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Texas cartoons (Read 965 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #90 - 05/26/15 at 13:34:43
but I'll have to pick this up with you another day Hovis. I've got work to do.
I'm driving to western Illinois tomorrow and then over to Chicago for the night. I will cover an area probably greater than half of England, but golly I wish I could be worldly like you....
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #91 - 05/26/15 at 14:25:19
"In addition, your point no.4;
How many people died on the Mayflower?" (HP)

"Are we invoking ancient history now?....
You don't really want to go there do you?........" (WM)

Your 4th point was people literally dieing to go to America.....hence my 'Mayflower' connection.
If that is "ancient history" then I can only repeat the word 'perspective'.  Grin That, sir, is recent history. Ask a native, I'm sure he will agree.

As for Chicago/Illinois, etc, it's not about geographical distance, it's about the cultural differences involved that broadens the mind and the perspective of the observer.

There is more in common with 'Alaska to Florida' than there ever has been in terms of the idea of Europe being 'one giant nation'.

There are no muslims taking over my native country, so therefore they don't need passports. Despite what your "Birmingham-has-no-go-areas" news reports say.

Enjoy your trip from 'one part of the middle of your country to another part of the middle of your country'. It must be very enlightening to meet so many different cultures/languages/history on that journey, and I wish you well on that adventure.

My absence of recent days (in terms of forum posts) was because I too was away, abroad.

Unfortunately, your suspicion about the percentage of US nationals with passports was way off the mark, Mark.
'Google' and 'common sense' are your friends.
But hey, anyone who believes that (quote) "38,000" muslims out of 2 billion muslims (in a survey) can be statistically significant, probably will fail to grasp the real situation.

Bon Voyage xx

PS. "but golly I wish I could be worldly like you.... " so do I, mate, so do I.

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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #92 - 05/26/15 at 18:53:22
Unfortunately, your suspicion about the percentage of US nationals with passports was way off the mark, Mark.
'Google' and 'common sense' are your friends.

Well, IF that is the literal truth, then, without the use of Google, I am forced to conclude Web has only one friend.
And, FWIW, I am having a genuine good time watching someone else have a go at it.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #93 - 05/27/15 at 01:42:40
Justin, if you're enjoying the show so far, then wait till I address Mark's 3rd point from that post;

"3) we rule the world"  Wink
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #94 - 05/27/15 at 02:38:30
I would like to thank WebsterMark and HovisPresley for the amusing chitchat and congratulate them because I haven't had such a good time since my last go at Monty Python.

Mayflower... ancient history...

1. The Mayflower never existed. She was the "Fleur de Mai" (Mayflower in English), a french cargo which had just neen bought by the Florentine Medicis (of Lorenzo de Medici fame) to sail the merchant ports of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and the ship's Captain was due to report in Livorno (Leghorn to you) only the following spring. So he thought it was a good idea to accept a contract to sail a bunch of Puritans confined to the pier of Plymouth port to the New World.

(The truth of the matter is the Puritans had fled England and settled down in Amsterdam; their lifestyle, however, was so rock-rigid puritan they were eventually "encouraged to leave" (Christian Talibans of the 17th Century?) and the only place they could go was... England. They were denied entry, however, and were confined to living "in the open" on a pier of Plymouth Port, until they could find a ship to ferry them elsewhere. THIS is the story told in England - and THEY have the historical records to prove it, not just legendary storytelling)

As for the issue of "Mayflower - Fleur de Mai", here is an excerpt from an interesting essay:

"Mary Antin is right when she looks upon our foreign- born as the people who missed the Mayflower and came over on the first boat they could find. But she forgets that when they did come it was not upon other Mayflower but upon a 'Fleur,' a 'Fleur de Mai,' a 'Fleur di Maggio,' a 'Majblomst.' "


Where, incidentally, it PROVES the early colonists had no intention whatsoever to melt into the existing culture and adopt their ways.
Else you guys would all be American Indians...

You may also read a funny (humorous) rendition of the origins of Thanksgiving by Art Buchwald here:

2. What WebsterMark seems to omit is that these fierce, blood-curdling ISIS terrorists are actually preying on... fellow Muslims.
Yes, they have slit Christian throats and sold their daughters into slavery (and I, for one, am livid that European political leaders and the Pope himself all seem to be sitting on their hands on this one) but the truth of the matter is the Iraqi Army (equipped and traned by you guys) is next to helpless, the Syrian Army (equipped and trained by the Russians) is only marginally more effective (motivaiton?) the Turkish Army (equipped and trained by you guys) have had their ass kicked and the only ones who seem capable of getting the job done are... [drum roll, please] Navy SEALS?  Roll Eyes
NO, it was the Iranians
Like it or not, when it's time for boots on the ground, the only ones who kicked any ISIS ass in mass (not precision strike and flee ops) were the Iranians.

Oh, and, by the way... Given that the BUSH Dynasty is so hand in hand with the Saudi Royal Family... why on earth is Saudi Arabia not doing anything with ISIS tearing down Muslim Holy Sites ?
Kuwait is looking the other way, and the UAE and Bahrein are too busy celebrating their umpteenth ... luxury ... whatever ?
I see disaster coming from below the horizon, I can already smell it, and it smells rancid...
 Lips Sealed
Oh, but should WM worry, with Sen. John McCain photographed having talks with ISIS officials...

Watch it, Webstermark, lest "the enemy of my enemy has defeated my enemy and is now turning on me..." if you understand my words of warning...

3. Social Security and free handouts to young (juvenile) unwed mothers.
Yes, those who condemn "the system" for giving a "paycheck" to unwed mothers are right. In some Countries, to the eyes of a high school dropout, having more and more babies can become a fulltime job, the more babies, the more monies.
Actually, in other Countries (i.e. Italy) the baby is the direct beneficient of the SS treatment, not the mother, and once an unwed, jobless mother graduates to "baby #2" she is right in the sights of Social Assistants.
The law says that  baby #3 had better come with a full time Daddy, else the Juvenile Copurt kicks in and has the authority to take one (or more) babies to a "home" - either a foster home or an orphanage.

So you won't see unwed Mother Goose over here.

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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #95 - 05/27/15 at 02:53:10
MnSpring wrote on 05/19/15 at 18:05:16:
[quote} Where do Muslims come into this picture ?  ...

Well in a post, a while ago,
you bragged about, your countries, (free), 'Health Care'.

Well, guess who is using it now.

If if the time comes, YOU need it,
Guess What !

1. Guess what, I have it.

2. Guess what, if YOU come to Europe as a tourist and have a belly ache, you get FREE health care c/o the local hospital.
Sure, the Hotel Medic will ask to be paid, but THAT is a house call to a non-resident; hospitals provide free care to anyone who checks in, it's OUR LAW.

3. Guess what, the US Health cars System won't provide health care to a foreign tourist. It is the ONE fundamental area where the US Government refuses to abide by the common law knows ans "Protocol of Reciprocity", YOU get free health care in Europe, WE get a Half-million $$$ bill in the US.

Personally, these three points confort me and tell me WE are the superior Society.
Regardless of whose Central Bank is richer,
Regardless of whose plants produce the best technology,
Regardless of whose burgers and ketchup are the world best sellers.

YOU speak a European Language, regulate your lives by European Law (English Common Law, actually, which derives from Roman Law)
and overall ARE a European nation artificially installed overseas.
The proof of the pudding is that there's no North American (English) History ante 1586 (Roanoke) see what happened in Europe in 1586 !

 Roll Eyes

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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #96 - 05/27/15 at 03:01:32
WebsterMark wrote on 05/26/15 at 05:04:28:
HovisPresley wrote on 05/25/15 at 05:55:07:
WebsterMark wrote on 05/21/15 at 09:11:53:
The Religion of Peace is beginning their customary slaughter of citizens trapped in their newly captured territory.Which by the way, US troops died fighting over.

"The Religion of Peace" is referring to Islam, I assume?

" their customary slaughter of citizens"......customary.....really?

Do you understand how many muslims there are that are non-violent (out of the 2+ billion)?  If it is "customary" for them to slaughter civilians, then watch out for these work-colleagues of yours when you chat next time.

Or maybe it was just a gross exaggeration on your part?

"Which by the way, US troops died fighting over".... What were they doing there?

When ISIS takes over a city, yes, they customarily slaughter many of those trapped behind. You dispute this?

And if you are so partisan that anytime there's a religious based killing you can't understand that 9 out of 10 times its a Muslim, then like I said before, you should go work for Obama. You would make a perfect spokesman for

And if you're going to play the we went to war for oil card, go ahead. I've got no problem going to war for oil.

That's exactly what ISIS is all about... that's how they fund themselves, somebody (hmmm, I wonder who...) is buying the oil they sell on the black market.

Of course, it could bever be YOU !

Once :

Then :

Now :

Now :

And :

And :

Is THIS your Agenda, now ?

Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: 05/27/15 at 04:30:03 by mpescatori »  

Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #97 - 05/27/15 at 05:17:52
But hey, anyone who believes that (quote) "38,000" muslims out of 2 billion muslims (in a survey) can be statistically significant, probably will fail to grasp the real situation.

As the families of the 52 dead killed in the London Tube bombings if 38,000 out of 2 billion is statistically significant.

Ask the hundreds of young girls systematically raped by Muslim men in Britain swept under the rug by an intimidated police force if 38,000 out of 2 billion is statistically significant.

After your next visit from the Religion of Peace (and there will be one sad to say) ask those victims is 38,000 out of 2 billion is statistically significant.

I find it painful to argue with a Brit, even a pussified excuse for a man like you. England is a great country. One of the shinning lights in the world. Your PM at least has found those two round things hanging between his legs and is at least trying to stem the flow of immigration that will destroy England. I’m not sure our guy Hopey-change could find those with two hands. You and him would get along just fine.
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« Last Edit: 05/27/15 at 07:23:22 by Serowbot »  
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #98 - 05/27/15 at 06:03:51
Unfortunately, your suspicion about the percentage of US nationals with passports was way off the mark, Mark.
'Google' and 'common sense' are your friends.

Well, IF that is the literal truth, then, without the use of Google, I am forced to conclude Web has only one friend.
And, FWIW, I am having a genuine good time watching someone else have a go at it.

I'm confused by this Jog....? I would have no idea what the % of US citizens holding a passport without looking it up. Would you? I didn't want to guess and I don't happen to know anyone working in the State Department. I looked it up and the numbers were between 30 and 35%. And yes, I suspect that's higher than many countries. If EU citizens don't need passports to travel between countries anymore than we need one traveling between states, it's seems likely it's a higher percentage than many EU citizens. Even if it's not, I don't see the significance of pu$$yified Hovis bringing it up except out of some sense of inadequacy, which if I were in his shoes, I'd understand.
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« Last Edit: 05/27/15 at 07:22:40 by Serowbot »  
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #99 - 05/27/15 at 07:21:14
Webster,... put away your bag of personal insults...

Any more,... and I will start "moderating"...
Just type as though you are speaking in person, and in public...(and maybe you don't want a boot up yer' ass)...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #100 - 05/27/15 at 07:30:45
Quote WM;
"pussified excuse for a man like you"
"pu$$yified Hovis"

Can I suggest that throwing insults doesn't strengthen your argument?

As for the passport issue, if WM doesn't "see the significance", then I'm sure that there are many who do.

Muslim rape gangs in England;
Sadly, very true, evil and despicable.
It's coverage in the mainstream news has been overshadowed by the systematic child-abuse over 40 years by (mainly celebrity) employees of the BBC. Of these evil perverts, none of them (as far as I am aware) are muslim, but Christian.
Despite these events being heinous crimes that make me sick, one has to remember the word 'perspective'  :'(

London bombings;
My first cousin, Leigh, was fortunately unhurt. I know first-hand of the grief and anxiety that my family went through at the time. The phone-lines to the emergency services were all overwhelmed and so there was no news for a while until my auntie received that magic phone call home from her daughter.
WM, tell me of your experience of terrorist bombings, because I know hers. She now commutes daily to her job in Birmingham, which as your Fox News described recently as a no-go area for non-Muslims. (She was born, and I believe still is, a practicing Christian, btw)

Mpescatori, again, what an excellent and well-informed post your wrote Wink

PS. Mark, how was the trip?
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #101 - 05/27/15 at 09:38:35
Mpescatori : Thank You for your well informed posts.  (I could add that the "Puritans" weren't very nice people. Once they arrived in America they looted, murdered and sold the Natives into slavery. Hung Europeans who were of a different faith and were, in general, a bunch of murderous bigots.)
HovisPresley : My apologies for the personal insults that you have received from some on this site.  Embarrassed Please do not think that all Americans are such rude, sanctimonious know-it-all's.    
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Lectron carb, modified head, stage 3 cam, Wiseco piston, header and Dyna, Varsi's cam chain adjuster, head plug and drilled rotor, Tkat, 12" shocks and 17/43 chain conversion.EdL's 4"FCs
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Art Webb
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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #102 - 05/27/15 at 10:04:42
yeah, the personal insults are not at all helpful
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #103 - 05/27/15 at 10:32:07
old.indian wrote on 05/27/15 at 09:38:35:
Please do not think that all Americans are such rude, sanctimonious know-it-all's.    

Don't worry, I never judge a person by their nationality.
I had a great time working abroad in an international back-packers' hostel several summers ago. I met countless people from many different countries and I can say without doubt that all the Americans that I met were all very nice and interesting people. Some of which I'm still in contact with on Facebook.
I met a really interesting couple (both in their 70's) that are from West Virginia, whom I'd really love to visit one day.
In hostel terms, the only PITAs were the drunk British and Australians that were on stag-parties or travelling in a large group. I'm sure it was the 'large group' mentality rather than their particular 'nationality' that made them such a handful for the staff!

Internet users that are abusive to others only make me laugh. I see this forum for what it is; a great forum full of very friendly and helpful people. Without this forum I probably would've stuck with my Triumph instead of buying a Savage, as I joined the forum long before I actually decided to get a Savage.


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'96 Bobbobbobber
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What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Texas cartoons
Reply #104 - 05/27/15 at 10:35:32
Let us not forget about the tanks and ammo we abandoned and didn't destroy..

I thought military protocol was destroy anything the enemy could use if you have to retreat.

If you were in a tank and it was time to retreat, would You just get out and Walk?
I thought our tanks ran 45mph...

Believe what you will.
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