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Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’ (Read 1702 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #60 - 01/07/14 at 08:27:07
Darius was the Devil is quite far fetched.

I did not say he said he was the devil. Read a little closer.

It is found in Daniel 10: 12-13
The reference to Michael seems to refer to the same Michael mentioned later in the chapter and again in Jude and Revelation.
The angel was delayed 21 days because he was in some type of confrontation with the 'prince' of the Persian kingdom. The prince in this context refers to some spiritual being associated with the Persian kingdom since the same word prince is used to describe the arch-angel Michael. It seems doubtful that angels on the same side would resist each other to the point a higher ranking angel had to step in so logic seems to say the 'prince' of the Persian kingdom was an angel associated with Satan, not Satan himself.

The ramification of this is that there are things swirling on around us in a dimension that we (in our 3 dimensional world) are not capable of seeing. By definition almost, anyone believe in a God believes in a dimension we cannot comprehend. Imagine a 2 dimensional person trying to make contact or even imagine our 3 dimensional world.
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #61 - 01/08/14 at 06:30:44
I do not wish to quarrel, but am trying to see through your own eyes, and perhaps fail. After all, you are Anglosaxon, and perhaps Protestant, while I am Mediterranean and Catholic.

So, may I quote from KJV :

Daniel 10:10-13
King James Version (KJV)

10 And, behold, an 'and touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. [Daniel fell on all fours]

11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. [Daniel rises]

12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
[the MAN said "do not worry, I am here because of your piety and prayers"]

13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
[The Prince of Persia has resisted me, and Michael has come to help me, and I did not flee]

Now, if it is a spiritual being, a Seraph (=Archangel) speaking to Daniel, then it is a very rare event indeed, not recorded in any other historical record,
that spiritual beings fought against men (the Prince of Persia being Darius, King of the Medes) and even had to ask for reinforcements.

On the other hand, if we give heed to what aechaeologists tell us, that "angels" were often messengers = ambassadors / messagebearers, then it makes sense, because Daniel was one of King Ahasuerus' (Xerxes) Chief Counsellors.

True, in Daniel 9:21 we read that "Gabriel, the man [Daniel] had seen in [his] earlier vision, came to [him] in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice",
but is it not true that "flight" is a synonim for "fast ride" or "fast progress" in English? Is it not true that the past tense of such a "flight" is "fled", i.e. from the verb "to flee"?

Also, notice that nobody in the Old Testament has a name ending with " el " except for the Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Rhaphael, Uriel)
and some (not all) Prophets have " el " in their name, such as DaniEL, SamuEL, ELiyah (the "j" is wrong, being a consonantic vowel it should be a "y").

So, I am not advocating to live in the 6th Dimension here (we already have 4 to deal with daily and many claim to master the 5th as we speak) but I am trying to read with "elementary eyes".

Last: please be aware that the Book of Daniel was written centuries after the events actually happened, i.e. in the 2nd Century B.C., and are thus contemporary to the 4 Books of Maccabees.

It is like you and I writing of Capt. John Smith and Chief Powhatan without any source but for oral tradition.

I like to keep it simple.

Now, if you like Biblical puzzles, explain Exodus 4:24-26   Roll Eyes
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
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mpescatori   IP Logged
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #62 - 01/08/14 at 10:04:56
Yes I'm Protestant and yes, I agree with what you and Jerry said earlier about Protestant leaders being far less education on average than their Roman Catholic counterparts.

I can verify that since I am on a personnel committee for my church and we are looking at resumes for a new Pastor. It can be very disheartening to read what some are submitting. Certainly, there are far more desirable traits than being a Pastor than an ability to put together a modern resume (in some sense, that could be the least important ability), but on the other hand, I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to be able to type!

However, the flip side of that my Protestant denomination (Baptist and specifically CBF Baptist) don’t have the same hierarchy as other as other denomination. The benefit of this is its more difficult for false doctrine or even something like the Catholic Priest scandal to spread throughout numerous Churches . Our church is 100% independent. We have a national office for our denomination and they provide service and information, but there is no command center so to speak. We pursue worship as this congregation sees fit.

Again, another however, this same procedure allows for the Westboro Baptist Church to smear the Baptist name. There is no one is charge of all Baptist who can shut them down.

As to your other stuff.....

So, I am not advocating to live in the 6th Dimension here (we already have 4 to deal with daily and many claim to master the 5th as we speak) but I am trying to read with "elementary eyes".

.....I'm not sure if your English translation is coming across very well or if this is an example of your typical condescending self. ....

My bottom line is the story is written exactly as I mentioned. An angel spoke to Daniel and indicated he had been delayed. My personal opinion is you are again trying very, very hard to look for alternative explanations rather than simply what the text says. Maybe you are a Thomas Jefferson follower and can't grasp things beyond what you can see.

As to your other question; i'll look later, but I've got work to do. Off to Northern Michigan tomorrow where surprisingly it is some 25 degrees warmer than here in St. Louis, MO. Go figure.....
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #63 - 01/09/14 at 01:37:56
Again, I am trying not to quarrel,


I do not understand how an angel may accept Daniel's adoration on hands and knees, and then refuse John's adoration in the Book of Revelation:

"I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t! I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers who bear witness to Jesus.
Worship God. Witness to Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (The same exhortation is repeated almost word for word in Revelation 22:8-10.)
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #64 - 01/09/14 at 06:54:19
I do not understand how an angel may accept Daniel's adoration on hands and knees, and then refuse John's adoration in the Book of Revelation:

The Angel in Daniel doesn't. He tells him to 'stand upright'.  

And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. [Daniel rises]

In almost every instance, whenever a  human being is knowingly in the presence of angelic being, they faint or are overcome and fall to the ground.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #65 - 01/12/14 at 09:54:02
WebsterMark wrote on 01/08/14 at 10:04:56:

I can verify that since I am on a personnel committee for my church and we are looking at resumes for a new Pastor. It can be very disheartening to read what some are submitting. Certainly, there are far more desirable traits than being a Pastor than an ability to put together a modern resume (in some sense, that could be the least important ability), but on the other hand, I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to be able to type!

So if Jesus came back and applied for the position, you would turn Jesus away because he couldn't type?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #66 - 01/12/14 at 10:11:26
mpescatori wrote on 01/07/14 at 01:54:37:
mpescatori wrote on 01/02/14 at 07:43:01:
... I also recall reading that one thing was "the People of Israel", quite another were the nomadic desert dwellers referred to as "Jews".

It was a book describing archaeological research to verify stories of the Old Testament, especially referring to warsm battles and the role of Prophets in those wars. I forget the title and the author, but I'm sure I read it... somewhere...

I must correct myself, those desert-dwelling, nomadic people were not "Jews", they were "HBRW", "Habiru", "Hebrews" as opposed to "Israelites".

They were the descendants of Heber, or Eber. There are a nukber of Ebers in the O.T., one being a grandson of Shem, thus a Greatgrandson of Noah, another being mentioned in Numbers.
Whichever, the HBRW were what you today would call "Bedouins".

How do the "Hebrews" of Biblical times relate to the Ashkenazim Khazarians that have occupied Palestine since 1948?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #67 - 01/12/14 at 10:18:26
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #68 - 01/12/14 at 19:01:15
A Parable:

So Jesus finally returns…. better late than never. He quickly finds out that there is no free lunch…..he discovers that he needs some cash. So he sits under a shade tree and ponders what job is he most qualified for. After some time it comes to him…..he should preach just as he did the last time he was here.

Jesus walks a short distance and comes upon a church…. a Baptist Church……a First Baptist Church....he wonders where do they keep the Second Baptist Church, and all the others.....Being a savior with special super powers....he recognizes this building as his Fathers house…..don’t ask me how…… miracles aren’t my specialty…..I am just a narrator.

There posted on the front door of the church is a “Help Wanted – Pastor” sign.

So Jesus knocks on the door…. He is a polite prophet…..too polite to just barge in. After knocking until his knuckles are starting to hurt along with his nail scars…. the door finally opens and who should appear but none other than Webster. Webster asks the robe wearing, sandal clad dark skinned Middle Eastern looking guy standing humbly at the door what he wants. Jesus replied that he would like to preach again. Webster asks Jesus if he has a typed resume. Stunned Jesus answers that he doesn’t type or write, but he has preached many memorable sermons without notes and that he preaches his father’s words that come directly from his heart. Mr. Webster says, “Sorry dude, you’re not qualified.”
As Webster shuts the door, he says to himself, "Whew! That was scary! I must call Home Land Security and fast..... that guy has to be
an Al Qaida terrorist."
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« Last Edit: 01/13/14 at 08:47:54 by RatdogWillie »  

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #69 - 01/13/14 at 12:34:31
Daaang Rat!  Thats funny right there..
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #70 - 01/13/14 at 14:35:28
To have a knowledgeable pastor who can read, write and think.  Seems reasonable to me.  If you can't spell correctly, and present crap on a resume for a position such as pastor; you should not be surprised you remain unemployed.  Great Pastors also motivate the flock to join in, follow the word of the Lord, and participate in our world in a devout and humble manner. Wink  (Raised a Methodist, salvation through good works -yeah, I am not even close so far).
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #71 - 01/14/14 at 03:01:04
RatdogWillie wrote on 01/12/14 at 09:54:02:
WebsterMark wrote on 01/08/14 at 10:04:56:

I can verify that since I am on a personnel committee for my church and we are looking at resumes for a new Pastor. It can be very disheartening to read what some are submitting. Certainly, there are far more desirable traits than being a Pastor than an ability to put together a modern resume (in some sense, that could be the least important ability), but on the other hand, I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to be able to type!

So if Jesus came back and applied for the position, you would turn Jesus away because he couldn't type?

Er... sorry, guys, I really cannot agree on this one.

According to the Scriptures jesus was a Rabbi (he is called "Rabbi" more than once, and in our society you don't call someone "Father" unless he is your "A. dad" or "B. reverend or pastor".
So I like to think he was really a Rabbi, regardless of what others (the Church especially) may think.
Incidentally, to claim "in those days Rabbi did not mean rabbi it meant teacher rather sucks, because it is in contradiction with Luke 4:17 when Jesus was given the Torah and he reads from (supposedly) Isaiah.
Again, I say "supposedly" because the verses reported in Luke 4:17 do not match those actually fopund in Isaiah. Anyway, I disgress.

Jesus had been raised in Egypt, and being of a family well-off to the point it could afford to emigrate while still keeping the family business back home, certainly could also afford education for their only son.
So he learned to speak Hebrew (his family dialect) again Hebrew (the dialect spoken in the Delta where his family fled to be hosted by the local Jewish community) and obviously some Egyptian; this also means he learned to write in those languages, namely Hebrew (which in those days was a form of cuneiform Akkadic, not the "carrè" Hebrew we see today) and in "demotic" which was the common form of written egyptian, from which modern arabic derived.

Picture : fragment of Dead Sea Scroll written in "PaleoHebrew"

Other Dead sea Scroll fragment written in Greek

This is the world famous Rosetta Stone; top section written in Hyerogliphic, the Egyptian "sacred scripture"; middle section in Demotic, or "Layman's Egyptian"; bottom section in Greek.

I am certain Jesus also learned to read and write in Greek, because it was the common language of merchants in those days, and because all business calculus was done with greek numerals (letters of the alphabet, but still easier and more practical than egyptian or roman numerals)

So when Jesus forgives the adulteress and "writes in the sand" or "traces images in the sand" as was reported by illiterate witnesses, he was quite possibly writing a passage from the Torah so that "he who has eyes could see".

I am sure that if Jesus came today, he would start preaching, but would not be your everyday television preacher.
He had no horse, he had no chariot, he had no press agent then, I'm sure he wouldn't need them these days, either.

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« Last Edit: 01/14/14 at 04:03:13 by mpescatori »  

Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #72 - 02/08/14 at 12:22:41
Another truth bearing article:

Israel’s “a one-way street” relationship with the US
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« Last Edit: 02/17/14 at 12:36:13 by RatdogWillie »  

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Serious Thumper

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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #73 - 02/17/14 at 12:37:46
Scrutinizing Israel role in 2001 anthrax attacks

In late September 2001, a couple of weeks after 9/11, the United States was struck with what the Bush regime dubbed a “second wave” of terrorism. Letters laced with deadly anthrax spores arrived in the mailboxes of prominent media figures and two American senators. Five people were killed and 17 others were infected.

A concerted effort was made by the Bush regime and the mainstream US media to present the anthrax attacks as the work of the same people who perpetrated 9/11. They were, in a sense, correct, but the people behind 9/11 and the subsequent anthrax fiasco were not members of al-Qaeda or adherents of the Islamic faith.

A very clear and discernable pattern of propaganda was foisted upon the American public following 9/11. Zionists from Israel and the US took a leading role in assigning responsibility for the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbour. Unsurprisingly, the Zionists immediately pointed fingers at all of their Middle Eastern rivals and adversaries, from resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to countries such as Iraq, Iran and Syria.

Israel’s enemies were being portrayed as America’s enemies too. Together, said the Zionists, Israel and America can defeat “the forces of darkness.” Israel’s crude campaign of innuendo and Orwellian projection manifested within a few hours of the 9/11 attacks. Israeli politicians Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres all made public statements calling on the US and other Western powers to initiate a global “war on terrorism,” a term coined by Likudniks in the 1980s.

Israel’s army intelligence service Aman and the former Mossad chief Rafi Eitan trumpeted brazen disinformation shortly following 9/11, alleging Iraqi involvement in the attacks. In August of 2001 the Mossad delivered a propagandistic “warning” to the CIA alleging al-Qaeda and Iraq were working together and were plotting terror attacks on major US landmarks.  The neoconservatives, who are for all intents and purposes emissaries of the Israeli regime in the US, went straight to work in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other Zionist-controlled media outlets, attempting to portray Arabs and Muslims generally as the sponsors of 9/11 and the source of all terrorism in the world.

The same pattern of Zionist deception is apparent with the anthrax attacks. Israel’s partisans immediately mobilized a propaganda initiative to link Iraq and al-Qaeda to the anthrax mailings.

On various occasions [former US] president George W. Bush and vice president thingy Cheney told reporters that al-Qaeda was likely involved in the lethal mailings. The docile mainstream media unquestioningly repeated this unfounded assertion. A stunning piece of disinformation appeared in an Oct. 27, 2001, report in the London Times, alleging that an Iraqi official met with 9/11 patsy Mohamed Atta in the Czech Republic in April 2001.  The report went on to suggest that during the rendezvous the Iraqi official gave Atta a flask of anthrax. The origin of this dubious claim was noted in the article: Israeli security sources. The chief of Czech foreign intelligence, Frantisek Bublan, later revealed that this supposed meeting never took place and was nothing more than a propaganda invention of interested parties. “Promoting a so-called ‘Prague connection’ between Atta and [the Iraqi official] al-Ani might have been a ploy by U.S. policymakers seeking justifications for a new military action against...Saddam Hussein,” Bublan told the Prague Post.

When the Iraq/al-Qaeda propaganda narrative fell apart, the FBI targeted two...within the US bio-weapons establishment: scientists Steven Hatfill and Bruce Ivins. The FBI began harassing Hatfill and publicly called him a “person of interest” in the anthrax investigation.

Hatfill vehemently denied the charges and was eventually exonerated. He later sued the FBI and other US government agencies, winning a settlement of more than $5 million in damages. Like Hatfill, Ivins was an unlikely suspect for the anthrax attacks as well.

There was no evidence tying Ivins to the anthrax letters and he had no conceivable motive. The FBI launched an intense campaign of innuendo against Ivins in an effort to convict him in the court of public opinion. Just before he was set to be indicted and stand trial, Ivins allegedly attempted suicide via an overdose of Tylenol while in his Maryland home and died in hospital shortly thereafter.How convenient.

Ivins worked at a US bio-weapons facility called USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, Maryland. This is where the FBI claims the anthrax used in the attacks originated. Since there is no evidence that Ivins was involved in the anthrax mailings, there is likewise no reason to believe the FBI’s claim that the anthrax spores used in the letters originated from that facility.

Another curious event took place during the anthrax affair that garnered little attention from the mainstream press for obvious reasons. An Arab-American scientist who worked at the same Fort Detrick facility as Ivins was the victim of an attempted frame-up. Shortly before the first known victim of the anthrax attacks was confirmed, an anonymous letter was mailed to the FBI that attempted to implicate Dr. Ayaad Assaad as a “potential biological terrorist.”  The author of the letter claimed to have worked with Assaad previously and alleged that Assaad had a vendetta against the US government, urging the FBI to stop him. The letter prompted the FBI to investigate Assaad. The FBI questioned him in early October 2001 and quickly cleared him of any involvement with the anthrax attacks.

Strangely, the FBI seemed uninterested in finding out who sent the anonymous letter implicating Assaad, even though the contents and timing of the letter were amazingly conspicuous, coming just prior to a real bio-terrorist attack. Assaad suspected the letter-writer was involved in the anthrax mailings and opined that his Arab background made him the “perfect scapegoat.”

One possible source of the frame-up letter was a man named Dr. Philip Zack, a microbiologist and Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. Zack worked at USAMRIID alongside Assaad in the early 1990s. Zack and other employees at the lab formed a clique called the “camel club” to bully Arab co-workers, particularly Assaad. One day in April 1991 Assaad found a poem in his mailbox written by Zack and other members of the “camel club” which mocked his Arabic heritage.  Zack and several of his fellow anti-Arab racists voluntarily left the facility when Assaad informed his superiors of the harassment campaign.

In 1992, anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other deadly pathogens went missing from the Fort Detrick facility. An internal investigation discovered that someone was entering the lab late at night to conduct unauthorized research involving anthrax. The inquiry also revealed that Dr. Philip Zack made an unauthorized visit to the lab on Jan. 23, 1992, at a time when he was no longer working at the facility.  Despite Zack’s suspicious past behaviour and harassment of Assaad, the FBI made no effort to pursue him as a suspect in the 2001 anthrax investigation.

A very revealing aspect of the whole affair was the fact that the anthrax-tainted letters were made to look like a Muslim who was angry at Israel and the United States authored them. “Death to Israel, Death to America, Allah is Great,” the letters read.  Whoever was actually behind the anthrax mailings was evidently attempting to lead authorities to believe a Muslim or group of Muslims was responsible.

So where did the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks come from? Researcher Robert Pate posited a plausible theory in an essay entitled, “The Anthrax Mystery: Solved.”  In the paper, Pate suggests Israel is the most likely culprit. According to Pate’s research, Israel had the means, motive and opportunity to secure anthrax spores and deliver them to her targets without being detected. Pate demonstrates that Israel has had a sophisticated chemical and biological weapons program since its inception in 1948. Israel has produced biological agents including anthrax at the Israel Institute of Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona, located a few miles southeast of Tel Aviv.

“With the help of Jewish scientists from the former Soviet Union,” Pate opines, “Israel’s bio-weapons research has probably surpassed that of all other nations. The Soviet Union’s bio-weapons program had 32,000 scientists and staff working in 40 different research and production facilities. Two thousand of these scientists worked exclusively on the Soviet anthrax program. A significant number of these scientists may have immigrated to Israel and become employed in her bio-weapons programs.”

Pate cites a research paper by Dr. Avner Cohen titled “Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control” which outlines Israel’s biological and chemical weapons capabilities.  Anthrax is certainly in Israel’s biological arsenal. In the paper, Cohen also describes how Zionist militants poisoned Palestinian water supplies with deadly pathogens during the 1948 ‘Nakba,’ wherein Zionist gangs completely destroyed and depopulated more than 500 Arab villages in order to birth...[Israel entity] . Historical examples of Zionist biological warfare noted by Pate, in addition to Israel’s penchant for false flag terrorism against its “allies” such as the Lavon Affair and USS Liberty attack, lead him to believe that Israel was willing and able to commit a biological attack in the US – a classic false flag operation to frame her enemies for political gain.

“A motive for the anthrax attacks would be to blame Arab terrorists or a ‘rogue nation’ for this atrocity and to help launch the United States into war against Israel’s enemies,” writes Pate. “[Israel’s motive] in launching the anthrax attacks would be to bring America into war against Iraq and to remove that country as a potential threat to...[Israel].”  As noted earlier, Israeli intelligence contrived a false story to implicate Muslims where they claimed to have observed a meeting between an Iraqi official and alleged al-Qaeda ringleader Mohamed Atta in the Czech Republic in which an exchange of anthrax is said to have occurred. If Israel had nothing to do with the anthrax attacks, then why did they propagate lies with the intent to implicate Iraq and al-Qaeda? American authorities admit that no Muslim or Arab was involved in the anthrax mailings, so who else but Israel and corrupted Americans in the Bush administration could have been behind this obvious false flag?

It can be said without doubt that some members of the Bush administration had foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks. Press reports revealed that White House officials including Bush and Cheney went on a steady regimen of the drug known as Cipro, a powerful antibiotic effective against anthrax infection, weeks before the anthrax-tainted letters were first discovered.

The theory that Israel and its accomplices in the Bush administration launched a biological false flag operation as a “second phase” of the overarching 9/11 deception is well within the realm of possibilities regarding 2001’s anthrax attacks in the US. It is certainly far more plausible than the FBI’s flimsy and still-unproven case against Bruce Ivins who conveniently died before any evidence could be aired in the courts.

But it would be foolish to place any hope on President Obama -- a committed servant of the Israeli-American empire -- to launch a new, independent investigation into any of these troubling matters.
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #74 - 06/28/14 at 18:32:12
June 28, 2014
Israelis in denial of their inhumanity
Israel can’t force-feed occupation to those who hunger for freedom

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

For more than a month Israel sought to wriggle off a hook that should have snared it from the start. Two children, 17 and 16, were shot dead during Nakba Day protests near Ramallah, in which youths threw stones ineffectually at well-protected and distant Israeli military positions.

Hundreds of Palestinian children have lost their lives over the years at the end of a sharpshooter’s sights, but the deaths of Nadim Nuwara and Mohammed Abu al-Thahir in Beitunia were not easily forgotten. Israel was quickly cornered by an accumulation of physical and visual evidence.

Israel’s usual denials – the deaths were faked, video footage was doctored, Israeli soldiers were not responsible, the youths provoked the soldiers, no live ammunition was used – have been discredited one by one. Slowly Israel conceded responsibility, if only by falling into a grudging silence.

Murder on film

A CCTV camera mounted on the outer wall of a carpentry shop provided the most darning evidence: it captured the moments when the two unarmed boys were each hit with a live round, in one case as the youth can be seen walking away from the protest area (see video below).

But rather than come to terms with the world as it now is, Israel wants to preserve the way it once was. It believes that through force of will it can keep the tide of accountability at bay in the occupied territories.

There has been no admission of guilt, no search for the guilty soldiers and no reassessment of its policies on crowd control or the use of live fire – let alone on the continuation of the occupation. Instead, 20 soldiers arrived last week at the store in Beitunia, threatened to burn it down, arrested the owner, Fakher Zayed, and ordered he remove the camera that caused so much embarrassment.

According to Israel, the fault lies not with a society where teenage soldiers can choose to swat a Palestinian child as casually as a fly. The problem is with a Palestinian storekeeper, who assumed he could join the modern world.

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