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Nickel to copper transmutation energy (Read 1949 times)
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Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #15 - 09/30/14 at 02:40:35

Rossi does strike me as an excitable Italian fellow with a warped sense of humor -- he actually provokes his detractors by giving out tidbits of "A" information that leads them to give out a published massive reaction of type "B" while Rossi knows that confirmation "C" is due to roll in next few week to make them all look like idiots.  

And then he laughs at them all the while until he can stroll up to get his Nobel Prize in a few years.

Let's think of it this way using the fact base from this article.

Rossi now works from here:    A lab in Research Triangle Park, close to Raleigh NC.   His two main business partners have office suits in the business section of downtown Raleigh.

.... having shown these guys enough real data and real tests to convince these guys to pay him 11 million dollars for his E-Cat design.   Since this level of support has come in behind the project in just a few months it has progressed and refined the E-cat idea tremendously.    His partners want a first product to sell, not a research project, so expect the E-cat core to start looking like a furnace component more and more and more.

These people have all the resources and contacts necessary to make up small production runs of E-cats using the already noted production type welded cases and all the industrial contacts to put these pilot units into industrial heating plants where they can be run continuously under constant load with individually tuned inputs.   They have investors lined up to buy stock in the new company, so funding isn't the issue -- getting the patents done is the current issue.

Nobody knows how long an E-cat furnace core will last, not really, not yet.    And this info is needed so you can sell the things ..... so duration and yield levels over time is the next series of tests.

Why all the secrecy?   Patents have not yet been granted.   So it is a dance to protect the development that makes the trick work AND to verify the realities of the process enough for the patents to progress on to completion.  

To his detriment, Rossi has also in the past seeded some red herrings into his posted and emailed words to send his competitors off down some blind alleys while NEVER mentioning the critical real trace catalyst elements that are needed for his process to really work.   Rossi's past active flow of disinformation has now resulted in some of the current headwinds with which he has to deal.

Now, let's take it from the Patent Office's perspective.   This stuff looks on the verge of working, but they don't want to grant generally worded very broad vague patents to Rossi that will choke off everybody else's development efforts at this very very early stage.   It is better to do nothing and let the free for all continue as NEW PATHS are being uncovered that may be actually better than Rossi's path.

Plus they have had people actually submitting briefs AGAINST all these patent applications saying that this stuff CANNOT work according to any known quantum or nuclear methodology in use today.  (duh, that is why it is groundbreaking and worth a patent)  

Rossi himself as an individual does have many strong detractors, some of which are almost pathological in their hatred of the man's secretive nature and his various minor slight of hand tricks that were done while playing with their heads.

Tesla got the exact same treatment from the establishment and the Patent Office and his issues were merely pride, poor English and no personal interaction skills to speak of -- this resulted in Marconi being granted the radio patents and the Nobel Prize for radio while the Patent Office denied Tesla's prior patent applications due to minor technicalities and some very poor English.

Rossi has shown a development path to the Patent Office but he has not shown successful implementation up until just recently.   His competitors are making similar progress down some different pathways, so this situation will likely be allowed to continue and Rossi will be reined in to more exact and specific wording that applies only to his pathway.

Industrial Heat LLC retains some of the best patent attorneys in the world, so Rossi's original poorly worded bad English patent application is being amended as we speak.

So Rossi and crew WON'T DON'T CAN'T say exactly where they are right now and how it all works .... if they did other people would be out there with competing patent claims ASAP.

BILLIONS of dollars of future revenue are at stake with every step they take in getting patented and then into real production.

So far I have seen in the last week alone that Rossi and crew are further along that folks really know, with MULTIPLE secret real world testing installations that now have many total thousands of hours of run time on these first production process type samples that they have produced off their first prototype assembly line.

Is this legal?   Currently, yes .....

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not currently believe Rossi is for real, and this is very good for Rossi and company right now.  

Expect all reference to "nuclear' to disappear from all materials from this point forward, with the Quantum Reactor (QUAR) naming to be used consistently for what is going on inside those little tubes.  They want to separate themselves from "nuclear" and all of its bad image, all of its insanely restrictive laws and regulations.

Trust that once these current secret test sites are know, the NRC will be there very shortly with gamma radiation recorders and particle detectors looking for "failures to properly shield" and "lack of proper containment vessels as required by current NRC regulations".

Now, if these things do throw particles or radiation or have any hazardous by products -- then by golly Rossi and company might go to jail for a few years, especially if any unknowing innocent people are harmed.

Due diligence says this is not the case, these new investors don't sound like stupid people.  Nor are the people who are working with them on this project.    Each installation has radiation and particle instrumentation and auto shut downs out the wazoo as part of the test regimen.


If it makes you feel better, think of the E-cat as an esoteric heating element that seems to output more heat than one would expect from just the very high frequency input electrical energy.

The fact that this E-Cat heating element is constructed akin to a set of reactor cores (inside a well shielded welded shut miniature containment vessel) shouldn't put you off too badly, but certainly some testing on some intentional housing ruptures produced by piercing both the casing and the rods while at full operational output need to be done from a safety point of view.   They simply need to know what would happen in case a fanatic shot one with a pistol .....

Meltdown testing has already been done repeatedly -- if the nickel powder melts the whole thing just stops.   Use of Boron as a shielding agent and a moderator was developed to stop this erratic spiking in temperature.    E-Cats ramp slowly and it stays at whatever temperature the high frequency exciter tells it to stay.

The "exciter" high frequency input controls the temperature and that is kept under 1,300oF to make sure no section of the inner ring of tubes goes over 1,450oF and melts its powder.   Copper has a  higher melting point, so the end product isn't going to melt any sooner than the nickel.

So, there isn't any China Syndrome with this energy source and it always fails safely.   It requires no cooling and you can see the shielding required in the picture above (each E-cat core IS a separate containment vessel).

So, is it all a fraud?   Is Rossi a charlatan or is he a Nobel Peace Prize winner?   Does he get rich, or does he go to jail?

Wink    ....... time will tell.   Nikola Tesla died discredited, pennyless and alone after inventing AC power, AC generators, AC electrical motors, the radio, wireless power transmission and doing some very strange classified things with the USS Philadelphia during WWII.   The Secret Service came and took all Tesla's unpublished papers and his death ray experiments and his ray projection apparatus away when he died and locked it all up.
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« Last Edit: 10/04/14 at 12:18:28 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #16 - 10/02/14 at 00:33:00
Oldfeller wrote:
"Them Italians apparently have some real loose lips thought ...... ink warn't dry on their "shoot me" non-disclosure agreements and they went and leaked a rough sketch of the internals."

I'll take offense to that, thank you very much. Nothing has been said about this, this side of the Ocean.
In fact, I'm reading about it thanks to YOU, not thanks to a "MediterraneanLeak"

Rossi does strike me as an excitable Italian fellow with a warped sense of humor -- he actually provokes his detractors by giving out tidbits of "A" information that leads them to give out a published massive reaction of type "B" while Rossi knows that confirmation "C" is due to roll in next few week to make them all look like idiots.  

No, my dear, this is called "Industrial counterespionage". Protect your work from hustlers (especially foreign ones)  by telling them what they want to hear, and olny a portion of such... never what is really going on.
Meucci's exoperience with Alexander Graham Bell is worth mentioning.  Roll Eyes

As for the rest, IF all this should prove its worth...
...expect your son's next car to boast not "300 miles with a tankful" but "100.000 miles/half ounce" of [solid fuel]

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #17 - 10/02/14 at 04:58:19

It's funny, nobody who reads about E-Cats and Rossi comes out neutral on the subject.

Prediction time ......    His new partners are putting out patent applications on the actual real world applications that they are developing POST purchase.  They bought the E-Cat idea and the then prototype process and have developed and refined it.  These patents are well worded and are more concise and are of the sort that routinely pass review.

Rossi may get himself mired into some sort of Patent Office fur ball over his original poorly worded, incompletely developed original patent applications and his partners may wind up getting control of his ideas and move on with them based upon their own patents as they move the E-Cat into real world uses.  

They will be able to point to a plethora of real patentable concrete ideas and quite frankly they understand the patent system well enough to use it to their advantage.   They certainly can prove that on January 24, 2014 they bought the E-Cat concept and the original reactor from Rossi and then kept him on as an employee past that date.

In the end, it may become clear that Rossi completed his work to the real patentable level POST sale as an Industrial Heat, LLC employee.   Thusly, Rossi may get the Nobel, but not all the money.

Books will be written about this guy Rossi as he has beat his head against an insolvable problem his entire adult life -- chased down pathways that didn't work and finally it seems MADE it work against all odds.  

And now he may get Tesla'd over it.

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« Last Edit: 10/02/14 at 07:12:32 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #18 - 10/02/14 at 06:51:27

"The other day (Sep 30th), the crude oil futures broke sharply and was down $3.50 from the previous close. There was quite a bit of chatter around the floor about it, but nobody could find a news story that would account for such a dramatic break in crude oil. There were a even few big energy traders around that were scratching their heads. The next day, the futures tried to bounce, but failed and fell off hard later in the session and the stock market got hammered. As PD noted above, we’re currently down another $1.75 in NYMEX and Brent today.

To me, this is a signal that the report is coming soon, and it is already causing ripples throughout the financial world. The people that trade the energy markets heavily are the most well informed people on the planet. The kind of people that monitor cell network congestion inside shopping malls rather than wait for a consumer spending report to come out, or spend billions installing private fiber lines to shave 7ms off their round trip times from New York to Chicago.

With all that is going on in the world in Ukraine and the Middle East, crude should be lurching it’s way toward 110 per barrel, not tumbling down to 88. I understand that it will be years before the Ecat has any real effect on gasoline consumption, but the futures markets are just a reflection of collective human emotions and perceptions."
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #19 - 10/02/14 at 07:37:31
Patents are a full disclosure of an idea and skirting a patent is easy.

Rossi needs to write a broad patent so his idea currently designed for nickel and maybe carbon isn't skirted by redesigning it for some other combination by a competitor.

You know what they say about lawyers... anyone that represents himself has a fool for a client.  Same goes for patents, it's another language.

If Rossi is writing his own patents... he's a fool.
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #20 - 10/02/14 at 08:43:26

The Patent Office has already forced Rossi to focus down to only the one nickel/copper reaction process that he can verify actually works.   This leaves all the other players a clean road to chase their particular variant (and there are several out there making progress as we speak).

Please understand, Rossi sold this work, his IP, to somebody who now owns that IP.

He had no patent on the idea at that time and indeed his original patent wasn't about a bare red hot glowing core thing anyway, it was much closer to a cold fusion in a heavy water bath  (ie   a scientific experiment).   He has since then amended that patent over to the hot E-Cat process.

Rossi does have some professional patent lawyer help on the technical re-write, but he also has several sets of opposing people now filing briefs against his motion now claiming Rossi lifted or played off their earlier work.

Rossi will have his Patent Office fur ball I do suspect, but Industrial Heat LLC has a clean well documented purchased IP origin and very clear developed concrete ideas that they have created since then that are "patent pending" and IH can run for a long time under that patent pending protection while Rossi's fur ball goes through the courts.  

Industrial Heat isn't directly tied up in Rossi's original patent fur ball at all, since they purchased the idea and the first working reactor from Rossi before he ever got it fully patented.   The image below shows some clean and discrete Industrial Heat LLC patent pending work, a commercial heater type furnace core.

Books ARE being written right now, in two parts -- first the early works of all the cold fusion people and then a separate work about Rossi in 2008 through today pitched as a follow on volume.   A third volume about the re-industrializing of the world will follow that.

Do you think that maybe the Patent Office is political for much, or swayed any by special interests?    Huh    Undecided    Thomas Edison and Con-Ed were tight with the Patent Office and between the two of them they screwed Tesla over good and just about put Westinghouse out of business with their BS shenanigans back when electricity use was all getting started.

Westinghouse's patents on what you DID with Telsa's work stayed solid all the way though, and brought fortunes to both Westinghouse and to GE (Edison and Con-Ed's descendant) once GE bough shared patent rights to AC power from Westinghouse in a legal settlement.

Tesla just plain got reamed ..... by the Patent Office and his own arrogant nature -- he was going to make his fortune off his next great idea (of which he had several after that but lacked the skills to hold on to).
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« Last Edit: 10/03/14 at 10:11:10 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #21 - 10/02/14 at 09:39:24
Click here for sterling engine

Next step is a steam generator plant, then one hooked [color=#ff0000][/color]up to a generator (a power plant).    Also in the works is a smaller more portable thermocouple based design that generates 12v electricity directly from heat (built right into the shielded core).    This would be nifty for campers, emergency rescue use, etc. etc. as you get 12v power (for lights) and heat at the same time.

Each separate implementation that is brought to commercial reality is worth its own patent.

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« Last Edit: 10/03/14 at 14:54:47 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #22 - 10/02/14 at 14:18:47

There is more flux showing up in the futures stock market - if you have any stocks that are energy based, coal, utilities, oil, please consider what a formal report on E-Cat would do to these industries.

Stock prices are based upon emotion and perception more than reality sometimes.   Announcement of transformation energy will affect some stocks.

Report is coming out in October.   The 8th is a number if you can believe any particular day.

Don't let your retirement plan evaporate on you without you doing something appropriate to move your asset mix -- get on line or call your plan hot line -- get out of the canned retirement plans, they all include utilities and energy stocks ......
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« Last Edit: 10/03/14 at 09:57:08 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #23 - 10/03/14 at 09:30:47

The impact on the oil industry will be $4 Trillion in stranded asset risk, as reported this spring by the London School of Economics. Here is a link to the stranded asset story

sbc_bankHSBC has warned that 40-60% of the market capitalisation of oil and gas companies was at risk from an alternative to fossil fuel arriving, with the top 200 fossil fuel companies alone having a current value of $4tn, along with $1.5tn debt."


Justin's comment about Rossi not flying is a good one, and I wouldn't be taking any long walks outside either.

This top secret E-Cat information needs to be secretly distributed in some fashion such that a "gas main" explosion at Rossi's lab will not destroy it all.

You have major oil industry magazines now writing articles about what E-Cat is going to do to them.

Lots of folks, including all the ragheads, have real  $$$  reasons to want Rossi dead and his lab destroyed.

HOWEVER, those that have predicted we will run out of oil in the next 10 years now have some hope for the future.

Environmentalists will quickly verify that E-Cat is green and safe and then they will be all over it.

Living "well" while living off the grid will be possible at last.
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« Last Edit: 10/04/14 at 05:49:04 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #24 - 10/04/14 at 10:35:19

Now, the good news is that this is semi-fictional.   Only half these statements are real and true at this time.


Sweden, South Korea and China move forward with both multiple application patents and LENR tech pilot plants.

smaller than a half height water heater

in 2012 China grants LENR patents to California firm Brillouin for a water to steam reactor that could be based upon HOT E-CAT technology with NO PROOF OF FUNCTIONALITY BEING REQUIRED.   China permits patents on ENGINEERING CONCEPTS, does not require proof of functionality at the time.   Several other direct application patents are nearing Chinese patent approval.

US Patent Office drags its heels under the direction of political bosses and oil lobbyists while China, Sweden and South Korea takes over the lead in controlling the patents on future energy "direct applications".

Swedish and Chinese and South Korean firms move quickly into production using the "patent-rejected" Hot E-Cat technology.    Industrial espionage is suspected.   Patents are being granted by the home nations.

USA loses out on controlling "future energy" due to excessive and stupid US Patent Office requirements and Nuclear Regulatory Agency red tape.


Now, the good news is that this is semi-fictional.   Only half these statements are real and true at this time.

HOWEVER, if the Patent Office keeps their thumbs up their butts within 60 days they will all be true.

What does it take to derail the US Patent Office?   Just a few briefs saying the stuff can't possibly work that way while the brief filers hurry to get their own patent stuff ready in other countries.

The Patent Fur Ball now begins in earnest .....
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« Last Edit: 10/05/14 at 06:00:07 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #25 - 10/04/14 at 13:29:46

Brillouin was founded in 2009, the company has fairly good scientific community respect, whereas Rossi had not much to none.    Godes at Brillouin will take a shot at explaining the Rossi Hot E-Cat reaction (why there are no free neutrons and no hard gamma radiation) while Rossi says nothing on the subject for fear of letting his secret ingredients out of the bag.

Brillouin has just been granted US Patent Office base patents on the new 25% improved tetra hertz exciter that makes the LENR reaction go better, while Rossi still has no patents granted at all on anything at all by anybody anywhere at the present time.

China has already granted Brillouin real applications patents on LENR steam generators, while Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC seem to be shooting for furnace heater cores and still have not the first real finished US Patent Office patent nor any Chinese patents either.

Please remember, Rossi can claim (and possibly prove) that all these other guys cranked up their current E-CAT research thrusts AFTER the US Patent Office published Rossi's 2008 patent application and laid out the Rossi E-CAT process that the US Patent Office then went and denied the patent for because of several briefs written from other scientists (who had read the published patent application) saying it couldn't possibly work.  

"It has no functional basis in any current chemical or nuclear theory" as written in 2008 by the naysayers was true enough at the time, old style chemical or old style nuclear theory hasn't caught up with the transformation energy field at all yet.    But patent law does not require you to give a full theory for your device, just show that your invention works.    Rossi has done that now repeatedly.

Rossi will be in a fairly good position to ask that his patent be back dated to 2008 when the fur all settles out of the air and the Patent Office is forced to admit it DOES work (and it will require a new quantum transformation theory which ISN"T required for patenting a new idea BTW)  .....  

However, with the US Patent Office asking and getting are always two different things.  

It is becoming clear that a synthesis of several people's ideas and work is really needed to optimize LENR energy into a full manufacturing reality, so the Patent Office's current procedure of granting patents on the smaller proven out bits and pieces as they come to full fruit may well intentionally be the way USA patents on LENR energy are handled.

However, this is not the system China follows.   You apply first, they grant you the patent.  Because of this response speed issue, the Swedish, South Korean and Chinese national LENR patents are being granted as we speak.   The USA will in the end not control the patents on these new energy sources as our USA Patent Office is simply too stubborn, slow and stogy.

Smiley        dat kitty fur, it is jest a flyin'
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« Last Edit: 10/04/14 at 20:02:31 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #26 - 10/04/14 at 19:58:42

News flash ......   China apparently wishes to "own" transformation energy and control the patents within their legal system

"The Cold Fusion Now website is reporting that Brillouin Energy Corporation has been granted a Chinese patent for its low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology. If this rumor is true it could mean that Brillouin is the only company which has been granted an LENR patent by one of the world’s major powers.
As far as I know China is the only country where Brillouin has a patent. The company is currently have the SRI International laboratory in Menlo Park, California, testing its LENR boiler technology. The Brillouin boiler is based upon work done by Robert E. Godes who is currently serving as the company’s president and Chief Technical Officer. The patent apparently covers Brillouin’s latticed assisted nuclear reactions and quantum fusion technology.
Brillouin has not been able to get its patents approved in the United States or Europe. The US Patent Office reportedly has a long standing policy of not accepting cold fusion related patents.
It is unclear what exactly Brillouin has patented in China because the company has not yet completed tests on its technology. Brillouin which is based in Berkley, California, has managed to get $2 million in venture capital to fund its work."

Ouch, that has to hurt the Industrial Heat LLC guys feelings.         Tongue


The Brillouin guys go on YouTube to explain in lay terms how their version of hot E-Cat works.   The layman's explanation is overly simplistic, but it does tell you why there are no loose neutrons and no gamma radiation.

Yeah, we know, the stuff works -- Rossi has been doing it for years now but has been refusing to say exactly how his works due to patent concerns.   These Brillouin folks don't claim to have invented the base idea, but they do theirs differently using excitement pulses or pressure waves in a gas flow supported column of powdered nickel using a different form of exciter.  They claim higher efficiency and better temperature control.  THEY DO have granted application patents on a proposed steam plant that have actually been granted by China.   By its nature, their system is more complex and expensive compared to Rossi's system.

They do have patents now on their three basic applications and on their new exciter equipment that makes it work 25% better than what was available last year.   So they now feel they can tell you all about it ..... they have been granted a LENR patent by China and feel protected from being ripped off.
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« Last Edit: 10/05/14 at 07:15:12 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #27 - 10/05/14 at 06:59:56

Robert Godes, of Brillouin Energy Corporation explains how they have protected their technology with 19 patent applications outside of USA's jurisdiction.

OK, LENR works, is recognized as real by quicker, more nimble acting patent offices in China, South Korea and Sweden and 16 other countries.  

Local nation patents have now been granted in China and the explanation for how it works and why there are no loose neutrons and hard gamma radiation have been given publicly on YouTube.

Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC have been screwed over by the US Patent Office who it now comes out has had for years an internal policy not to grant cold fusion patents.   This internal policy has screwed Rossi over royally as they didn't even look to see it wasn't cold and wet but hot and dry.  It was transformation energy, not cold and not wet and not cold fusion.  

It was lattice assisted Quantum Transformation, if they had bothered to look ....   

Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC only have recourse now through the Federal Court System.

Industrial Heat LLC have a clear path to continue developing and selling their heating plant cores since they can show that completed industrial application pre-existed Brillouin's most recent China granted patent, and the fact they use Rossi's much simpler core structure (which was put into patent abeyance by the US Patent Office requiring "proof",  proof which was then ignored when it was shown to them) with a new requirement of third party scientific review laid down on Rossi to replace the functional proof that had been shown.  

It becomes obvious that the US Patent Office has just been stalling, under directions from somebody.

A big court battle will be required to resolve this patent mess, or else a quicker settlement out of court involving a cross licensing agreement between Brillouin Energy Corporation and Industrial Heat LLC to share each others IP.    

(This is the solution that GE and Westinghouse wound up reaching over Tesla's invention of AC generators and AC electrical motors, BTW)

Or, the US Patent Office could get off their dead butts and do a current review of Rossi's patent application (especially in light of all their excessive BS requirements that they had laid upon the man that the others were NOT required to do in China, Sweden and South Korea) and grant him his 2008 patent.

It is Tesla all over again, with the US Patent Office simply unable to recognize innovation or something that is "beyond current established scientific thinking" at all.  

It also appears that non-English speaking non-lawyers need not apply to the US Patent Office.

America has joined Great Britain in the "over the hill club" it seems.    

China is where you go with your innovative new ideas now-a-days.

Rest assured, China will not put any barriers in the way of any LENR based cheap, clean energy & heating implementations.  

Inexpensive green LENR based portable room heaters will be out within a year, manufactured in China for sale in China -- with home heating and commercial heating systems and power generator systems following on shortly.
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« Last Edit: 10/05/14 at 10:22:56 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #28 - 10/05/14 at 09:47:49
Ima hafta talk to a guy about this// Much as I am NOT a Wall Street/Investor kinda guy,, IF he says
Duuude,, better get in on this.
Well,, Ill get in..
If he Doesnt AND it blows up into something incredible,, Ill, well,, poot,, I dunno,, Cry?
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Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Reply #29 - 10/05/14 at 10:20:55

Rossi & company have "at risk" investors (11 million invested) lined up already -- they can't go public until they have a patent and whatever commercial approvals are needed.   First assembly line is already built and pre-orders have already been taken for thousands of implementation sites.  The US Patent Office is their current hold up, but there will be others to get past.

Brillouin wouldn't take any investors past the core group (2 million invested) until they had a patent -- since they now have a Chinese patent I would expect them to be accepting more money and taking on some Chinese partners to build their products in China under Chinese laws and patent protection.    

The Chinese government will NOT ALLOW anything to get in the way of this dirt cheap energy -- approvals will be hand stamped as needed.

Justin, you like me are just hind tit runt boys now -- we won't see it for years after China has it all over the place.

America HAS no energy policy, just Al Gore and his boys.     And the oil lobbyists .....
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