist." (Italics mine)

The number in this case (or rather the amount) is something that is media-generated by the Western arms-dealing 'leaders' and fed to us.

Islam is no more violent as a religion than Christianity is, in my opinion. But us Westerners are taught differently, and largely believe what they are taught, rather than experiencing it for themselves. That is a HUGE mistake.

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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #22 - 05/12/15 at 12:40:34
Here's another way to look at the "Islam is really violent" question.

Add up all those involved in the "atrocities-in-the-name-of-Allah" that were mentioned in the post by WM. Add loads more for all the other atrocities. We can only ever guess, but think of a number.

Then divide it by 2.08 BILLION*, and that gives you an idea of the percentage of Muslims that are violent.

Now count the innocent victims of 'Biker-violence', those caught in the cross-fire, or have been 'stomped' by 'back-patch clubs, been run over by a speeding/drunk bike-rider, etc.
Divide that by how many people regularly ride or own motorbikes.

As a percentage, I would suggest that this would infer that bikers are a greater threat to us all than Muslims are.

I hope this makes sense (even if I have a mouthful of sand)

Hovis  Wink

*Taken from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2014.

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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #23 - 05/12/15 at 17:07:09
The point Hovis is that whatever that percentage is, it's multiple times larger than the next closest one.

...and drunk drivers aren't murdering people in an attempt to get their way.

Man, your working really hard coming up with silly analogies to justify your head in the sand.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #24 - 05/12/15 at 17:13:24

Islam is no more violent as a religion than Christianity is, in my opinion. But us Westerners are taught differently, and largely believe what they are taught, rather than experiencing it for themselves. That is a HUGE mistake.

Your opinion is demonstratively wrong and not just a little wrong either.  saying 2 + 3 = 4 doesn't make it so no matter how strongly you believe the falsehood.

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Art Webb
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #25 - 05/12/15 at 18:15:05
I'll chime in here again
You CANNOT put the blame on the intended victim here. They didn't try to shoot anyone, they made a statement someone did't like, and THEY tried to kill them

this is no different from blaming the girl for being raped, no diferent from blaming the mugged for the mugging

There is NO circumstance in which offending someone is justification for violence and killing

was what she did dumb? either that or deliberately provocative. Do I care? No

she responded to a Muslim tolerance conference where the basic message is 'don't talk about Islamic extremism, it offends us Muslims
aren't non extreme Muslims constantly telling us they aren't extremists? then why is discussion of Islamic extremism offensive? And why doe so many Muslims call American Sniper 'racist' Muslims are not all one race
you can talk smack about westside Baptist church from dawn to dusk (and, btw, they won't try to kill you for it) and I won't be offended, their views don't reflect mine
Oh, and there is no constitutional right to not be offended, folks need to realize that

Fish aren't possessed of reason, humans, even extremists, are, and are responsible for their own action, period

No one but the attackers are responsible for this attack, period, they had the capacity to use that wonderful human capacity for reasoning, and chose to attack this event
It's not just Geller, either, there were other participants
Abrogating free speech is abrogating freedom, and saying 'she deserved it' is wrong
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #26 - 05/12/15 at 19:10:26
My opinion isn't "wrong" because some people might disagree with it  Grin

A "fact" can be wrong (if it is empirically proved to be) but an "opinion" is just that. An opinion.

An opinion can 'carry weight' however, if it is based on a wide and varied unbiased experience on the subject.

If my opinion is "demonstratively wrong and not just a little wrong", to quote you, Mark, then with respect, please tell us why that is so..... ie. some "demonstrative proof"(as you say) of the falsehood of my strongly-held belief.
Can anyone explain to me how most of the population of America was slaughtered/enslaved/starved by God-fearing Christians because that population were thought to be "savages"? (pun almost intended)
On a different note, I used the analogy of drunk-drivers for two reasons.
Firstly, alcohol impairs normal brain function, and leads to irrational behaviour.
Secondly, a vehicle in the wrong hands is a potential deadly weapon, whether the rider uses it intentionally or not.
Put the two together and we have someone 'off their head' with a weapon who is likely to kill both themselves and others around them.
Wait a minute.....that sounds a lot like one of those Islamic suicide bombers.


Quote: "The point Hovis is that whatever that percentage is, it's multiple times larger than the next closest one."

If muslims pose a terrorist threat, and with 2.08 BILLION people being Muslim, and there are 7 billion people on the planet, then OMG!!! (or OMA!!! should I say).
Sleep safely tonight with the thought that:
Statistically if 7 people are in a room, then two of them will cut the heads-off/blow-up the other five people in the name of Allah.

OR they won't .... it might be that you are slightly off the mark when it comes to stereo-typing other people whose religion you don't understand.

You decide  Grin

In addition, "your (sic) working really hard" doesn't emphasize the pleasure (and perhaps, duty) I feel in presenting an alternative view on the 'muslims-are-terrorists' subject.


As to the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, which this thread started out with, I like the Charles Manson one best  Wink  

Edit: sorry Art, you posted whilst I was still writing this
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #27 - 05/13/15 at 05:53:46
Why is it that I find myself inheremtly in full accord with Hovis Presley?

Maybe because, like him, I am European?

Maybe because, like him, I can walk past 1000 y.o. artefacts while commuting to work or school,
which reminds me of the RESPOSNIBILITY of NOT carpet bombing ANYONE on the assumed pretense that "WE ARE RIGHT, YOU ARE WRONG"?

Maybe because since the fall of the Roman Empire, there have been so many wars, essentially for reasons eerily clad on religious fanatism, that we have had enough ?


I had composed a long rant aimed at Webstermark, then got called elsewhere, and by the time I returned, I realized I was ranting at the right person but with the wrong arguments, so here I go again..

Suffice it to say, you, my dear, both as an individual and as a nation (don't anybody take offence by this) are too Young to have a "European-wise historical memory".

While many cities in Europe still bear the scars of the religious wars between Christians and other Christians, on the grounds that "Jesus loves me more than he loves you!"
while the greatest "inconvenience" you suffered was the Civil War, 1861-1865.
After said date, all other conflicts in which the US were involved, bar none, were on foreign territory, across the oceans.

I would also like to point out that the two "fiends of the world", Iran and Iraq, once were prime allies and best friends with the USA, until world events decided they were not so friends anymore...
- Iran was the US's prime ally, outside NATO, to "curb Soviet expansionism" (look at a map from the 1970's, the US had the USSR virtually surrounded from Iceland to Thailand and the Philippines, across no less than three oceans!)
- once (vastly) corrupt Iran fell to the hands of Islamic fundamentalism with Imam Khomeini, Egypt and Iraq were courted away from the "fiendish grasp" of theUSSR and suddenly became "the West's only hope".
See what happened to them...  Tongue

- I dare NOT think what could happen to Turkey... Your current powerful ally to curb Islamic terrorism... oh, wait, don't they have the Islamic Party in power and sistematically winning elections ?

- I already know what is happening to Pakistan... your nuclear friend to ward you against Indian expansionism...
Roll Eyes
Grin Grin Grin
Really, WebsterMark, you ought to drop your newspapers and study some contemporary history...

Who knows, you might learn a thing or two...
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #28 - 05/13/15 at 08:58:14
Interesting ... An Englishman, a German, and a Shawnee (Native American) making the point that just because a person is of a different religion does not make either them nor that religion inherently evil.
When I speak of the "politics of fear" and what can happen, I note 1942 and the "relocation" of Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to "camps" inland. Or you can read the history of the "relocation" of different Native American tribes to various reservations.      
The "politics of fear" as fed by fear mongers and false information has lead to many evils, the KKK and "Jim Crow Laws", Wounded Knee, and Sand Creek, WW2 "Relocation Camps" to "WMD" and Iraq...
 My greatest fear is that this present situation of anti-Muslim feeling will result in a pogrom of Muslims in some parts of this country. And that is the ultimate evil to the America I was brought up in.
USMC (MOS=0311)

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #29 - 05/13/15 at 09:56:43
Politics of fear.....

How many people are aware that the US Department of Defense proposed to commit acts of terrorism against US civilians on US soil and then blame this terrorism on other countries? (With the aim of then invading the other countries)?

These proposals have since been published by the National Security Archive in their complete form in 2001, and are available to the public.

If anyone is interested, Google 'Operation Northwoods'.

So it is clear that the technique of 'sh*t-stirring' to create an enemy to then go and invade them is nothing new  Sad

Britain has done very similar things. No country is 'clean'.


Geographically speaking, if I were to travel to (purely for example) visit 'mpescatori', that 1000 mile journey would involve me riding through 7 or 8 different countries, different languages, different cultures, which can only serve to broaden the mind.

Europe (internally) did have a horrific war, ethnic-cleansing, etc as recently as the early 1990's. The Balkans.
I personally was in ex-Yugoslavia at the time (and not connected with either the military or the media).
And would you believe it, it was Christians beating the sh*t out of their neighbouring Muslim countries. (although it is never that simple, of course).

Anyway, @old.indian, who was the German that you were referring to?

PS. Just a thought, but are some middle-eastern Muslim countries also HUGE producers of oil?
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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