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Nickel to copper transmutation energy (Read 1949 times)
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #75 - 10/14/14 at 18:55:14

Well, you got to understand that Godes has been starving for funding, and if he can make a little bit of gold I bet he gets the rest of the funding that he needs .....   even if he has to make it himself.

Grin    You best bet there is a patent application for the new E-Cat materials already in the USPO's in basket already from both Godes and Rossi.


CBS reported on the ExtremeTech article -- AND "by reporting on the ExtremeTech article" as the item of news they aren't saying anything binding in case it goes all hoax on them.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #76 - 10/15/14 at 09:36:29

‘Compact Fusion': Lockheed Martin Announces Fusion Breakthrough — Plan Commercial Reactors Within Decade (Press Release)

Me Too !!!  says the Lockheed Skunkworks

Within 10 years there will be SMALL very powerful pinch bottle magnetic fusion plants competing with Brillouin and Rossi systems, each of them making steam  for medium to very large steam plants for varying uses.

Here is your video

Roll Eyes

This crucial difference means that for the same size, the CFR generates more power than a tokamak by a factor of 10. This in turn means, for the same power output, the CFR can be 10 times smaller.

Small enough to power a ship. Production units in ten years., THIS is the definition of a game changer. Pull every dime out of oil and fracking. Do it now. It just peaked.

If you are curious, this article in an aviation magazine tells you all about it.   Yes, they were shooting for a fusion powered "stay up in the sky" prop plane and for space vehicles.

Do you sense the perfect storm is coming?  About the time Brillouin and Rossi get into all the little places that need power, we will finally get a HUGELY powerful fusion plant out of Lockheed to do the big stationary power plants.

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #77 - 10/15/14 at 13:04:49
Transmutational gold is not new... but as I recall it used a form of Mercury. it also cost about 10 time as much to make the gold as gold could be mined for.  But the point was just to prove it could be done.

I really love the science of all this. As I understand it stars make all the elements. Normal operations of stars are good up to  and including iron. But that's it. Any element above that comes about due to a nova type condition.  So think about it... all the gold and silver and mercury... all that exotic stuff.. really is exotic. It came to be on earth only because stars long before our mere 5 billion year birth, went through their entire life cycle and created the elements we now relish.

And here, now man is dabbling at replication of that feat.

As to the energy front, I suspect there is lots of stuff to still figure out. Generating 300 degrees F is really swell, but how much water/cooling effect can it handle before the cell slows down and or drops the reaction.  That 300 number is at "no load" as best I can tell. This makes me wonder that the 300 cell "heat unit" may be running many of those in series, meaning they just can't take the load.  
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #78 - 10/15/14 at 18:41:22

300oC equals 572oF

Got to watch those science johnnies, they like all things to be in metric ....

Unless stated as oF, assume metric

Then you still occasionally do the ASSuME trick even doing that.


This current experiment was run very low temp and was incidentally bumped up to 800oC just to see what an excite increase of 100 resulted into what sort of temperature increase, but in all cases the stuff was not run up even near to the overheat stage.  

The excite stayed on the whole time first at a low then a medium level, which is now thought to be why the results were so different from what was normally seen.  Normally, copper gets made when the E-Cat runs right on up to top temperature, then cycles off until it cools down a bit then blasts back on at full excite right back up to max heat.

Running under heavy load, and running under a CHANGING heavy load is what is very very hard to do.

Rossi's current COMMERCIAL STEAM PLANT control system and cycling are much more complex than the simple lab stuff we have been allowed to see so far.

Simple home and commercial heating systems don't have to run killing high temps (they are just heating air) and they generally run fairly steady light loads -- this makes them "easy to do" products to move on first.   What Rossi showed us in the latest ceramic cored test rig is a prototype room heater unit.   And I think he learned that he could build a bigger ceramic core and run it at a low excite and get ample heat and a MUCH LONGER LIFESPAN and some high isotope end products from the dead cores that might be commercially salable.

Still need the base patents though -- still waiting for the US Patent Office to get off their kiester.   At this rate we will be buying a Chinese room heater designed and built under Chinese patents.

America is so screwed up now we can't even patent the things that are developed here, so we have to "export" the patent and get it built in the new place under that places patent protections.

We are just as bad as the British now-a-days .......  can't build, can't patent, can't compete.
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« Last Edit: 10/16/14 at 01:01:53 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #79 - 10/16/14 at 02:40:36

There are many esoteric energy sources that have been investigated, proven to work and "warehoused" by both the US military and some large US corporations at the military's request.

This is EXACTLY what they did with the 1.5 million dollar E-Cat plant they bought from Ross (his #2 plant).  They ran it off, verified the outputs, then shut it down and put the container in a storage warehouse.  They had found out what they needed to know about the technology and they weren't interested in it.

Please understand the US Military has been doing this for TWO CENTURIES, investigating new break away technologies to see what the potential military applications are, then squirreling them away to keep them out of the hands of our potential enemies.

FOR EXAMPLE:  Thorium reactors (liquid salt bath fission reactors that pumped the hot liquid molten salt fuel through a heat exchanger) were investigated and pilot plants were built and RUN for decades while the technology was shelved as not being what the military wanted.   Would have made a GREAT low pressure relatively safe commercial reactor system for local power plants, long lived, cheap and easy to maintain -- but it was not what the military needed for submarines and aircraft carriers.  

A thorium reactor is bulky and "low yielding" in the eyes of the Military.    Plus, you can't make a bomb out of its produced materials, so the military doesn't need it.   It got warehoused because Uncle Sam needed fast breeder reactors to make more and more Plutonium for their various uses.

Thorium ore, suitable for use "as is" in one of these molten salt reactors is a common rock in parts of the USA.   Plus, a thorium molten salt reactor is a natural low yield breeder reactor, with the last unit that was ever run having 1.4% more active thorium in the salt bath than it did when it was first fired up.   The last thorium reactor in the USA was decommissioned and the site was very easily cleaned up in the 1980s.

China and Sweden are building new thorium reactors though, as they are interested in cheap clean energy that they can afford to run.   Melting some rocks and making energy from it meets these goals.

The thorium blueprints gathered dust in the US archives until retrieved and published by former Nasa engineer Kirk Sorensen. The US largely ignored him: China did not.

"As I reported in January 2013, China’s thorium project was launched as a high priority by princeling Jiang Mianheng, son of former leader Jiang Zemin. He estimates that China has enough thorium to power its electricity needs for “20,000 years”.
The project began with a start-up budget of $350m and the recruitment of 140 PhD scientists at the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear and Applied Physics. It then had plans to reach 750 staff by 2015, but this already looks far too conservative.

The Chinese appear to be opting for a molten salt reactor – or a liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) — a notion first proposed by the US nuclear doyen Alvin Weinberg and arguably best adapted for thorium."

So, Jiang visited the Oak Ridge labs and obtained the actual designs by simply asking for them after reading an article in the American Scientist two years ago extolling thorium. His team concluded that a molten salt thorium reactor -- if done the right way -- may answer China's short term energy prayers.

AND what are WE pursuing ????

The US gov is currently funding full fusion magnetic pinch bottle reactors a la the Lockheed Skunkworks project as it can be both very small and VERY VERY VERY powerful.   Billions are going into this program (and we hope it becomes successful sooner than 10 years).   However, it will be considered a military advantage when it arrives and it will be kept as such as long as possible.

Rossi's E-Cat might make up a nice portable room heater or a home central heating furnace here in the USA.   In Sweden, it fits their use model better and gives them what they need as a much better fit than here in the USA.   Key advantage is NO RADIATION and NO CLEANUP.    Small and decentralized fits Sweden better than the USA.

America industrially and commercially is currently stuck in the OIL/COAL model, with 30-40% of our economy being tied up making OIL/COAL products and using them.   Moving to some other form of energy will HURT us in the short run, causing economic disruption and likely resulting in loss of income and jobs.

Politicians and lobbyists don't like that idea.

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« Last Edit: 10/18/14 at 17:18:39 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #80 - 10/17/14 at 09:23:45

OPEN SOURCE E-Cat attempt starts next week !!!!

A post on the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Fund’s Facebook page announces that they are going to go for a replication of the E-Cat, and begin in six days. They state:

“Well, the jury is still out on weather the HotCat is real, not surprising giving the earth shattering implications in the report – but rather than dwell on what it all means, the MFMP has been forging ahead with trying to see if it actually is!

When we do this, it will be a significant departure from our normal way of working, in that for the first time we will not be working with the hands-off blessing and cooperation of the claimant. We would also want to make sure we have enough funds to make it happen – ie have a lot of concurrent iterations at the same time – and that is going to take cash and resources.”

The MFMP has been consulting closely with Bob Higgins, an independent LENR researcher and member of the MFMP team, who has worked up a design which is as close as he can to the reactor used in the Lugano test (based on the data provided in the report) and has come up with a model which he calculates will weigh 8 grams less — and there is some speculation in the post about those missing eight grams.

There will apparently be more information posted soon on the MFMP’s site with a detailed description of the planned reactor.

The team is looking for comments and ideas from the interested public, and seeking to determine if they will be able to raise the necessary funds for this project. It sounds like an ambitious move, but it’s fascinating to see a serious replication attempt proposed!"

Now, this is what I find interesting -- there is no US patent yet, so what they are doing is perfectly kosher.

Second, should it not work at all, then it is clear that Rossi et al are holding back key information that makes the difference between working and not working.  As such he HAS NO INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION of his trick really at all yet and the US Patent Office will kick out his application again accordingly.

So, Rossi should come forward to cooperate with these folks as this will lead to his patent getting approved -- Rossi standing mute will get his patent kicked out again AND if these folks do get one to run later on on their own steam with no non-disclosure protected help from Rossie then they can donate their system to the world under one of the standard FOSS licenses and that will immediately kill Rossi's patent hopes forever.

Rossi should come forward to offer whatever "key tricks" help he needs to give these guys and do it under standard "non-disclosure" terms and let them document what they are doing very thoroughly otherwise.

Otherwise, they will likely keep at it until they figure it out themselves and then it will all be open source from then on.

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« Last Edit: 10/18/14 at 17:20:32 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #81 - 10/19/14 at 11:46:27
OF, in the post above your last you touch on the military being the decision makers.. I agree that's close. It's a great cover story. Now look at the horribly toxic waste and then LOOK at where the reactors are placed. Many are sitting DIRECTLY on fault zones. They KNEW that when the decision was made. One sits on the intersection of at least two faults...
The same eugenics families have been running things for a very long time.
The agenda is becoming so obvious,so many are waking up,that pressure is mounting on them. That's Why it suddenly became Smart to declare that by closing our borders would CAUSE the spread of Ebola.. The fear of getting it will cause people to stay home,not go to the mall,not shop for anything less than essential, crippling the economy,giving them the "reason" for the economic collapse. That it's been set up to fail will only be seen by the few of us who have been saying it's about to crash. The wheels are coming off,the Ponzi scheme is crashing,, Unless they have a Cover Story to blame it on, they are DONE...
You CAN'T Accidentally choose to place nuclear reactors on known fault lines..over and over,,
I'm aware of people making mistakes, I've done it.. Sometimes I do something and realize I hadn't taken something into consideration and IF I didn't put it together "this way" instead of "that way" I was gonna hafta take it apart and change it. Sometimes I shaft myself,sometimes I don't..
Point out a time when they " made a mistake" that UNscrewed US..
And after a law is passed or  agenda chosen, only one time can I remember the voice of the people being heard,they go forward into oblivion,against the will of the people,except for about a year ago,when they tried to get the people on board for attacking Syria. Of course we are still doing everything we can against them,just not openly.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #82 - 10/21/14 at 03:35:55

Brillouin/Godes is still waiting for somebody to fund their first 1-10 megawatt steam plant ($20 million).    Brillouin/Godes concept of "all the cores inside the same reactor" means his plant must have a powder change system built into it that allows powder changes on the fly.   If his plant were to get sick, it would have to be totally shut down tor full teardown disassembly/maintenance.  This is a disadvantage when the whole process is a brand new processs as nobody wants to shut down a key production process while you work on it.

A Brillouin/Godes steam plant is MUCH more complex internally than a Rossi steam plant, and is much more expensive to build.    A Brillouin/Godes plant would likely scale up size-wise better than a Rossi plant would, but a big one would cost a WHOLE LOT more money to build.    

Rossi has prototyped much larger, leg sized cores but has never built a  steam plant with them yet.   He calls them Super Cats .... and they are hard to keep from overheating in spots internally.

Rossi's current 1 megawatt steam plant only costs 1.5 million dollars to buy.  Rossi has done 3 each of his one megawatt steam plants now and he has been making progress at his basic design.   Needless to say, the cost will go down when customers license the technology and begin building the things in volume.

His first plant took 150 large E-Cats to get the job done.  This last plant, the one located inside a customer production facility that is running against a real production related changing load has gotten continuous updates to the software & the cores and has been DOWNSIZED cat by cat to keep the output down at the required level.    

Better control and heat tuning means fewer E-Cats are needed to do the job.

Rossi is currently running 103 of his large E-Cats to get the job done.   This is a 31% efficiency increase since he started this particular plant up.

The 47 E-Cats taken out of production due to efficiency increases is one entire BANK of E-Cats.   This now means the Rossi plant can have simultaneous maintenance done on an entire bank of E-Cats come powder change time without interrupting production.   This is an advantage.

Plus Rossi has shown his model is "update friendly" as his more advanced newer power cores can be plugged in at will since the flange design is consistent.   Indeed, it seems his old stuff can be rebuilt into his newer stuff at rebuild time, which saves the customer money.

Plus, buying a Rossi plant can be painless.  Rossi will rent-to-buy the plant for you, you just pay him the standard industry rate for steam produced and the surplus goes towards your plant purchase.   Bean counters LIKE this, as they pay out a current expense that is the same money as what they have been spending and in a few years time they suddenly own an asset that they didn't have to pay capital $$$ for.

General Managers like this plan too as Industrial Heat, LLC owns the steam plant and all the teething problems until it is totally worked in, settled in, your various maintenance and production people are all trained and it is totally paid for.   This is a smart way to handle an emerging technology as it CHANGES AND IMPROVES so very rapidly, getting better and better all the time on Industrial Heat's dime.


Rossi's model is an easier sell, especially when he can show a track history of putting plants into industrial concerns successfully and Brillouin is still stuck at the starting gate due to his big starting price.

Rumor has it that Industrial Heat LLC has a production partner in China now.   This is not confirmed, nor is the China patent for whatever is going to be built there.

There are signs of LENR motion going on in China, however ......    they have an entire large government agency that was just formed for the pursuit of alternative energy sources that is headed by the son of the former Premier.    Several Chinese companies have applied for LENR like patents just recently and one of them may be a Rossi partner company.

I am still looking for that Chinese room heater unit ....  they may just plug it as "high efficiency" heating elements similar to all those ceramic room heaters that are out there now and wisely leave off all the LENR and "reactor" BS that would scare people to death and bring down the Atomic Energy Commission on their heads.

Just say it is a high efficiency heating element that is 3-4 times more efficient than previous electrical heating elements.  

Smiley      I mean its not like they actually know how it really works or anything like that ....
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« Last Edit: 10/21/14 at 19:39:02 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #83 - 10/21/14 at 07:31:04
I am totally digging this thread and your keeping us abreast of developments. Best thing I know of going on in the world, so, thank you,,

Bean counters LIKE this, as they pay out a current expense that is the same money as what they have been spending and in a few years time they suddenly own an asset that they didn't have to pay capital $$$ for.

Im no bean counter, but if I could spend the money I spend every month for propane and in a few years suddenly own a machine that did  what the propane was doing,, wow,, no increase in operating costs, no Pain to swallow, just suddenly, a regular monthly bill Dies,, and Im still in business? OHH BayBee! Cool
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #84 - 10/23/14 at 05:56:30

Make Money, Do not Pollute.    (‘The Time of Tests is Over’)

With the recent declared projects to replicate hASis E-Cat being announced and people floating lists of what is required to get started with their unauthorized discovery testing, Rossi and Industrial Heat have now declared that the "time of tests" is over for them and they will now focus all energy on their customers.

They aren't going to give out any more information whatsoever.

Rossi has preserved how his trick works, but more of it is creeping out every time one of these tests take place.  Industrial Heat owns the trick now, not Rossi -- Rossi sold it to them for 11 million dollars.   Obviously Industrial Heat wants their 20 years of uninterrupted money making potential left undisturbed by any further disclosures and have told their employees to stop talking.

Enough has been disclosed now --  shut down with the silly public tests -- forget the patent office -- we have customers lined up waiting for us.

Industrial Heat is swinging into implementation mode.   Science and the Patent Office will catch up eventually.    Industrial Heat has documented their prior art clearly enough and proven it works.   Rossi's patent application is current and he is first in line chronologically to have his base patent granted.   "Patent Pending" protection is in place, so it is time to meet all the various certifications and requirements.

Now that Industrial Heat is installing E-Cat steam plants at customer facilities they are now collecting the 10,000 run hours of safety other related data for their industrial and commercial certifications.   Industrial Heat is knocking down the various certification requirements, one by one by one.

Having to "prove" LENR is real is kinda stupid at this stage of the game.  How this stuff works is a Trade Secret of which the secret ingredients and the excitation methods will never be disclosed.   Get used to it.

There are many existing companies whose energy use costs are way more than their payroll costs and raw material costs.   Most Malls and large commercial buildings up north have HUGE heating costs to contend with every winter.   Call them low hanging fruit and go pluck them ....

Industrial Heat has discovered that in business the only demands they are really faced with are "make us money safely and do not pollute".

So far, no radiation and no pollution and no toxic clean up costs have come up.


This certification process will continue and I'll mention any benchmarks that get passed as it rolls along.    Industrial Heat has sufficient funding and just needs a few years of peace and quiet to collect all their certification requirements off their first plants.  

Like all new technologies, it will change and progress as it matures.   Once they start licensing the tech to existing corporations then this LENR trick will move into high gear, but until the basic safety and pollution certs are done this cannot happen.


Steam punk makes a BIG comeback now .....
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« Last Edit: 10/24/14 at 20:42:50 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #85 - 10/23/14 at 07:08:46

New scientist's wrinkle -- LENR is a 'natural process" and cannot be patented any more than fire can.   This exclusion was applied BTW to both fission and to fusion energy.

(It is odd that the half painted monkey is so hated by the other scientists that they would deny the painted monkey his patent while NOT even admitting his trick even works.)

LENR is now theorized to be a natural phenomena  that works in the molten cores of planets, where the elements have settled out according to weight and LENR occurs in the boundary zones between the metals.   LENR may be associated with the magnetic fields which take place because the molten iron core is rotating at a different rate than the Earth.  

Folks have wondered about that iron core rotation -- what drives it?   They know from the geological record that the magnetic poles (axis of rotation of the iron core) has shifted dozens of times over the history of the earth.   Something other that inertia is making that sucker MOVE AROUND as well as rotate faster than it should.

Folks have wondered why the generation of the earth's magnetic field didn't slow down the Earth's rotation (and it does, but very very slowly, very much slower than it should) but they also calculate it takes a whole lot of energy ongoing to drive that big big magnetic field.

Why do some planets cool off and their cores freeze and some do not .....

There is an energy engine inside the earth, we have known it all along but now we have a theory and a name to put to it.

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« Last Edit: 10/23/14 at 10:01:38 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #86 - 10/23/14 at 08:55:09
Finally !!!

an explanation for that "molten core" thing.

be kinda cool if we could now fire up the core on Mars.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #87 - 10/23/14 at 13:42:34
I mite not be able to patent fire, but I CAN patent the valves and burners that control it and make it a tool. He cant patent the process of fusion, but the equipment that controls the process and makes the fusion a useful and controllable tool? Ohh yeah..
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #88 - 10/24/14 at 03:47:52

Rossi is expressing his total displeasure in how he has been treated by his peers by ignoring them now.   Slowly his detractors are getting overcome by the ones who are saying "Quit being an ass -- there is obviously something here that we don't understand."

The original Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann experiment was hooted down 28 years ago as fraudulent by several major universities because the first 2 of them couldn't do it due to NOT LISTENING, NOT USING THE REQUIRED PURE MATERIALS and not actually doing it right (fully hydrogen loading the platinum).   To this day the Pons Fleischmann cold fusion is listed in printed texts and encyclopedias as the "great cold fusion fraud".  

NOBODY LISTENED and nobody did it as written for over 5 years ......    they were too interested in in beating on the two painted monkeys.

Here is a fact -- the experiment as originally written has been replicated and verified to work 1,700 times so far and this has been reported by scientists and high school teachers and science clubs all over the world.   It does not work every time as the set up is actually pretty much minimal to get the reaction to happen in the first place (but then again we know a lot more about LENR now than we did back then).

Still, if you even do a Pons Fleischmann trial and you will still get hooted at because "it never works".

The cold fusion crowd have now been hooted at and abused for so long it is completely institutionalized.

You have the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project folks now designing a Rossi E-cat that has a slide in fuel chamber, so they can test yields of different powder mixtures inside of a half hour of rig time.   THEY are getting hooted at now for even building the rig.  

But there is a tinge of fear in the hate speak now as the deriders are obviously scared shiteless about what they are going to find out.

"Science" is now greatly resembling institutionalized religion a la the Dark Ages as "science" has lost its inquiring roots and become a place where change is hated and people with new thoughts get abused by the institution's leaders.    

Or, since it has always been that way, people in science haven't changed much since the dark ages ....

Howler Monkey Scientists, screaming hate, fear, anger and throwing poop at each other .....


Massachusetts Institute of Technology has completely retracted their "anti" position on cold fusion and now is a leader in TEACHING the new technology, having taught it officially for 3 years now.   In this class you do the Pons Fleischmann experiment AS WRITTEN and since the lab is set up correctly and is using the right purity of materials, by jove it works every time.


This is an entire new field opening up now, if the old fossils in charge of "institutionalized science" will just shut up and get out of the way.

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« Last Edit: 10/24/14 at 20:45:24 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #89 - 10/24/14 at 05:14:42

LENR and volcanism

New theory that explains "hotter than the magma" volcanoes that develop within the 30 mile thick crust of the earth.  When LENR in a crust area near the surface gets proper conditions to go faster, the rocks there gets hotter, melting into magma and as it gets more liquid and it gets lighter so it rises, making a pimple that raises up the skin and eventually pops, spewing very liquid magma that is hotter and more fluid than the general core magma (which is cooler, thick and sludgy generally speaking).

Note that normal volcanism takes place within a couple of miles of the surface of the crust -- if it goes all the way through the crust it is called a SUPER volcano and those are generally extinction level events when they take place.

Superheated magma is very liquid and fluid and it can move very quickly under the localized extremely increased LENR heat and pressure which is trapped by the rocky crust.

So, think of localized LENR heating as an inside the dermis "infection area" and a volcano as a big zit and you got the new general idea of volcanism.

Toss in the fact that some natural thorium rock formations might start up thorium fission at under the right conditions and you got several ways a zit can form.

Some volcanoes show some significant radioactivity and some do not -- go figure.    

Some are LENR and some are thorium fission .....  but most volcanoes are only very mildly radioactive.

Cheesy   popping zits, every teenaged boys hobby
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