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Nickel to copper transmutation energy (Read 1949 times)
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #45 - 10/09/14 at 09:55:03

Elforsk CEO Oloffson says: Swedish Energy Institute to Build LENR Research Initiative

"Here are some of the key points Oloffson makes:

Clear isotope changes in the analyzed fuel indicates instead that in the case of nuclear reactions at low temperatures.  It suggests that we may be facing a new way to extract nuclear energy.  Probably without ionizing radiation and radioactive waste.  The discovery could eventually become very important for the world’s energy supply . . .

If it is possible to safely achieve and control the now indicated nuclear reactions waiting probably eventually a fundamental transformation of our energy system.  It can open for decentralized energy supply.  Electricity and heat can then be produced with relatively simple components.  Climate Efficient energy would be very cheap. . .

Elforsk takes now the initiative to build a comprehensive Swedish research initiative.  More knowledge is needed to understand and explain.  Let us engage more researchers in searching coat phenomenon and then explain how it works."

Sweden has granted a patent to Rossi & crew, so this isn't an attempt to  hijack their patent -- but instead it is an honest attempt to get the Swedish Scientific Community and the Swedish Military coordinated to get behind a rapid push to understand the theory behind what Rossi is so obviously doing.    AND TO THUS IMPROVE IT ONCE IT IS FULLY UNDERSTOOD .....

Sweden sees this as a realistic pathway to energy independence for their small mountainous oil-less country.

Sweden's military has been running one of the very first 1 megawatt E-Cat steam plants in cooperation with America's DARPA organization.

The two militaries see E-Cat as becoming a significant mobile power generating source that might be downsized to the point it is able to be carried in a truck or towed behind a Humvee on a trailer.   A diesel oil generator without the tanker trucks of diesel oil, in other words.


Also we get the first mention of the "inherent steady state" with any sort of explanation.

When an early experimental E-Cat would suddenly go up in output and melt down, it was called a "spike" and mix efforts were spent trying to get the spikes to be below the melting point of the nickel powders and other materials.

Once this was achieved, it was discovered that you could spike but not melt down and YOU COULD THEN UNPLUG THE EXCITER and the reaction would continue endlessly until the wires were hooked back up and the exciter was put into intentional "randomization" which messed up the steady state and shut the E-Cat down.

Issue with melt down (and partial little zone melt downs) still continue when running at "steady state" as the hot spots are localized and quite high up in the temperature range.

Work is being done on an "On-OFF" excitement which would crank it up, let it run at steady state then "counter-excite" if steady state crept up too high to the point of threatening melting something.

At steady state COP values of around 6-7 are seen .... outputs of over 6 times the normal input exciter current.   But remember, at steady state the exciter isn't running at all, it is turned off.  

These 6-7 COP values are the sorts of values that make energy plants and DARPA guys drool because at steady state is it 100% constant running free energy and it can and run and run and run for months that way.

Higher values are seen and reported, up to a COP of 10, but only in core styles that have very active in core cooling, like internal water pipes that are flashing water into steam continuously with a computer controlled high speed variable inlet valve.   COP of 10 in a simple solid core design generally means the core is melting the powder right now and your failure shutdown is imminent.

Better Control is the entire game now, better control means higher output levels with the same hardware.
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« Last Edit: 10/10/14 at 09:13:33 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #46 - 10/09/14 at 10:02:43
Well if DARPA has a hand in it.... our military will use it (unbeknownst to us) for awhile before we see it in public.

And even if is relatively cheap to produce (is it?), our items (heaters, generators, vehicles) will no doubt be expensive as hell to purchase and use.

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #47 - 10/09/14 at 10:13:37

DARPA has solar tents and all sorts of other neat tricks already in the wild.    DARPA's job is to stay ahead of the curve and give advantages to our military in all support functions and weapons,  etc.


Mainstream media (radio and TV) are scheduling interviews with Mats Lewan, the guy who wrote the book "An Impossible Invention" and Mats also maintains all the E-Cat web pages and blogs.    Mats is one of the Rossi insiders and Mats would make a good public "talking head" as Rossi is barely an English speaker and is sorta eccentric anyway.

TV will like this handsome Nordic person's appearance and they may actually listen to his explanations.

    oh boy, them futures are gonna dip yet again ....

What are the 3 large hollow tubes on both ends of the E-Cat?   They are heat shields to make sure the non-contact temperature tracking equipment did not accidentally track the long red hot power leads on the exciter and the resistance heater (on initial start up).  

They wanted to collect data only on the E-Cat's ceramic body.   See the picture of the E-Cat running in the dark to see what it was all about.
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« Last Edit: 10/09/14 at 12:39:54 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #48 - 10/09/14 at 19:30:54

Headline of the first written news-like coverage:    Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers, seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #49 - 10/10/14 at 05:31:12

Well, this is the first written press release by a major national mainstream scientific publication.   It includes two quotes from two major players, including the head of the New Energy Foundation and NASA's Propulsion Research and Development Laboratory Alternate Disciplines Leader.

New, Safe Nuclear-Like Process Exhibits Excess Energy Release, Isotope Change

A comprehensive report by reputable scientists on a potentially very important technology was released yesterday that could herald the beginning of a new era of energy production, according to the New Energy Foundation.

William Zebuhr, Chairman of the New Energy Foundation, states,

“This report demands worldwide attention, so that our current understanding of nuclear science can be expanded. It is a challenge to science that these results so far have no convincing theoretical explanation, but the experimental results cannot be dismissed or ignored just because of lack of theoretical understanding.”

Michael Nelson, Alternate Discipline Leader for SLS Propulsion at NASA’s Propulsion Research and Development Laboratory, notes,

“I was impressed with the work that was done to insure the measurements claiming a 3.2 to 3.6 COP were accurate. Aside from the fact that this could not have been produced from any known chemical reaction, the most significant finding to me is the evidence of isotopic shifts in lithium and nickel. Understanding this could possibly be the beginning of a whole new era in both material transmutations and energy for the planet and for space exploration. This is an exciting time to live in and this is an exciting technology to witness come about.”

Industrial Heat LLC is getting requests from lots and lots and lots of places for one of the little ceramic E-Cats and the specifications for how to excite it.   These folks are getting back a price and a spec sheet and some notes on how to keep sensing clean and reputable, then comes the US Patent Office zinger, this "full technical disclosure" shipment can only be made  after the US patent is released.    Orders will be taken at that point in time.

Ain't it nice, when the Patent Office gets hoisted on its own petard ???

Now all these high school science teachers, colleges, universities, US Government Agencies, various world governments, etc etc etc are all calling the US Patent Office wanting to know when their shipment can be made.   "What is the hold up?"
Folks are seeing just how their Patent Office really works, it's response speed, etc.

Meanwhile, Sweden and China move on with their official programs, which are FAR advanced in front of the USA's very late start at the gate.

Meanwhile, the owners of the "Stop Rossi !!!" sites are busy taking them down.   They have collected their last paycheck from whomever was paying for all of that slander and disinformation that they were pushing on the scientific community for the last 5 or so years.

And Rossi is jest a grinnin' .....  everything he had said was simply --- true.
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« Last Edit: 10/10/14 at 09:04:47 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #50 - 10/10/14 at 07:55:04
This is an exciting time to live in and this is an exciting technology to witness come about.”

an understatement.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #51 - 10/10/14 at 08:56:52

Breaking news story from NetWorkWorld

Could ultra-cheap, clean energy be just around the corner? The return of Rossi and the E-Cat

"This is the most convincing data so far to support Rossi's claims and, assuming that all is as it appears, we can start to ponder a future where transportation costs are trivial, every house, business, data center, you name it has it's own power and heat generation system, every power company becomes obsolete, every third world nation gets to play with the big boys economically, and Andrea Rossi becomes the richest person in history by orders of magnitude.

This is very much a "watch this space" event ... stay tuned."

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #52 - 10/10/14 at 09:40:38

Where is Brillouin right now?    They are working on a hot hydrogen gas filled cylinder type reactor with nickel powder in it that is supported in a fluid like state by the moving hydrogen gas.   Increasing the gas flow separates the powder grains further apart, moderating the reaction.

Brillouin says they can get COP up around 8-9-10 without melting down the powder and that they can control their reaction up or down at a very fine level.

They are also working on a hydrogen gas only system that steps hydrogen up the isotope ladder and this system would be melt free and able to work at much higher COP values, values that exceed all current nuclear reactors.

Needless to say, Brillouin's systems are more complex and costly than Rossi's and accordingly Brillouin has run through his 20 million in original venture capital without making a commercial plant out of one of his ideas yet.

China has granted him a patent, but no one else has as he has no functional commercial plant of either type to show anyone.

He will get the capital he needs to finish his work, based off the success (and the limitations) of Rossi's work.   Brillouin will likely stay stationary as his equipment is complex.

BlackLight LLC is trying a different approach, they allow the process to run wild by making a very fast series of mini-explosions in a reactor chamber (which yields COP values over 10) and they try to use the brilliant white light from the explosions for direct electrical power generation along with the very significant heat that is generated.   Once again, they will likely get their capital to finish their work, but it will likely stay stationary.    

Note:  this could make up a photon/steam drive unit for a deep space probe with practically NO changes to what they have right now.   The powder is wet when it gets detonated so both ionized steam, nickel vapor and intense light would exit the chamber at very high speeds.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #53 - 10/10/14 at 11:24:07
Application... for the immediate future, I see nuke power plants being converted world wide as well as all convention fueled plants too.

But, I don't see a home application other than a heat source until they make electricity direct from heat efficient.  Economy of scale will still favor large steam plants.

I see a return of the city power plants and possibly community based.

At least until johnny starts growing a third eye.   Huh
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #54 - 10/10/14 at 13:48:38

Versy, remember the little tiny motorcycle turbo units that nobody said could be made until they were made?   Turbos supposedly couldn't work unless they were over 6 inches in diameter on the impeller side?

I am expecting that once somebody has a really really cheap steam source suddenly someone else will figure out a tiny little turbine that it can spin fast enough to generate 22O volts pretty efficiently.

I'm thinking that your excess power can be sold back to your utility to offset your summer AC bill and you'd size your home power plant for a lower steady state accordingly.  

Hey, you could get steam hot water and room heat and STEAM AC off of it too, just taking the post turbine hot water and low pressure steam flow and channeling it away at reduced pressure to do those things.

Look it up, steam AC is real and it was done back in the 1930-40s quite frequently on deluxe steam trains.


Brillouin is your man for retrofitting your old coal or nuke plant efficently ----  Rossi is your man for making you a room heater or a home power plant or a steam car or maybe an affordable light steam motorcycle.  

Godes at Brillouin also says his controller tech can control a Rossi style solid core much better, giving it fine level output control.    Perhaps some synergy between the two companies can occur to make things happen quicker.

Blacklight can get you out past the edges of our solar system with his mini-hydrogen explosion based rocket drive.

They all have a roll to play -- but none of them are playing at all right now because of oil lobby guys and some dumb Washington bureaucrats are not granting them patents.
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« Last Edit: 10/11/14 at 04:52:25 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #55 - 10/10/14 at 15:20:34
Oldfeller--FSO wrote on 10/10/14 at 13:48:38:
Look it up, steam AC is real and it was done back in the 1930-40s quite frequently on deluxe steam trains.

yep ammonia cooling cycle, used in space craft, great when you have top notch mfg and inspection.  terrible if you have a leak.  I think there's a reason it's not used in home applications anymore.

yep I can see a combined power plant, water heater, a/c unit, I just think the full application will be a while off.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #56 - 10/10/14 at 16:29:32
Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary proofs... then, compound this with Rossi's dubious past as a convicted huckster, and I ain't gonna' hold my breath...
Quote from Gearhead's discussion section...
"It is a real mystery, why people do not see behind Rossi's scam. The new test was done by the exactly same people than before, with Mr Rossi pulling the strings. And the claims of nuclear transmutations in the report are pure nonsense, as Stephan Pomp has already shown."

"Once again, the input power was not limited and properly measured and the "dummy" (blank, control) run was not at all like the actual power run.  This leaves all manner of ways to cheat, most obviously through a wiring trick like this one:

Worse yet, while he pretended not to participate, Rossi was heavily and personally involved at crucial times.  He was handling the device when it was started, switched from dummy run to power run and when the ash was removed!  How is that an independent test?   And Levi, Rossi's long time close friend ran the whole thing!  What a joke!

Rossi created an environmental disaster with Petroldragon and then most probably cheated the DOD out of $9 million due to his contract about claimed high efficiency thermoelectric devices.   There is nothing to suggest that any such device was ever delivered or tested and there is evidence that what Rossi delivered were surplus defective parts from a San Diego company, made in Russia!

It is absolutely astounding that anyone still trusts this man and allows him to be present when his device is tested
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #57 - 10/10/14 at 20:13:10
You know the difference between a kill-joy and a realist?

Not much.. dangitt, Rowboat,, I was enjoying the idea..

Actually,I know as little about your claim as his.. For all I know, it's all made up..  What to believe?

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #58 - 10/10/14 at 20:27:03

Sero, please give us the gearhead link reference so we can read the entire thing and make up our own minds.

So far the only factual thing I recognize is that Rossi did indeed spend 6 months in jail over Petrodragon which was a waste disposal system that "superburned" hazardous waste materials.    He was found guilty of fraud and of Italian hazardous spill laws and a cleanup was required of the site after Petrodragon went under.   Another way of saying it was his superburn process did not totally destroy to the elemental level the nasty chemicals Rossi was given to dispose of although it did reduce the long nasty complex molecular chains to far shorter, less hazardous materials.  The post burn results were still considered hazardous waste by the Italian authorities.

And yes, Rossi carries years worth of freight from that episode and some other very early things he did, none of which hold up much weight against what the reputable Swedish and Italian scientists did in this rather meticulous testing run.

Rossi's starting powder mix (using a secret catalyst) IS his trade secret.   Trade secrets are not parts of patents because they are never disclosed.    I was amazed to see the full pre and post burn elemental analysis as published by the scientists, which only shows that they were open and honest.

To say these scientists were in collusion with Rossi to cheat on this test is libelous, and some of these frothing anti type people have been sued successfully very recently for internet posted libel and slander and character assassination.   Blacklight's guy took on a couple of these sorts and won in court quite handily.   They don't even post things about Brillouin or Godes because they KNOW he will come after them.  

Rossi makes a cheap and easy target for these people, however, as they can say enough bad things about him that are real, before starting in on their froth about hidden wires, etc.

Give us the Gearhead person's web address for his comments that you have referred to,  please.

If Gearhead person wasn't there during the test, then he sure is making a lot of stuff up.  

Was he there?


Someone has already written a rebuttal of sorts for Mr. Gearhead person and his frothing bros.

The Conspiracy Needed for E-Cat Fraud (Donk970)
Posted on October 9, 2014 by admin • 25 Comments
This comment was originally submitted by Donk970 on this thread.

"What cracks me up about the claims being made by the skeptics at this point is that the conspiracy that is necessary to support the claim of fraud for this length of time is so far reaching and involves so many people and organizations and requires such complete incompetence/dishonesty in both the scientists doing tests and the investors that it’s ridiculous. It’s far easier to believe that the E-Cat is just what it claims to be."

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« Last Edit: 10/11/14 at 14:32:26 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #59 - 10/11/14 at 05:33:24

Lithium Iron Nickel Hydrogen

"Not only did the recent report show clear and credible evidence of anomalous heat as well as isotopic ratio changes, proving that Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer is a clean nuclear process, with no externally measurable radioactivity involved, but it also divulged some important information that may enable replication."

Good article in layman's English about how it works (as much as anyone understands right now).

I took away that iron is put in there from the beginning and isn't produced by the reaction as was earlier thought.

I also learned that the lithium melts and coats the other particles since it melts at such a much lower temperature.   This gives you a film adherence and an atomic transfer layer on each particle of powder.


It is a good read for those who are interested in more details about the test and a layman's explanation of what is  known and not known at this time.
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« Last Edit: 10/12/14 at 04:53:57 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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