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Yo Bot....... (Read 298 times)
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #15 - 02/23/15 at 02:42:18
My two cents' worth...

"Christians and Muslims become a little harder for me to quantify... but,...
Christianity did give the embodiment of caring in the persona of Jesus...

Muslims and Christians are the only two Monotheistic religions who, to my knowledge, have waged war at themselves, splitting into too many theological currents for one to keep count,
and eventually deifying their Prophets in order to impose themselves onto who simply wasn't interested.

Mark my words, Catholics in the US are NOT the same as catholics in Europe... you guys (US Catholics) are much more prudish, or have such a reputation.
Episcopals in the US Vs. Anglicans in England; Lutherans, Methodists or Evangelicals in the US are much more militant and "Bible thumper aggressive" than their counterparts in Europe.
Nobody in their right mind in Europe would even half think of climbing onto a soap box and shout "I am a true Christian, you guys have got it all wrong".
Far, far too many "woodshed preachers" and "Church of Jesus" tailor cut to one specific preacher's thoughts.

The Greek/Russian Orthodox are perhaps the only ones exempt from this "New / Old World Christianity" comparison.

Muslims are the same. You will find religious extremism in the poorer Nations, in the poorer portions of the population, in the poorer districts of town.
More Muslim extremism in Pakistan thna in India, even though "officially Hindu" India actually counts a larger Muslim population than Pakistan itself.
More Muslim extremism in those parts of the world, where the ruling class, regardless of religion, was seen/known to have done business with the "greedy Christians" (read that as "Greedy US / EU corporations").
Declining Muslim extremism (or integralism) in those parts of the world where the economy is OK ad things work and everybody's happy or at least satisfied, such as Indonesia or Malaysia or the Uunited Arab Emirates...

But... go to France, or England, where the Algerian/Arabic immigrants have created a 2, 3, 4 generation working class of Muslims, and you will see that religion is a part of their cultural/national identity and heritage.
They feel "different, emarginated" and they stress their being different instead of trying to be more "alike".

Just to prove my point, the Hindi (Indian) population is extremely well amalgamated into British society, and there is NO Hindi Integralism.
The Jamaican/Caribbean immigrants are equally well amalgamated, and there is no "Rasta" integralism (I will weed you to death, white man!  Grin )

This has nothing to do with petty crime, this has to do with nationalism.

You guys and the Brits supported Zionism at the end of the 19th Century, and insisted on the creation of a Jewish State of Israel?
OK, fine...
Are you ready to support Wahabbism and allow the creation of the Muslim State of "Al Whateveriya" ?

Roll Eyes
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #16 - 02/23/15 at 04:01:11
Ask yourself this... if your beliefs have you condemning, and judging others, more than bettering yourself as a human being,... what is it giving you?... and what are you giving to others?...

I agree with this in total, and will extend the observation in asking everyone else as well, what justifies your beliefs and allows you to reject those of others?

Can you, can I, can anyone?

Am I justified in taking a man who lives in a dirt floor hut and tell him he needs to live in a home I feel that he needs to?

He needs TV, and all the other trappings of the great US mindset so what, I can feel like I helped him to my lifestyle?

Am I smarter because I have a degree from some university that our society puts a value on such?

BTW, every atheist I know, which are many, thinks he is smarter than those who believe in Jesus.....
In doing such, they have enjoyed the very emotion of feeling superior to others, the very same claim of hypocrisy they assign to believers......
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

Posts: 3547
Rome, Italy
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #17 - 02/23/15 at 05:43:26
"BTW, every atheist I know, which are many, thinks he is smarter than those who believe in Jesus.....
In doing such, they have enjoyed the very emotion of feeling superior to others, the very same claim of hypocrisy they assign to believers......

True, how true.

However, I have yet to see two atheists fighting over whose idea of atheism is more correct,

whereas it is all too common for two Christians (or two Muslims) of different denominations bash each other to death and beyond over whose idea of "God" is "more righteous".

Not to mention "My Jesus loves ME more than your Jesus loves you"

As I said, you guys have an issue with "designer Jesus"

Try this in Europe and you'll have the local shrink come and interview you (and think about finding foster care to your kids...)

GOTT MIT UNS, anybody ?  Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: 02/24/15 at 05:21:21 by mpescatori »  

Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #18 - 02/23/15 at 06:25:57
This is not news, you believe one size fits all, and those who differ interpretation and argue accordingly are wrong in your opine, which, means you believe you are right....
Even the disciples argue amongst themselves.

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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #19 - 02/23/15 at 07:23:24
Atheism teaches...  
One day,.. I will die, and I will become nothing more than dust... and so will you... as will everyone...
We are all together for this short time. We all have this gift of spark to enjoy...

Religion teaches...
One day, you will die and become dust, but I won't...
We are all together for this short time.  
Then you will burn forever, while I live forever with (Jesus, ... 72 virgins, ... wings,... pretty much anything I want)...

Bummer... Huh...
Grin Grin Grin...

...but,... good luck with that... Lips Sealed...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #20 - 02/23/15 at 08:11:18
Luck..... Where is luck in the equation?
Does believing sustain me, allowing me to look inward and address my sin & shortcomings without being beholden to the justifications of others....
Does it reveal in me the truth and wisdom of my problems are self manifested, not that I have to bake a cake for a gay couple.....or demand no display of nativity scenes because I have the authority to do so, and the weakness and perhaps fear that it might persuade someone else to believe against what I don't believe and that threatens me?

As you stated, what good is believing in something if it doesn't make you a. better person
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Backyard Bill

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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #21 - 02/24/15 at 10:28:13
Sorry, I feel the need to step in...

I am not the most educated person in the world, nor the most intelligent.

But it looks as though the believers are being very hypocritical to those who chose not to believe.

Does not your scripture ask you to "not judge", "love your fellow man"...
"he who is without sin to cast the first stone"...

I know most of those quotes apply to the story that was being told of someone in the book, but those are guidelines by how you should live you lives.

Simply by generalizing Atheists as a group to think they are "above" everyone is like an Atheist saying the same about religious folks saying "we will pray for you".
Simply because you believe, and stating you are "a better human being", than those poor souls who do not.

And there in is the hypocrisy....... "they [think] they are smarter than us", you are being judgemental..... is that a sin?  

Were as a lot of Atheist say "those Christians think they are better because they believe and we don't"...

Don't class all for the statements of one....  

I was baptized when I was 9.... was in an orphanage from 6-11 years old... bible study 3 times a week, church twice a week... learned a lot about "faith" and the bible.... had to memorize it.... I found it a great tool and guide, I also found it confusing and found that those who taught it did always follow it.

I ran across a thing when reading about the crusades and the family name "McGraw".. I thought they were Scottish..... (I am actually from a german decent) it comes from the Scottish education government any tin hats might not believe its an accurate progression of history... the very first sentence is what gets me ...

So as a former believer (self proclaimed Atheist now, because I truly cannot believe, even though I tried) I ask this one question.....

Why are all religious folk not Christian now?

I think this: Because back the day (before 1500), a majority of the folks (one church) believed in the story of Christ and it was the separate races (or groups if you want to be politically correct) that interpreted the story differently due to the language barrier and mans interpretation of the words another wrote. And then yet another group decided to use the tithes to their own personal advantage and not just the church (isn't that a sin?).

As I have grown, I have learned much about people and beliefs, and I have formed my own "opinion" about the religious culture.
Being an Atheist is not "a belief" or a "religion".... I do not gather with other Atheists to worship anything, I am not part of an Atheist Cult.... Just because there are Atheists that are evil, does not mean I am evil.. It would be like me seeing a chevy pickup truck and calling all pickups chevy's.

So please don't generalize when quoting something about someone...

Judge a person by what he or she does or says..... not by what other people do or say....

In the end, you will be a better person for it by not condemning all others for one persons actions....

After all I don't think all Christians believe as you do about everything.... or Catholics... or Muslims .....

There, I had my say..... thanks....

I wish you  well in all your endeavors....

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We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #22 - 02/24/15 at 11:01:06
this has turned into quite a thread!

started to read the latest reply by old_rider and had to stop quickly.

Does not your scripture ask you to "not judge", "love your fellow man"...
"he who is without sin to cast the first stone"...

I suggest you stop, find those verses about judging in the Sermon on the Mount, try and forget the dime store, liberal interpretations of those verses, and read it again.

then come back and tell me if you think that's what it really says.....

I'm going to read the rest of your post now!
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #23 - 02/24/15 at 11:53:16
Not sure if that was/is directed at me or not, however, I will field it  Grin
First, all opines and input is appreciated, no need to feel sorry.

If I am reading your reply correctly, you are saying the same thing as my original posting/topic in how Obama is judging, or using his beliefs to set policy.
Re: atheist, I never said all as incorporating everyone of them, I used it in the context of " all the ones I know " which is a true statement, even if it doesn't bear witness to what another person experiences.
And all the people I know do judge others with prejudice, myself included, it's how we navigate through life. It is nothing more than a tool unless it is used to damage another person based on assumptions.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Backyard Bill

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flordia panhandle
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #24 - 02/24/15 at 13:39:47
I did say they came from stories in the book, and were a good moral guide.
I did not implicate that they were verses as a "commandment"....
As a man created in "his" image anyone can interpret the book and use it as best as he/she can, because isn't ones mind also an image of the creator?
Most just don't see it that way..... they tend to go by the interpretations of those who deem themselves "teachers" or "shepherds".
One does not have to be "ordained" to teach the word.
Also, I have not read the book for more than 40 years now, because back then I got what I needed from it.
But I do have a computer and can use a search.... and people put stuff online and profess that "its the truth".
I just thought I would point out that folks with religious belief should not condemn others for their belief or "non" belief.
Because condemnation or judgement cannot be passed but by the one at the gate, or so the book says.
I loosely describe the texts and teachings as I remember.... but I think my point gets across..... and if someone tries to "pin point" a meaning, it just tells me their mind is already made up and their interpretation is different than mine..... so be it.... i'm not here to say I'm the one that is right....just express my opinion about it.
And that is one of the reasons I no longer believe, that among other things....people tend to try to bend their followers to their line of thinking.
I'm do not debate well, and sometimes I don't get my point out as well as I should, but it does not bother me how you see me..... its how I see me....
And as a caring person, it bothers me to see others profess their status above others... when in the end... as I see it.... you will be just dust in a box, just like me.
And the memories others have of you, is what you will become after that.
Well that and the fact that we have computers now and can put our visages and comments up on the internet.... which who knows, some one in 3034 might see this post... and start it anew!
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We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #25 - 02/24/15 at 16:01:35
old_rider wrote:

And the memories others have of you, is what you will become after that.
Well that and the fact that we have computers now and can put our visages and comments up on the internet.... which who knows, some one in 3034 might see this post... and start it anew!

" Can't stop the signal Mal, The signal goes everywhere..."
                                                                                  Mr. Universe - "Serenity"

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #26 - 02/24/15 at 16:21:07
Not really wanting to get into theology here, that was not the intentions of this post, I blame Bot for steering it that way  Kiss

But of course, I need to make one final observation re: the bible and how it relates to me.
I see the bible as a living bible, its meaning changes upon my understanding and growth through this life.
It does not change the context of it however, if that makes any sense.
It is not a handbook for me to learn about, and execute condemnation of others, based on the teachings of others, no, but an avenue to get deep inside me, my why I do, what I do, and the cause and effect of my words and actions.
It leads me to repair, or acceptance, of all things in my life, "IF" I have the capacity to be willing to believe what it shows me about myself.

I would be, and for most of my life, was, at a struggle to find these truths.
I used all sorts of diversionary tactics, and denial, to avoid accepting the nagging emptiness of a missing element I felt existed but beyond my grasp....
This is why I say you can not separate the trinity, for it was through the holy spirit that I was able to muster what was needed to see and admit to MYSELF what and who I was, and why I did what I did....
Talk about freedom, mercy, a boogieman was squashed and serenity was now a gift I enjoyed.
I can't, nor do I believe I will ever be able to say I am "sin" free, I am a sinner, and will die a sinner, and my flesh turned to dust as some of you say, however, the me that is free, the orb of who I am will move on, never to be erased, nor undone.....
Exactly what that is, I can't say, nor can my imagination capture it...
All that I know is that it calms all, and cast me to a place where none of the evil and hurt I have seen, and done, exist....ever.

I hope all of you can look inside yourself and face what you see, you deserve it, we all do, everyone of us has a free will, I hope you use it....
Peace and joy to all  Kiss
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #27 - 02/24/15 at 18:11:52
Way to go,Ray..
You might consider a book.

Asking for the ancient path
Jeff Baron

I went in search of God, ran into me,
When He showed me my heart, and I was forced to see it for what it was, I was a wreck for a coupla days..
Grace, God's speaking into our lives, showing us we need to change.
Mercy, His patience with us while we fail to hear.

Of course there is more..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Backyard Bill

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flordia panhandle
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #28 - 02/24/15 at 23:35:10
The path...

And the belief there-in...

I will personally read the words of, and interpret the meanings of, ANY man.... no matter the language (if interpreted correctly), the interpretation of,or leaning towards, belief of  or understanding of, the  wholeness,  of the psyche....

Personally, I take unto myself, the writing, the essence, or suggestion of any writings, however small, truthful, misleading, or semi-misleading....of a path or of futures or past...

Because, as an entity of one.... a "soul", looking for, ever searching of meaning...understanding of....any belief, greater understanding of the question ....WHY.... and simply, that one question... WHY...

Why are we here?
Why have we been created?
Why would a creator deem us plausible?
Why did we come into being?
Why did our universe align to the miracle of man?
(miracle meaning serendipitous creation of a being)

Just keep asking......and don't believe in what IS as MAN explains it....
Simply because someone says it happened, and we exist, does not mean we totally understand WHY...

You can ask yourself why, and listen to one million peoples explanations of how we got here and why we are here...but each and every one of us will have his or her own opinion based on what they have learned and or what they have been taught....

What if someone was "isolated"?
Totally isolated, and not taught the supposed "history" of man?
If you were to talk to them, what do you think they would tell you about your religion or your belief?
Would they be wrong? What about their experiences? Would you disbelieve them if they told you they had seen god? or a supreme being?
How could you perceive to prove them wrong? as primitive as they are?

Ok, back to Obama.... is his belief really that important?
Should we not as a nation tell him to pass this bill?   Without the immigration leaniency toward immigrants?

Should we start a theological post?

Crickey! I should not post while under the influence! Grin

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We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

Posts: 3547
Rome, Italy
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Re: Yo Bot.......
Reply #29 - 02/25/15 at 02:30:08
old_rider wrote on 02/24/15 at 10:28:13:
Sorry, I feel the need to step in...

I am not the most educated person in the world, nor the most intelligent.


Judge a person by what he or she does or says..... not by what other people do or say....

In the end, you will be a better person for it by not condemning all others for one persons actions....


After all I don't think all Christians believe as you do about everything.... or Catholics... or Muslims .....

There, I had my say..... thanks....

I wish you  well in all your endeavors....

Sorry, OLDRIDER, but Catholics ARE Christians...
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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