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Texas cartoons (Read 965 times)
Art Webb
Serious Thumper

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columbus, Texas
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #135 - 05/30/15 at 21:46:10
[quote author=5F7C4162607B7C75120 link=1431263957/120#132 date=1433038881] Quote:
HovisPresley Said:
“ … (the last line would, in practical terms, be where common sense is applied to a given situation, whether in a liberal or a conservative manner) …”

Which was the response to the last line I said:
“UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do””

That line is where I have a big problem. That is not, freedom.
Who, decides? And How do they decide?

Let’s take a, ‘mandatory helmet’ law.
Why was it made?  Why do some States have one, others do not?
(Answer to that is, ’States Rights”, the thing that the, “Civil War”, was about)

Now in a, Socialized, Country, their is a argument that, a, ‘Helmet Law’, saves you money.
Because, their is Socialized Medicine, and No one pays for health care,
(((but, EVERYONE, pays for health care))),  Their is a argument.
(Because, same/same/same, two MC crashes, one wearing, one not,
The greater odds of less injury, go the the helmet wearer)
And, ‘free’ health care, it would cost,
EVERYBODY'S, less money, to heal the helmeted person)

But in a country, where one Pays, for their OWN, Health care.
Should it not be a choice?  Simply because it affects no one else?

Or, perhaps take it one step further.
(Here in MN no Helmet law, ‘except for 18 & under, and Provisional Licenses’)
So perhaps, the law should be changed to:
"If you PAY, for your own Insurance, Helmet is a Choice.
If the, State, pays your Insurance, then you MUST, wear a helmet”
Reason, if the State, pays your insurance, and you get into a accident,
then, EVERYONE, pays, (Even the ones that pay their OWN, insurance),
so you must wear a helmet, because it will COST,
EVERYONE ELSE that is paying, less money.

Of course, that could never happen,
One might, ‘offend’, someone.

HovisPresley Said:  … To me, a conservative person would want to maintain established values and keep the status quo, often irrespective to changes (for better or worse) for the sake of ‘cautious traditionalism’. …”

I disagree, Perhaps in your country, that may be the case, but here, it has been proven, time and time again, to be, a, liberal, person, wants ‘change’ for the sake of change.  Not, a well thought plan, just, ‘change’. And it has been PROVEN, beyond a shadow of a double, by the ACA, (Obama Care). Where, out and out LIES and Deception, are now PROVEN, to be the way that passed.  
And it is just Not the ACA, it is Many, MANY other things also.

I do want to ask a question.
I have been to the UK, three times, in the last 40 years.
Each time, I had to have a valid passport, BEFORE, I boarded the airplane here.
And then in the UK, it was inspected again, and it was stamped, for a 3 to 6 month visit.

The last time, Customs in Manchester, a young gal was checking my Passport, then she looked up at me and said:
“As a Yank, you are aware of the, ‘New Law’, governing US Citizens visiting here?”
Totally surprised, I said no.  Then she said:
“It is required, that you MUST go to bed, on the same day you wake up”
 (Then ‘winked’ at me)

OK, getting back on point.  Let’s say, I flew to France, did the passport thing.
Then hitched a ride through the Chunnel, or by boat, over the Channel.
Now I am on UK Soil, with no one checking a Passport.

I get a job, in a little fishing village, clean the catches, and find a room, over a Pub to stay in.
Now one day, I have this huge, tooth ache, so I go to the dentist,
Health care is, ‘free’.  I, make up a, ‘English’, sounding name, let’s say:
Thomas Hardy.  Everything is fine.
Then years later, some how, some way, someone, finds out,
I am NOT, a UK Subject. But a USA Citizen.
And Thomas Hardy is not my real name.
What would the UK, Government do ?

And one other POV, of mine;
[color=#0000ff] Quote:
HovisPresley said
Then another person, screams and hollers, and wales, in a language, un known to the first person.

A, liberal, (and Liberal), will bow down, and kiss Axx, and do anything they can, to, ‘appease’, that person.
A, Tolerant person, will say: “I can buy anything I want at this store, if you don’t like it, go to, ‘that’ store, (where they don’t sell what you are objecting to), and buy from them.”

The, ‘liberal’, attitude, accounts for MORE, bloodshed, because it, ’Teaches’, some people,
they are, MORE, equal than others.

There's a name for that
Positive Reinforcement
If someone gets what they want through a certain behavior, they will continue that behavior, just as a child whose parents give them what they want every time they throw a fit will become more and more ill behaved, so will an adult, until confronted by someone who refuses to be cowed
this of course may end in bloodshed, not because he was confronted, but because he was appeased for so long before being confronted
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #136 - 05/31/15 at 03:57:16
Firstly, I apologize for not always using the word 'quote' when I, erm, quote another's words, despite the quotation marks.
I wouldn't go so far to say that I'm being impolite. After all, I'd suggest that talking about KLR balancer weights (and including photos) in a thread about cartoons of Mohammed to be more worthy of that comment  Roll Eyes . Although, I'm not complaining.

My definitions of 'liberal' and 'conservative' are from the dictionary, but alas, I did not quote the dictionary.

Thomas Hardy (lol) would need a National Insurance number, not just a British-sounding name.

I agree that if a helmet-less rider has their own private health insurance, they should be free to carry on. I don't see it as a political issue.

I think that the girl in Manchester airport passport control was probably employing a 'British sense of humour'.

The supermarket/meat scenario? I see your point, but I've regularly used supermarkets in my multi-cultural community and have never seen this.
I did live in 'ultra-conservative' Tel Aviv and at the time (c. 25 years ago) I was vegetarian. I went into an independent/family-business pizza place and wanted to buy one of their pizzas, dripping with melted cheese. I asked the guy whether it had any meat in it or not, and he had a fit at me!

The use of the psychology term 'Positive Reinforcement' can be applied to anyone of any political persuasion. The surname 'Bush' springs to mind.

The phrase "more equal than others" is famously associated with George Orwell's novel 'Animal Farm' and was addressing the capitalist nature of the ruling class. About as far from Liberalism as you can get.

As for the (Quote) “UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do”, it would sound to me like the problem Anarchists have with a dictatorial government. But I mention this cautiously, as I know what happened to Saccho and Vanzetti.

PS. WebsterMark, did someone mention an apology?  

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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Art Webb
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columbus, Texas
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #137 - 05/31/15 at 07:18:24
I apologize for hijacking the thread with KLR talk

and my use of 'positive reinforcement' showed no political favoritism
If people are rewarded for behaving badly, most will, regardless of political affiliation
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #138 - 05/31/15 at 09:12:05
Art Webb wrote on 05/31/15 at 07:18:24:
my use of 'positive reinforcement' showed no political favoritism
If people are rewarded for behaving badly, most will, regardless of political affiliation

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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #139 - 05/31/15 at 09:33:21
HovisPresley Said:
“ … Thomas Hardy (lol) would need a National Insurance number, not just a British-sounding name. …”

Yep, OK, forgot about having some #, outside of just a name.
Here, it is a S.S. Number.
So let me re phrase:
" … am on UK Soil, with no one checking a Passport..
I get a job, in a little fishing village, clean the catches, and find a room, over a Pub to stay in. (Work for Cash)
Now one day, I have this huge, tooth ache, so I go to the dentist,
Health care is, ‘free’.  I, make up a, ‘English’, sounding name,
(And a ‘National Insurance number’) …  Everything is fine.
Then years later, some how, some way, someone, finds out,
I am NOT, a UK Subject. But a USA Citizen.
And Thomas Hardy is not my real name, (Nor is the number I gave)
What would the UK, Government do ?

1. Throw me in a dark cell somewhere, to never be seen again?
2. Deport me, with a big red mark on my Passport, stating never to come into that country again?
3. Or, Welcome me, and say:, ’That’s OK, oh by the way, here are your proper government papers?

Now, the number, (Coming from people that, ‘make up’, or ‘steel’, or ‘buy’, a SS number here,
and get away with it), I am sure it could be done in the UK also.

As as the three examples listed above.
If was was a US Citizen,
and went to, Canada, it would probably be the middle one.
If it was, Mexico, I know, it is the first one.

HovisPresley Said:
“ … The phrase “more equal than others" is famously associated with George Orwell’s novel ‘Animal Farm’ and was addressing the capitalist nature…”

Well aware of that.  Orwell, Golding, Salinger, should be required reading, in the Schools.
How would you rate the term:  “more equal than others”, in these cases?
A Dictator, having Gold Toilet Seats made, while the people toil away in various minimal labor jobs involving Camel Spit & Feces?
Or a President of a Republic, who’s wife goes on 12, Multi Million dollar vacations in 6 years, while the people that pay for that, have to work two jobs, just to keep their head above water.
Or a Monarchy, where, ’Royalty’, are treated quite differently, then ‘let’s say’, someone who shovels Coal, and has a part time job as a Chimney Sweep?

I believe the term/phrase: “more equal than others”. Does Not refer to any one political party, or belief .
It simply refers to a term, describing a group, that, is, ‘MORE Equal, than Others”.
By what ever means, they got that way.
By Screaming that they are, ‘Offended’, or ‘Oppressed’,   and someone else, ‘appeased’ them.
Or by, ‘lying’, and no one doing anything about it.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #140 - 05/31/15 at 10:47:01
I agree with MnSpring.

The monarchy, the dictator, and the President of a Republic are all in the 'ruling class', so in these cases I'd say the same, they are 'more equal'.
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #141 - 05/31/15 at 12:15:20
Corporations are the Ruling Class...
We have granted them legal person-hood, and all the rights that go along with that status,... yet, they are "too big to fail", and no corporation will ever go to jail...
They own our elections, and can buy the loopholes they need...

Politicians are just well paid pawns,... moved by lobbyists, and kickbacks from special interests funded by corporations...
Lips Sealed...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #142 - 05/31/15 at 12:31:37
Well said, Serowbot  Wink
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #143 - 05/31/15 at 14:52:52
I wouldn't go so far to say that I'm being impolite. After all, I'd suggest that talking about KLR balancer weights (and including photos) in a thread about cartoons of Mohammed to be more worthy of that comment  Roll Eyes .  

I beg to differ, now a comment like that is a bit disparaging.    A little “thread drift” may occur from time to time deviating from the context of the conversation.  However, we did not attempt to “hijak” the thread, this is a motorcycle forum…….

Best regards,

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #144 - 05/31/15 at 15:11:04
Quote pgambr;
"A little “thread drift” may occur from time to time deviating from the context of the conversation."

I agree totally, it is a motorbike forum. But in the Politics/Religion section.
I have no problem with that at all, none at all.
I was merely comparing the way my actions were called impolite (by once or twice not crediting quotes) to actions such as changing the subject of an established thread completely.
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #145 - 05/31/15 at 15:58:54
Serowbot wrote on 05/31/15 at 12:15:20:
Corporations are the Ruling Class...
We have granted them legal person-hood, and all the rights that go along with that status,... yet, they are "too big to fail", and no corporation will ever go to jail...
They own our elections, and can buy the loopholes they need...

Politicians are just well paid pawns,... moved by lobbyists, and kickbacks from special interests funded by corporations...
Lips Sealed...

Don't overlook blackmail and threats.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #146 - 05/31/15 at 16:13:12
Don't overlook assassinating Presidents...
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #147 - 06/01/15 at 05:19:39
My conclusion (which is Worth a Whole lot more than just tùppence)

250 years on the other side of the Ocean, and you guys have evolved the English language to the point that the same word may and will have different meanings, often diametrically opposite.

An excellent example is the term "Liberal".

To you, apparently "Liberal" means "Left-wing Democrat".

In Europe, "Liberal" means "Right-wing conservative", i.e., "if the law doesn't say I can't do it, then it means I can".

This is the epitomy of individual freedom and self-determination, the famous "No taxation without representation"

I realize this may sound odd to you, because you've grown accustomed to using the term for completely different ends.

: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism
: of or belonging to the liberal political party in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom
: not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted

I fail to understand how this becomes a left-wing principle when the left-wing political thinkers have Always opposed freedom of thought and self-determination.

In Europe, Liberal Parties have Always been center-right.
On the other hand, your Republicans are to the Right... while in Europe the Republican Parties have Always been center-left...

I repeat:

250 years on the other side of the Ocean, and you guys have evolved the English language to the point that the same word may and will have different meanings, often diametrically opposite.
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #148 - 06/01/15 at 05:56:31
The Liberal party in the UK are considered slightly right of centre.
Although, what a party says they'll do when not in power is often, sadly, different to what they'll do if in power.
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #149 - 06/01/15 at 06:39:06
In the US, liberal means supporting a $15 minimum wage law because…..well, just because. There’s no sound economic logic to it. It feels good and seems fair.
Conservatives would say woa….wait a second, did you consider the fact that this, this and this will happen? Minimum wage jobs are temporary, we should be encouraging people to transition upwards, not to be content with a slightly higher level of poverty.

In the US, liberal means supporting two militant lesbians legally bankrupting a baker who didn’t want to bake their wedding cake.
Conservatives would say hang on, isn’t there another baker you could go to? Didn’t you search and search until you found a baker who you knew would have religious objections?

In the US, liberal means automatically assuming the government has claim on your income. When there is a deficit, tax increases are automatically proposed.
Conservatives would say let’s take a look at spending first, revenue second.

In the US, if you're 20 and not a liberal; you don't have a heart. If you're 40 and not conservative, you don't have a brain.

Liberals are children, conservatives are adults. Both need each other to survive. Left to their own, liberals would destroy the nation quickly as would conservatives.

Conservatives need liberals pushing the envelop, asking questions. Liberals need conservatives to say no, slow down, consider this....
Both need capitalism.

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